Welcome to my Guestbook!

Donald de Mont - 12/18/00 18:20:03
My Email:Melchezidek@email.msn.com

Thank you for having such a comprehensive site for information on this great but generally obscure church father. Most orthodox clergy, to whom I have made mention, have no knowledge of this man, or his acheivements. That is obviously a problem.

Patricia - 12/03/00 06:24:07
My Email:Snowdoove@msn.com

Very interesting. Will come back often. GodBless!

Robert M. Price - 10/17/00 13:07:05
My Email:Criticus@aol.com

A wonderful and immensely valuable site! Its creator (and I don't mean the angry Creator rejected by Marcion!) deserves much gratitude! Ah! If only Marcionite Christianity had prevailed, with its respect for and refusal to co-opt Judaism, maybe Christian istory would have been free of anti-Semitism!

Giles Fischer - 10/15/00 19:05:34
My Email:gcfischer@earthlink.net

Nicely done work. Very good job with the hyperlinked footnotes :-)

Giles Fischer - 10/15/00 18:34:32
My Email:gcfischer@earthlink.net

Nice job! Great graphics :-)

Werner Schneider - 09/27/00 09:10:44
My Email:kairodata@web.de

This is an very inportant site! Marcion may be one of most underestimated persons in early christian history. Was mostly impressed by Detering "der gefaelschte Paulus" (fabricated paul) (cf. guest entry daughty) When someones knows german versions of related texts, I would be very grateful to get some hint.

J Vincent Beall - 09/26/00 01:18:41
My URL:http://geocities.com/vincebeall/
My Email:vincebeall@yahoo.com

Your guestbook is quite interesting. The comments seem to indicate that your Marcion information is worth investigation. When time permits I may visit again.

fred again - 09/06/00 18:34:59

having looked at your website i have found it very interesting and very helpful. so all the best

fred - 09/06/00 18:30:56

not so good a bit disapointed

GENE NEWLUN - 08/15/00 11:32:45
My Email:newlun@postoffice.swbell.net


Andrew C. Slaughter - 08/15/00 02:18:34
My Email:kjv_user@hotmail.com

I have errored greatly. Universalism is false and www.concordant.org which teaches it is wrong. I'm afraid Marcion's Theology is also wrong, the God of Israel is the Eternal Father which JESUS Anointed proclaimed as well as Paul of Tarsus a one sent out to proclaim the Good News of Jesus 1 Cor.15:1-4. The Torah and Prophets speak of Anointed Jesus. Other interestings sites are www.gmaf.org and www.centuryone.org God Bless You, LOVE NEVER FAILS!

stephan - 08/08/00 06:10:23
My Email:stephan@mapapa.com

Finding this page has been one of the happiest moments of my life. I mean that sincerely. Whenever I pick-up a book on theology, especially that of Paul I always thumb to the back and look to see if Marcion is cited anywhere in the text. It is hilariou to see the endless drivel that is written on the subject of Christianity without citing Marcion - as if it is good enough to take the word of the authorities. This very argument rests on an assumption which is biased towards the very faith we are suppo ed to be questioning. For it has to assume - unconsciously or not - that what survives in the world is "chosen" or worse yet "sanctioned" by God. This is an argument which itslef is never examined. In order to give Marcion his due we must challenge all our presuppositions - the very presuppositions we received from the world. Indeed we must challenge the very concept of "world" and "survival of the fittest" and "natural law" in order to accord Marcion's very conception of a truth - indeed of a god - wh ch stands higher than the world, its proper due. While I do not share your understanding of Marcion's Euangelion I admire your inspiration. It is the beginning of something which will one day blossom forth into something sublime

jddavid - 08/03/00 04:50:06
My URL:/jddavidy/ppblue.html
My Email:omaha43@dingoblue.net.au

grs mead marcion st paul martin luther protestants forever

Janet L. Knoblock - 06/28/00 20:14:16
My Email:rvmama@earthlink.net

A friend sent me the info that your site has been updated. I had at one time paid to download your info. and it was on a different computer and email address. my email was, jknob89110@aol.com and I am wondering if you keep that kind of info and that I m y download it again on this computer or if I need to buy it again if I want to have another copy? I look forward to visiting again soon.

