Thank you for visiting the page! If you have not left a message in the guestbook, please do so! Thank you for stopping in!

12/08/00 02:02:38
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: United Kingdom Your favorite baseball team: New York Yankees Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Mickey Mouse
Where are you from?: California, USA The best Star Wars character: Luke Skywalker

Very interesting and informative web page, although I found some of the text color too light to read and a number of pictures did not appear. Keep up the good work, I will continue to visit your site frequently.

11/30/00 01:45:07
Name: I wanna know My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Princess Angela of Liechtenstein Your favorite baseball team: Yankees Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Boondocks Cartoon Characters
Where are you from?: Louisiana The best Star Wars character: The Black One

Why isnt the wedding picture of Prince Max of Liechtenstein and his BLACK wife Angela Brown on the cover? It can be found at:

11/19/00 16:13:19
Name: Amanda
My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince William of Wales; the British Royal family, & also the Belgium Royal family...

I really enjoy your site. Lovely page. Keep up the marvelous work! -Amanda:) Thirteen years of age

11/14/00 07:40:10
Name: Kris My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: British,especially Peter Phillips,Zara Phillips,Prince Harry and William Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Road Runner
Where are you from?: Australia The best Star Wars character: None,Star Wars sucks!

I absolutely love everything about the British Royal Family.I wish them luck in the future.Goodluck!

10/17/00 17:09:22
Name: JERRY ROBERTS My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: ALL OF THEM Your favorite baseball team: NOT INTERESTED IN SPORTS Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: FELIX THE CAT
Where are you from?: IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO The best Star Wars character: COULD CARE LESS


10/15/00 18:30:17
Name: Nicole Savage My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: the late Princess Diana and Prince William Your favorite baseball team: New York Yankees Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Sailor Moon
Where are you from?: Newport News, Virginia The best Star Wars character: Luke Skywalker

I have been fascinated with all the royals from around the world ever since I was a little babe. My favorite royal was Princess Diana. But my all time favorite is Queen Elizabeth I. I have been researching the royals from the 1600's up until now and I thi k their lives are so far out. Anyone who agrees with me can email me at

10/08/00 13:19:39
Name: Philipp Kindle My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Principality of Liechtenstein and Monaco
Your favorite baseball team: none Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Micky Mouse Where are you from?: Liechtenstein
The best Star Wars character: Jar Jar Binks

This site is very intrerasting, but there is not anything of Principality of Liechtenstein!

09/10/00 11:18:43
Name: Annika My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Greece/Belgium Your favorite baseball team: Yankee's Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bambi
Where are you from?: U.S.A./Sweden

I think you should add more pics of Prince Amedeo.. And when I visit the website, some of the pics don't show up. Also, I think I can get a lot of info on the Spanish Royal family.. So e-mail me ok?

09/08/00 21:33:17
Name: JJ My URL: Visit Me Your favorite royalty: The Swedish
Your favorite baseball team: none Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Donald duck Where are you from?: Sweden
The best Star Wars character: Obi

Victoria of Sweden confirms her relationship with Daniel Collert, although both she and her PR person wish to leave it at that, with no talk of engagement or marriage for now.

09/08/00 21:31:56
Name: JJ My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: The Swedish Your favorite baseball team: nonoe


08/26/00 21:41:10
Name: gramm3 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: The Netherlands
Where are you from?: Oregon

Your page on the royals is TO light, I couldn't read it. The pics were good.

08/22/00 22:31:18
Name: endru My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: british royalty Where are you from?: england
The best Star Wars character: kate winslet

great site i love you zara phillips

08/20/00 19:01:33
Name: Rachell R. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Spanish Your favorite baseball team: NY Yankess Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Fry from Futurama
Where are you from?: USA The best Star Wars character: Not a fan.

