The final project for the Advanced Placement students was to create their own E-Zine. This would be an electronic version of a literary magazine. Each student was asked to submit a fresh piece of writing or artwork. Students were encouraged to write poetry, present a brief story, a scene from a play, a saturation report, a brief autobiographical incident, or an essay of a persuasive or narrative nature. The class was told that this e-zine would be archived for reference by future advanced placement classes, so they were strongly advised to make this a piece of which each could be proud.

We created an editorial board to design and construct the e-zine. We also reviewed the principles of web page design and standard hypertext mark-up language.

Artwork for title page supplied by Kabir Affonso

"I Could Have" by Grant Aldrich
"where do we go from here?" by Jarrod Armour
"The Ride" by Joel Carlson
"The Night Sky" by Jill Chiurazzi
"The Slide of Life" by Kelly Foster
"The Sculptor" by Eric Frey
"Fifteen-Fifths" by Emily Grider
"What It Means to be Homeless" by Peter Hsu
"Road" by Alissa Ko
A picture of the versatile Maggie by Mark Kobal
"Bearing My Soul" by Sean Morin
"The Trouble With Slang These Days" by Jack Parmelee
"They Say It's Easy" by Kim Pappenhausen
"A Friend for Life" by Melanie Petrash
"It's Made Out Of Wood!" by Nora Quiros
"An Elegant Rose" by Samantha Shelton
"The Power of Music" by Todd Sterhan
Negative Image of a Boat by Lili Wang
"Community" by Nathan Westhoff
"Dissection" by Christa Young