Classes & Lectures

some hyperlinks available...
- Chinese Film--5th Generation Chinese Film: Chen Kaige, Jiang Jimou, John Woo
(Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Spring 1997)
- Freud's Interpretation of Dreams and the Process of Scriptwriting
(Film Criticism and Theory Lecture, Spring 1996)
- Blood of Our Ancestors: Repression and the State of the Arts in Soviet Cinema
(International Film II Lecture, Winter 1996)
- Film History: Birth of Cinema to the French New Wave
(Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Fall 1995)
- Northern Exposure: Documenting Ethics
(Media Ethics Paper, delivered 1993)
- La Sentinelle: Foucault, Spy Films, and Post World War Two
(1992 New York Film Festival, Student Critic Review)
- An Articulation of Space in Satori: Derrida and Language Theory
(Comparative Literature Seminar Paper, delivered 1992)
- Le Pense Sauvage: Claude Levi - Strauss and an introduction to wild thinking
(Comparative Literature Seminar Paper, delivered 1992)
- Kafka: A Case History in the Construction of Negative Identity
(Freud and Literature Syllabus, Rutgers University 1991)
Course Syllabi & Manuscripts
Social and Political Struggle: Buddhism and Indigenous Beliefs in Contemporary Korean Cinema
(Successfully defended MA thesis, published by UMI June 1997)
- Three Korean Directors: Shin San Ok, Yu Hyun Mok, Im Kwon Taek
(Journal of the MOMA November 1996 Series, published by Electric Shadows Journal)
- Documentary Ethics and the Passive Spectator: Bill Nichols' Axiographics
(Manuscript from MA Comprehensive Exams, successfully defended 1996)
- Landscape and Place - Reflections on the Flaherty Seminar: Searching for Real Estate
(Journal review of the Flaherty Seminar, Summer 1996)
- Applied Film Theory: A class plan for developing critical viewers
(Graduate Film Course Syllabus for Advanced Film Theory, Summer 1996)
- History III: Experimental Film
(Film Archive Journal on Experimental film in the US, Spring 1996)
- The 1996 International Athens Film and Video Festival
(Film Journal/Workshop, Program and Press Releases, Spring 1996)
- On Penance and Progress: Chinese Film Theory and Tian Zhuanzhuang's Horse Thief
(Graduate International Film Studies Final Paper, Fall 1995)
- Films from Japan: A Cultural Inquiry
(Graduate Film Course Syllabus, International Film Studies, Fall 1995)
- Broken Blossoms, The Cheat, The Good Earth, Asian Representations in Early Cinema:
Criticism of the Immigrant Experience/American Inversions
(Graduate Film History Research Paper, Fall 1995)
- Vision/TEXT/Listening: from Pre-FACE to Post Self
(Comparative Literature Thesis, Honors Award, Summer 1993)
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