Welcome to Jack Farrell's Homework Page
CONSULTANT TEACHER PAGE New for 1999-2000. Jack Farrell is now a Consultant Teacher for the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Click on "CONSULTANT TEACHER PAGE" if you are a beginning teacher assigned to him or would like more information about this program.
This is the page where you can retrieve all of your English homework assignments, for Jack Farrell's classes which meet in Room I-2.
Seniors are done. Have a great Graduation Ceremony! I will try to post grades on the web page sometime Monday morning.
Have a great summer. I will try to post grades on the web page sometime Monday morning.
Seniors are done. Have a great Graduation Ceremony! I will try to post grades sometime Monday morning.
Period 1 E-Zine Click here to see the fabulous Period 1 E-Zine. This site is still being constructed.
Period 5 E-Zine Click here to see the equally fabulous Period 5 E-Zine. Both of these sites are still being constructed.
ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Have you ever despaired at how difficult English is to pronounce and spell? Try reading this poem aloud and note the words spelled alike that do not sound alike and the reverse. Be prepared to read with a dictionary in hand.
Favorite Poem Project Robert Pinsky, the 39th Poet Laureate of the United States, believes that poetry is a vocal art, an art meant to be read aloud. "If a poem is written well," he says, "It was written with the poet's voice and for a voice. Reading a poem silently instead of saying a poem is like the difference between staring at sheet music and actually humming or playing the music on an
instrument." Click on this site to learn more about this project for the millenium.
Dictionary of Literary Terms A Student generated Dictionary of Literary Terms. In an effort the provide students with the vocabulary of literary criticism, the class was instructed to create its own dictionary of literary terms. Each student is to research two literary terms and report, by e-mail preferably, his findings. Click on the "Dictionary of Literary Terms" to observe the assignment and students selections. The first term is due Feb. 23rd.
Spelling Demon's Self-Test Click the link to the Spelling Demon's site and take the self-test. Be prepared to report your score honestly on Friday, November 13th. Read the help in the rest of the site after you score your test, especially if you missed more than ten.
Student Writing Occasionally, student writing bearing merit will appear here.
THE MODERN LIBRARY'S TOP 100 How many of these books have you read?
THE RADCLIFFE PUBISHING COURSE TOP 100 How about this list? It's slightly different from the Modern Library's.
STUDENT RECOMMENDED READING LIST This is a link to The Recreational Reading List I've compiled from recommendations from my students. Over 100 authors and over 200 books are listed, with annotations.
THE ADVANCED PLACEMENT READING LIST: THE NOVELThis list is arranged chronologically and comprises selected reading in the novel in preparation for the A.P. English Literature and Composition Test.
THE ADVANCED PLACEMENT READING LIST: DRAMAThis list is also arranged chronologically and comprises selected works of western drama from the Greeks to the present.
- 93-100% A
- 90-92 A-
- 88-89 B+
- 83-87 B
- 80-82 B-
- 78-79 C+
- 73-77 C
- 70-72 C-
- 68-69 D+
- 63-67 D
- 60-62 D-
- 0-59 F
- 5 pts. per day for class participation
- extra credit for reading quick-writes in class
This, I suppose, is one of the pitfalls of starting this site.

The following are links to English sites on the Web. Most of these can be found on the first site: B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper, which is an award winning academic site.
B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper The best homework helper I've found
Shakespeare's Bookshelf Most of The Bard's Works accessible online, with built-in text glossary
The On-Line Book's Page Thousand of titles accessible on-line
Guide to Grammar and Writing An excellent site for the review of grammar and style, with on-line exercises. Especially useful for those with fragment/run-on tendencies.
Grammar and Style Notes A great grammar site
My Virtual Desk Reference - Books and Literature on the Net Lots of links
Words are Us A vocabulary builder for high school
Dictionary of Literary Terms A comprehensive glossary of the terms used in the language of literary criticism.
Send me e-mail For Students/Parents to query the teacher
Number of visitors since November 5, 1998