I would like to say that I think this page is excellent and the information is very helpful. You have done a great job with everything. I like the Spanish Roayl page b/c I think that Felipe the Borbon is the best!! :-) Rachell

08/13/00 20:36:32
Name: sue harrelson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: william Your favorite baseball team: phillies Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: mickey mouse
Where are you from?: orlando florida The best Star Wars character: r2d2

great site for those of interested in the hijinx of the monarchy. keep up the good work

08/11/00 16:21:30
Name: Dennis De Langhe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Belgian & Russian Your favorite baseball team: na Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Garfield
Where are you from?: Atlanta, Ga./1st generation American of Belgian descent The best Star Wars character: na

Excited to spend more time on your website. Have to admit that your sign up for e-mail is confusing and not quite sure what I am doing wrong for it won't accept

08/09/00 05:03:16
Name: Don Juan Reyes My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Queen Victoria Your favorite baseball team: Giants Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny
Where are you from?: Guam & San Francisco The best Star Wars character: never watched it

Thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Surprised you're an American. For many years I have been studying the lives and times of past Kings and Queens of Great Britain....from E II....including their consorts.....Eleanor of Aquitaine was my favorite.. .the death of Beckett broke my heart.....the abdication of Edward VIII did not surprised me....I detested Wallace at first but later admired her for her devotion to Edward....I like the present Queen....though she is not perfect.....I adored the Queen Mot er...she too is not perfect.....they all have faults....but the try to do their jobs inspite of their shortcomings....May all the monarchies of the world live ancesters were at one time subjects of the Spanish my next proje t is to study the spanish monarchy from the very beginnig....Thanks for creating this website...continue the goo work.....God Bless you...

07/27/00 20:55:12
Name: Glede Kabongo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince Maximillan of Liechtenstein Your favorite baseball team: Don't have one Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Pink Panther
Where are you from?: Framingham, MA The best Star Wars character: Luke Sywalker

I really enjoyed your web page. Any info on French Royalty? I noticed it wasn't listed as one of the countries you cover. Anyway, great job. On the wedding page, you forgot to put Prince Maximillan of Liechtenstein and his bride who were married in Ja uary of 2000 in New York City.

07/27/00 08:07:59
Name: ginny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: HRH prince charles Your favorite baseball team: SF giants Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: woody woodpecker
Where are you from?: california The best Star Wars character: chewbaca

loves the site. would like to see more weddings. and more on HRH princess alexandra of denmark. i am very impressed at all the work put into this site

06/30/00 17:31:52
Name: David M. Handy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Princess Madeline Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Josie and The Pussycats Where are you from?: North Carolina, USA
The best Star Wars character: Han Solo

I love your page. I enjoy keeping up with the nobility of Europe. So few people know that their are other royalty other than England. You are page is great !!!

06/25/00 22:08:15
Name: O.Calix My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: None Your favorite baseball team: None Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: superman
Where are you from?: Canada The best Star Wars character: none

I would really apprecaite if you also mention the atrocities committedin the name of all these monarquies, specially the British (In africa) and spaniards (againts the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas). Iam very intrigue for youn page... You seems to be a very smart person, but to write about simbols that are absolute and have done so much unjustice in this world is to be crazy and to be ignorant of world history... in any event, good luck with your stud es and hopelly university will help you to be more critical and more informed on this matter. O. Calix B.Ed, B.A Mayan Descendant/ Salvadorean Canadian Social Studies profesional Canada

06/25/00 10:52:53
Name: Regina Ridder-Lechner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Princess Masako
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Charlie Brown Where are you from?: Austria Europe

I would love to read news about Princess Masako, who visited us quite often in Vienne before she got married. Is there a homepage on her in the net? I like your work, mustardmama Regards from Vienna

06/24/00 12:00:15
Name: Valentina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Austrian!!!! Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Lantis Where are you from?: Pofdenone (Italy)
The best Star Wars character: Amidala

W royal families!!!! W Franz Joseph, Sissi...

06/20/00 15:04:35
Name: Phil My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Your favorite baseball team: I haven't been interested in rounders since I was 12 ;-) Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Danger Mouse
Where are you from?: England The best Star Wars character: R2D2

Hello, Just a quick note, to tell you about the new Happy Birthday Queen Mother webring. If you would like to include a 100th birthday greeting on your website, see the following web page for further details: Phil.

06/09/00 17:03:28
Name: Mara Hoyer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince Felipe of Spain Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Ariel, The Little Mermaid Where are you from?: Corpus Christi, Texas
The best Star Wars character: Princess Leah

First, I was wondering when you were going to update. I know you're busy with college, just curious though. I understand, since I'm getting my MBA. Also, I was reading through what has previously been written and was shocked with what the PhD had said. Just because Americans made a choice, does not mean that we can't be interested. So, lay off! On another note, I am desperately trying to find Prince Felipe's email address. I know he has one, just can't find it. If anyone can help or has any idea as to how that works in Spain, PLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE let me know. I have an unnatural obsession with him. Oh well! Love the site, but want more info.

