Can I add your lemming to my collection?
It doesn't mean it's not your lemming anymore
(it's not like selling your soul to someone). It just means, well, it's difficult to say.
I guess it means that if you're lemming is recorded in my little book, you're not "just
another brick in the wall". I dunno. That's not really the point of the thing. What is
the point? Care to join me on a little...walk?
First, let's hear a word from our dear friend and fellow insanitic, Kafka:
A Little Fable
by Kafka
"Alas," said the mouse, "the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.
the end
Spiffy, no? Okay (why not oh-ell? It's about time this word took a step up in the world. With all the work it does, one would think it deserves a promotion), now on to the lemmings.
People have both an obsession with time and a fear of death. (Well, most people seem to. I, on the other hand, seem to be just the opposite: I have a fear of time and an obsession with, I'm a sadomasochistic doomsayer, so sue me) They have "so little to do and so much time...strike that. Reverse it"--Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (I don't think I quoted that right, but have you noticed how fucked-up that movie is? It's a kids movie, for Satan's sake! Do we really want all these little seven-year-olds on LSD or what?)
Anyway, without further interruption and in a new paragraph...Everyone has places to go and people to see, and all must be done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It's like Kafka's little fable. No one is really thinking about where all the going and seeing will lead to. People IGNORE DEATH. They think that in their hurry to get everything done, they are running away from and evading death when, in actuality, they are running to it, just like Kafka's mouse.
My lemming thing is my own little metaphor, or fable if you like, which depicts the human race as running blindly and, NO MATTER WHAT, eventually jumping into the sea. There is NO WAY TO ESCAPE DEATH.
"So we are all lemmings gone berserk, so what?"
I collect people's lemmings, by asking them which lemming they are, and record their answers- their lemmings- in a nifty little book before they jump into the sea and are lost forever. It's a psychological game, a question to which there is no right or wrong answer. A person may play around with words and concepts (without making it too long). I ask only that each person is satisfied on some level with his/her lemming. Other than that it's free choice.
Okay, now I will tell you my lemming, then ask you for yours. Ready?
"I am the self-analyzing lemming. You know, the one who stops to wonder what everyone's running from and where they expect to go. I am the one who, despite efforts to run the other way, ends up jumping into the sea just like everyone else."
"And you? Which lemming are you?"--Eh?
I genuinely hope that you are not one of those annoying people who say "Oh, that's cool" and go and tell all their friends without ever giving me a lemming. Now THAT is frustrating!!! Please, do SEND ME YOUR LEMMING, and if you do want to share the metaphor, that's fine so long as you share the lemmings you find with me. It is important that I recieve lemmings in the exact words the owner issued them. I also need the name of the owner of each lemming should you happen to stumble upon some to share with me. Gracie.
Always remember to stop to ponder the roses before jumping into the sea. @8~ ??
Please send all lemmings HERE. If you do not wish to make a donation to the Lemming Fund, please hit Ctrl-Alt-Del several times rapidly.