REPLY: Dear Janet, thank you for your interest in my website! I must confess, I'm a bit confused that someone is charging you to download information from my site, when in fact, you may download everything from this website for free. I've never charged an thing for materials at this site. You had mentioned that this was done on a different computer -was the owner of this computer charging you? -D.J.M.
bob - 04/27/00 19:07:46


Bill Donnelly - 02/24/00 02:23:24
My Email:arius1@aol.com


Thadeus T. Rivers - 02/19/00 02:27:23
My Email:ttrivers46@msn.com

Marcion seems to have been vindicated by Harnack and others of all his "crimes" except one. Marcion's heresy (Docetism) is based solely on Tertullian's argument that Marcion denied the "true humanity of Jesus." However, Tertullian was wrong in every arg ment he made against Marcion. Tertullian's argument begins with, "a woman cannot have a baby as the guest of the womb (an embryonic transplant)" and ends with, "if a woman could (idem) then she could not nurse her baby because it would not be a real baby " Later, John Calvin identified Menno Simons, Michael Servetus and the Ana-Baptist as the new Marcionites. I want to share my research. RSVP

Anthony den Hartog - 02/04/00 10:08:57
My URL:http://freedomvoice.net/welcome.htm
My Email:hartoga@bigpond.com

I will not give a lenghty comment on your writings but I do believe we have the same Spiritual Witness as Jesus had when Truth about a Loving Father was declared by Him. I will study them thorouly! John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hear th my voice. (KJV) Put me on your mailing list! Tony!

Andrew C. Slaughter - 12/22/99 00:19:04
My Email:kjv_user@hotmail.com

I love this site! I am Antiorthodox and recently I have learned about Universalisnm at www.corcordant.org, and I believe it's the truth. I am also interested in learning more about Apelles, the Marcion student who later started his own school. Peace to all my Pauline people. LOVE NEVER FAILS

Richard Reed - 12/02/99 02:19:56
My Email:frodosfriend@juno.com


Elio Jucci - 11/22/99 14:12:05
My URL:http://dobc.unipv.it/SETH/
My Email:eljucci@unipv.it

Great site ...!

darrell doughty - 10/31/99 02:55:13
My URL:http://www,depts.drew.edu/jhc/
My Email:ddoughty@drew.edu

Still a very nice site. Where do you go from here? I'm presently translating Hermann Deterings new book, >Der gefaelschte Paulus< (The Frabricated Paul), who regards Marcion (or the Marcionites) as the author of the Pauline writings. Darrell

Bruce Juno - 10/30/99 07:46:11
My Email:pwipwi@hotmail.com

Very intersting. I am going to have a test on Marcionism, Arianism, Nesorianism, and etc. So thanks for this webpage becuase I got some study source form it, especially about my friend Marcion. Thanks and my the Good God of New Testament Bless you.

Richie - 09/28/99 18:20:24
My Email:RdsFez@aol.com

What a pleasure it was to stumble into your site! I am a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) tradition. I mention Marcion often. Mostly, in relation to gender issues, seeing that Marcionites were considerably less sexist than their o thodox counterparts. Marcion correctly professed that God would speak to and through humans at will -- not through systems of human bishops and other constructed authorities.

JANET - 09/10/99 17:20:45
My Email:JKnob89110@aol.com

My friend Dr. C.R. Bierbower sent me some of the writings from here. I find it very interesting indeed. I am trying to aquire some of the books referenced but have only received one from Amazon so far. Thanks for the s

Carroll R. Bierbower Phd. - 08/08/99 05:14:10
My Email:drcrb@cavenet.com

I just sent you an E-mail thanking you for your web sigh

Michael - 07/26/99 04:09:06
My URL:http://internettrash.com/users/chainbreak/
My Email:tesserac@bigfoot.com

Two of my favorite quotes, "A heretic is one who thinks with his own mind" (anonymous) & "SAINT - a dead sinner revised and edited" (Ambrose Bierce). Like many, I've had terrible experiences with "conservative" Christianity/Christians. They too, have the ight to believe whatever they want to, it just seems ironic that modern day Christianity in America seems to be a very insidious & enigmatic form of hate or control. There are exceptions, however, they seem to be a very small percentage. Great job on your website. Marcion is one of my fav heretics too :).

g.v.pauper - 07/18/99 02:39:16
My Email:pauper@capitolhill.net

I'm grateful there's a site for Marcion, my favorite heretic. I'd like to see a modern Marcionite polemic or apology. Thanks again for the site.