06/09/00 17:02:44
Name: Mara Hoyer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince Felipe of Spain Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Ariel, The Little Mermaid Where are you from?: Corpus Christi, Texas
The best Star Wars character: Princess Leah

First, I was wondering when you were going to update. I know you're busy with college, just curious though. I understand, since I'm getting my MBA. Also, I was reading through what has previously been written and was shocked with what the PhD had said. Just because Americans made a choice, does not mean that we can't be interested. So, lay off! On another note, I am desperately trying to find Prince Felipe's email address. I know he has one, just can't find it. If anyone can help or has any idea as to how that works in Spain, PLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEE let me know. I have an unnatural obsession with him. Oh well! Love the site, but want more info.

06/08/00 10:14:40
Name: Andrew Baptista My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, Greece Your favorite baseball team: I Hate Baseball Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny
Where are you from?: India The best Star Wars character: Darth Vader

nice site......i'd like to see some pics of theodora of greece

06/07/00 23:33:35
Name: Edwar Windsor
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You should put a bio on me

05/05/00 20:12:15
Name: ericpacherie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: FRANCE

very nice web-site.

04/28/00 04:51:32
Name: Mary Ann Carreon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Monaco Your favorite baseball team: white sox Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: poohbear
Where are you from?: Chicago The best Star Wars character: R2D2

I would love to know about the royal family of Jordan. I didn't know that France still had a Royal line. I thought Russia died out. Your pic of the Boys ( wills and Harry) are a little out of date the boys are growing like weeds. (that's a good thing) aving a bio Anne's kids is a good idea. Peter Phillips is a hunk (nice bod) Andrew and Sara girls should be included too. those girls are going to know the House of Windsor just wait. With sara's DNA you never know!!! Overall I loved the bio's they w re good keep up the good work. :) Mary Ann

04/25/00 18:37:26
Name: Calena My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: scooby doo Where are you from?: California

I would really appreciate it if you could post some information about Princess Alexandra of Denmark, the wife of HRH Prince Joachim of Demark and their baby son, Prince Nikolas of Denmark. It is quite interesting that she is the first person with Asian bl od to marry into a sitting royal european family. Thank you for your time. I look forward to checking your website often on updates.

03/29/00 18:58:07
Name: Steven My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Sweden Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny Where are you from?: Eloy, Arizona
The best Star Wars character: The little guy with big ears!!!

I really enjoyed this page! I have a question though I read that you got interested more in the Royal families after you seen a life magazine. Was that magazine a special on the Royal Families because thats exactly how I fell in love with all the Royal Fa ilies in Europe! I hope you can please write back.Thanks!

03/13/00 17:45:59
Name: Maren Cagle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: The Tick
Where are you from?: If only you knew! The best Star Wars character: Ewoks!

This is great, Kelsey! I haven't fisited this site for a good year or so. It's really come along. Have a wonderful day.

03/13/00 06:40:53
Name: Nathan Acheson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: homecoming Your favorite baseball team: Mariners Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Dexter
Where are you from?: L-Town The best Star Wars character: not Jar-Jar

Wow, Kelsey, I never knew about this royalty fetish of yours. Looking back, you always did know a sickening amount about this sort of thing... Update you personal page, it's the only part anyone cares about...

03/11/00 02:24:37
Name: Gary Hesse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Elvis Your favorite baseball team: Seattle Mariners Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Huckleberry Hound
Where are you from?: Leavenworth, WA The best Star Wars character: C3PO

You visited my page, so now I visit yours! How about bringing us up to date on your About Me page, so we know what you're up to now that you're a mature college student?

03/10/00 03:58:34
Name: Melissa Williams My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: don't have one Your favorite baseball team: NY Yankees Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: scooby doo
Where are you from?: New York The best Star Wars character: r2d2

Hi I am hoping that you could help me out some bit. I am trying to find information on my family history and I am related to Queen Vanessa of Holland. She was around in the 17th-18th century.(I think). But anyways, I am having trouble trying to find out i formation on her. If you know anything or find anything, I would greatly appreciate it. I am 22 years old trying to find this information out for my mother and grandfather. So I am young too. Well anyways, Please let me know if anything comes up. Thank yo . Melissa Williams

03/10/00 03:41:00
Name: Paula My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Monaco's royalty Your favorite baseball team: Astros Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: doug
Where are you from?: Texas, USA The best Star Wars character: han solo

This is such a great page!!!!! I love it!!! Anybody who loves Monaco's royal family as much as i do PLEASE email me.

