"Is everybody in?
    Is everybody in?
       Is everybody in?

The ceremony is about to begin.


You can't remember where it was      
Has this dream stopped?"

                                       --Jim Morrison

        Yes, it is I, the reincarnation of Jim Morrison. (Ya know-- Lead singer for The Doors (a really...sorry, THE really cool band of the late 60s, early 70s) ) I don't know if I was anyone between "his" death and "my" birth, but I do know that "I am He" (sounds suspiciously like a Beatles song). Sometimes I get tripped out knowing that I have posters on my wall which are pictures of me before I died. It's like some dead guy is looking at me...only it's me who is dead and looking at me...

        Wanna read something funny? About me? And my nick name Jim Morrison? And see a REALLY COOL web page? Go to The Slushy Planet. Look around, maybe do a quiz or two, whatever, and determine that YES, THIS IS A COOL PAGE. Then, when you are ready, go to "Ask Slushy" and read the 9-4-97 entry. Yes, it's about me and no I didn't write it and yes I know who did. It's pretty funny (I think, but that's just me.)

See the resemblence?