Darryl Thomas - 06/17/99 19:12:51
My Email:kingdarryl@hotmail.com

I am so glad that there is a site that acknowledges the great Marcion. I look forward on revisiting this site soon.

Sam Spade - 05/28/99 10:26:20


- 05/18/99 23:40:03


Andrew Hogue - 05/04/99 23:30:54
My URL:http://www.strike.someone.net
My Email:williamhogue@usa.net

I understand that the Catholic (Vatican, Roman, or whatever we can call it) church is a compromise between ancient Gnosticism, paganism, and even some Roman Mythologies. I think it may be a fallacy to assume that the writings you're researching are Ho y Writ. It may be another attempt to 'de-christianize' the Church. When people were forced into the Church (wrongly), they lashed back. Anyway, thanks for the research and food for thought.

Ivan Ostapyuk - 05/02/99 17:36:22
My Email:ostap@dgweb.com

I have been surprised for 5 years how our churches mix two testaments as adding old leaven.(mixing both lives Adam & Christ) When I met Marcion I saw that I am in one spirit with him on this point.I would like to know more about first christian canon.Ivan

Terry Sternberg - 03/27/99 23:08:23
My Email:tms1@calwest.net

Thanks for the good work!

Boyd Gutbrod - 02/16/99 21:42:16
My Email:oldboy@nconnrct.net

I enjoyed your research. Certainly Marcion was the catilyst for the N.T. if not the true father.It is a shame more information is not available especially about the pre-Nicine church. Also I would like more info on the Pauline-James -Peter clash. That cou d be most interesting toward the earliest development of the church. Keep up the good work.

gina - 02/02/99 00:26:43
My Email:caiobaby2@aol.com

nice site. thanks.

Larry - 01/10/99 00:52:00
My Email:LKemp2@aol.com

Good info, cool art work. Thanks

Willem HOFLAND - 01/03/99 19:02:57
My Email:courtland@worldonline.nl

Dear Sir, I was surprised and pleased to find your site on Marcion. I have been studying the origins of Christianity for many years and I have come to the conclusion that Marcion's role in christian beginnings was different from what we have been told by the socalled churchfathers. Other christian authors like Adolf von Harnack have not made us any wiser, as they based their 'findings' on the same information. I'll send you an e-mail with some of MY findings, which may be of interest to you. Cordially, W.Hofland

Bill Simons - 12/27/98 16:33:04
My URL:http://www.pics.com/~bsimons/index.html
My Email:billsimons@rocketmail.com

Found your site with a search for SINOP. I was stationed there with the US Army in 1960 and have a website dedicated to those stationed there from 1958-1995.

David Barker - 12/22/98 18:37:25
My Email:David@thebarkers.freeserve.co.uk

I've recently completed some research on the influence of Marcion on the textual history of the last 2 chapters and doxology of Romans.

Robert HAll - 12/16/98 15:16:30
My Email:hallterrapin@hotmail.com


Ryan M. - 11/24/98 17:16:38


10/26/98 10:47:44
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

mia - 10/14/98 12:18:43
My Email:doffes@goplay.com

i think the bible is a clever book id luv to know more about it if you have any poems it would be most apriciated.. thankyou mia

George Howard - 10/12/98 12:00:08
My Email:howard@arches.uga.edu

Marcion is an interesting subject. I have been working on the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew in recent years and ran across a parallel between HebMatt and Marcion. Both leave out (HebMatt in some mss) the parable recorded in Matt 21:33-46 and Luke 20:9-19 (The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen).

Bobby Wasicki - 09/08/98 20:35:56
My Email:bahbeewas@earthlink.net


David A. Anderson - 08/18/98 01:53:55
My URL:http://www.en.com/users/anders
My Email:anders@en.com

Just started looking- love the guy going to work above the counter number. More to come. Dave

Robin - 07/30/98 04:18:47
My Email:toozabell@hotmail.com

Hi there, it's me!! Best of luck with your website! It's starting to take shape nicely. I hope you get a lot of visitors.

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