03/05/00 07:01:47
Name: Rev. C. Stephen Rogers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Queen Elizabeth II Your favorite baseball team: NY Yankes Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Peanuts
Where are you from?: Buffalo, NY The best Star Wars character: Luke Sky Walker

I have always had fasination with Royal Families too. I like your Web page and it was good hear about the other Royal Households. It would be interesting to hear more aabout Princess Anne, children and Prince Andrew's Girls and Princess Maragaret's child en and cousins to Elizabeth too. Another reason why I have been very interested in the Royals is because it has always been a family belief that my family comes from Royal households of Enland, France, Germany and Spain. This is suppose to go way back in 1400 to 1600's. I'll be honest, I would love that to find that I do have royal blood in my lineage. Keep up the good work. Rev Steve

03/04/00 18:30:12
Name: William A. Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Hapsburgs or Wittelsbachs Your favorite baseball team: Chicago Cubs Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Dilbert
Where are you from?: Baltimore, MD The best Star Wars character: The Emperor!

Wow! What a site! I hope your continued obligations in your life will allow you to keep this current. I am a convinced monarchist myself, have been ever since I was your age (a long time ago -- I am a 38 yr old schoolteacher); this makes Presidential e ection years tolerable. Good for you!

03/02/00 07:54:53
Name: ducky
My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: Romanovs

This site is nice

03/01/00 22:58:11
Name: Alfonso My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Monaco Your favorite baseball team: ?? Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Homer
Where are you from?: Spain The best Star Wars character: Chewy

If anyone has any informaition of Charlotte Casiraghi; daugter of princess Caroline please wtite me. Thanks

02/29/00 22:46:23
Name: Todd Strickland My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: British Royal Family Your favorite baseball team: Cleveland Indians Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: snoopy
Where are you from?: Santa Monica, California The best Star Wars character: Laia

Nice site, its easy to see that you put alot of time and effort into making it not only interesting but informative. Thanks.

02/24/00 13:49:53
Name: Charles Hamilton BA, PhD My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Liechtenstein Your favorite baseball team: We play Soccer in the U.K. Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Arnold
Where are you from?: Clitheroe, Lancashire, England, U.K. The best Star Wars character: I watch Voyager actually

It is all very well you Americans ogling over our monarchies, but just remember it was you who created the Declaration of Independence when all that was asked of you was a little more on your already light taxation. Do not marvel over something which your all-powerful country threw away, even if it was nigh on 200 and odd years ago. It does show,however, this picture postcard idea you have about royalty, that you Americans are as transparent and uninsightful as you always have been. To the people of these onarchies, theres' is not a superficial reverance borne of cultural junkies like yourself, there reverance is something altogether more profound and deep-rooted. To be a subject of a monarch is not a label to be worn, it is a part of your nations culture nd psyche. I, for my part, do not look upon my queen with brash pride and exhibitionism, I do not look at all. I imagine Her, not as a mere human, but almost God-like, a psychological defender of all I hold to be true. In the line from the film 'The Madne s Of King George', ''It is not the person, but the office''. That is what you are missing, the point and principle of monarchy, about the responsibility and duty, not the personality, if you do not understand and are not a part of it, don't pretend.

02/23/00 03:22:59
Name: Ryan Oelrich My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Uhhh- Prince of Peace Your favorite baseball team: Colorado Rockies Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Snoopy
Where are you from?: Helena, Montana! The best Star Wars character: Wookie all the way!

Great site Kelsey! Keep up the great work, and see you around. Stop by the old dorm room any time. God bless- Ryan

02/15/00 02:32:13
Name: Bevy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Me! J/K it's Diana, Princess of Wales Your favorite baseball team: Yankees, baby! Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Salem on STTW the cartoon
Where are you from?: Providence! The best Star Wars character: umh..... I was traumatized by a star wars fanatic who was my ex-girlfriend.

