You may all be wondering what kind of sick person spends all their Internet time putting together pages about royal families. Well, here I am, Mustardmama, aka Hammertong. I do have a life, complete with other interests, and here is where I'm going to tell you about them.

I am a sophomore college student here in Washington State, USA. I'm not sure what my major will be, although right now I'm considering a history major with an English minor, although that could change tomorrow :). College classes keep me very busy. I also work as a student writing consultant here at school. All in all, it's a good life, and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. To the left is a photo of me at my high school graduation over a year ago. Not long after that, I took a great trip to England where I got to see Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, among other places. It was the trip of a lifetime!

At right: This is me at my summer job as a tour guide. I worked at a dam on the Columbia River, and this photo is actually from my very first tour.

When I'm not a slave to the books, I go home and work. This year I was a tour guide at one of the "eleven US dams" on the Columbia River, as I would tell you on the tour (there are three more in Canada :)). I also do the usual things, such as reading and writing. I am a Star Wars fan and my favorite baseball team is the Seattle Mariners. Finally we're doing pretty well again! As for music, I listen to anything and everything except new age and country. My favorite movies are the Star Wars Trilogy, but beyond that, what I like depends greatly on my mood.

At left: The CHS Jazz Band and Jazz Combo out playing in the Palouse on the way home from the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival.

Now you must be wondering why I created a page on the royals of the world. Well, I have always had a fascination for the British Royal Family, but it wasn't until I read a special issue of Life magazine that I realized I didn't know much about all the other royals out there. I went surfing on the Internet for information, but found that there isn't much out there, and what is out there is spread all over the place. I decided after that to try to collect as much information as possible, and then put it on a site dedicated to all the world's royals, not only Britain's. I hope this site will continue to improve.

Well, I've told you all I'm going to (after all, there is such a thing as privacy :) ). If there is something you're dying to know, though, please feel free to e-mail me, leave a message in my guestbook, or leave a message on the message board. I try to check everything fairly often. Thanks for coming to the page and visiting The Crowned Head!

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