Umh yeah, does anyone reading this know that I am the future Queen of England? Well I am.... anywho,,,,, this place is cool, eveyrone come visit mine for the latest on Prince William and Harry of Wales! plus a whole bunch of other people. Umh, Does N E 1 ave anything interesting on Prince Phillipos of Greece? I think he's a cutie. N E 1 got pictures? or the whole royal family in general? just e-mail me

02/03/00 22:08:29
My URL: Visit Me

Crown prince Willem-Alexander is far from single. Holland is expecting an engagement of him with Maxima Zorreguieta before the summer. The dutch Royal Family has officialy spoken out about htier relationship. Maxima is currently learning the dutch languag . Prince Constantijn looks also set to marry. He has had a relationship with Laurentien Brinkhorst for almost four years now.

01/24/00 02:52:32
Name: carolyn sawyer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Princess Caroline Your favorite baseball team: Braves Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Road runner
Where are you from?: North Carolina The best Star Wars character: Hans Solo

How often do you change the page? You aredoing a great job.Keep up the good work.

12/23/99 07:24:47
Name: Ritva Forster My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: The Swedish ones
Where are you from?: Switzerland

A very merry christmas and a happy new milleneum! I like your website very much and... please keep up the very good work!

12/20/99 02:04:02
Name: virginia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: prince albert & princess grace Your favorite baseball team: cubs Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: archie
Where are you from?: san antonio, texas The best Star Wars character: don't know any

loved your site. just discovered it today while looking for sites on Monaco and its royalty. There is something to be said for not knowing what you are doing with the computer.

12/10/99 22:19:03
Name: Amy Phillips My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Zara Phillips, Princess Diana and Prince William Your favorite baseball team: Don't have baseball much down hear Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Marvin the martion
Where are you from?: Australia The best Star Wars character: there all good

hey this is a great page keep up the good work. on your william and harry page you said you wanted to put one up of zara and petter well i have heaps of info on them so if you want it and pics just e-mail me ok always amy

12/10/99 10:47:53
Name: Amy phillips My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Zara phillips, Diana, Prince william Your favorite baseball team: In aus we don't really have baseball hear much Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Marvin the martion
Where are you from?: Australia The best Star Wars character: mmmm there all good


12/10/99 01:36:07
Name: Laura My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Thailand
Your favorite baseball team: Astros Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Elroy (The Jetsons) Where are you from?: Texas, USA
The best Star Wars character: Yoda

Nice website, congratulations! This year I had 2 "Royal" experiences. 1) I was at a Marilyn Manson concert in San Francisco, where I was standing right next to the Crown Prince of Norway! I would not have recognized him, but it just so happened that I was at the concert with some friends from Norway. I had noticed him in he crowd because he was this dude surrounded by 6 foot tall blonde girls, and I pointed the guy out to my friends because I thought it was a curious site! As your site says, he was a student at nearby UC Berkeley. 2) I was an onlooker at a Royal Barge Procession in Thailand where it's interesting to find that the King of Thailand is so highly respected and revered by the people, I'd say it's almost like he's a deity. He is celebrating his 72nd birthday (6th Cycle 6 x 12 years/cycle by the lunar/Chinese calendar). We thought it might rain on the procession, but we were sincerely assured by the Thais that "It never rains on the King"!

12/01/99 19:58:30
Name: HRH Sir Franklin J.Garner;OBC My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Our Royal wife,the Archdutchess Michelle Your favorite baseball team: none.boring Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: why?
Where are you from?: Free Territory of Ely-Chatelaine,Kingdom of America The best Star Wars character: the Princess in her slave outfit

Well done,good sir.Pray continue the cause of monarchy.

11/29/99 09:12:22
Name: Millie D. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite baseball team: Dodgers Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Rose Where are you from?: Northern California
The best Star Wars character: Han Solo

I like the site. It's great. History is one of my college majors. Info. on royals, now and past, isn't always easy to find. I've bookmarked your site and will check back often. Thanks - Millie

11/26/99 22:05:23
Name: John Pully My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: New York, NY

I am writing for a friend who does not have EMail. Therefore I can not answer your questions honestly. My question for you is, any idea where I could get a video tape on the upcoming wedding of Crown Prince Philippe on 12/04/99? I don't believe it is going to be televised here in the states.

11/07/99 18:04:08
Name: erika My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: stephanie de monaco Where are you from?: italy

I love you royal forever

11/03/99 18:18:20
Name: Mandy *NevadaGem* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Charles Your favorite baseball team: none Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Dexter
Where are you from?: USA

I found your site thru another guestbook, and decided to take a peek. It's a great page! I really enjoyed it! Please visit me sometime and let me know what you think about my page:)

10/27/99 18:33:01
Name: kris My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: british and almost all the royal families Your favorite baseball team: none Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: bugs bunny
Where are you from?: missouri The best Star Wars character: none

if anyone knows anything about the duke and duchess of gloucester's children e-mail me.

10/22/99 21:28:54
Name: Ritva Forster My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Swedish

This page is really nice and I have visited it many times by now. I'll put a link to it on my page about the Swedish Royal Family and everyone who's interested of them, are welcome to visit it!

10/20/99 09:31:16
Name: Robert Warholm My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Princess Lilian of Sweden Your favorite baseball team: Baseball??? Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Donald Duck
Where are you from?: Sweden

Nice Royal website you've got here. I found it from Ritva's guest book. Feel free to visit my site. Robert

10/14/99 08:30:24
Name: Michael Jolliffe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Luxembourg Your favorite baseball team: Totally irrelevant question Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Adam and Eve
Where are you from?: Scotland The best Star Wars character: Ronald Reagan

Congatulations, especially on all the work you must have put in to organising the site. How did you find the time?

09/30/99 08:36:50
Name: Pierre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Sweden - Crown Princess Victoria Your favorite baseball team: ?? Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Baloo
Where are you from?: Sweden The best Star Wars character: c3po

Nice page! You have a lot of information about many royal familys... But i think you had to little about the Swedish. They really deserve more. Please mail me if you want any information, and maybe i can help you.. Good luck!

09/29/99 21:03:15
Name: Amy Volker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Danish family Your favorite baseball team: LA Dodgers Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Cinderella
Where are you from?: Alameda, CA The best Star Wars character: Princess Leia

I just found your site and I love it! I am a huge fan of anything royal-have been for years. I would love to know more about your website, the families, and royalty history.I just starting surfing on the internet and it is so nice to find so many websites devoted to royalty. I don't feel so strange knowing that there are more people out there like me- people who are interested in royalty and royal families. I lived in London for 4 months when I was 19, 3 blocks from Kensington Palace, and it was the greate t time of my life. I even got to watch a play with Prince Charles! I think we even saw Harry on a pony in the Park. I can't explain to people why I am so interested in royalty, but it helps to know that there are sites to help feed my addiction. Thanks s much. I also wanted to thank you for providing info on other royals besides the British monarchy. The world needs to know that there are other royal families in the world. Thanks so much.

09/27/99 18:03:03
Name: Brenda My URL: Visit Me Your favorite royalty: Spain/Greece
Your favorite baseball team: Yankees Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny Where are you from?: Minnesota/usa
The best Star Wars character: Darth


09/24/99 01:37:31
Name: Phillip Ryman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: British Your favorite baseball team: N/A Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Peanuts
Where are you from?: Virginia The best Star Wars character: N/A

I would like to know if any of the royal family have a email address that you can contact them. If so, please write me.

09/18/99 08:50:34
Name: David Lusby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Holland Your favorite baseball team: n/a Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Elmer Fudd
Where are you from?: England The best Star Wars character: Bobba Fett

Great site, but it could do with more about Crown Prince Willem - I'm doing a project about him, and I got some good info from here, but would like to have got more Good work!

09/03/99 19:23:05
Name: Jim My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: British Your favorite baseball team: Atlanta Braves Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny
Where are you from?: Delaware

Nice site. How about some info on the Kent offspring, like Lady Helen Windsor?

08/23/99 13:10:10
Name: Duch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: British Your favorite baseball team: Toronto Blue Jays (hey, I'm Canadian!) Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bonkers
Where are you from?: Nova Scotia, Canada The best Star Wars character: Don't know

Hey! If you are planning on doing bios of Peter and Zara Phillips, please feel free to use the biographical information I have on Windsor Street. I just wanted to tell you that, and you have a wonderful site here! Keep up the great work!

07/11/99 23:39:04
Name: Lauren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Danish Your favorite baseball team: Chicago Cubs Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bullwinkile
Where are you from?: Texas The best Star Wars character: Han Solo

Your page is very cool!! i also read that article in Life magizine and it sparked my intest in the royal families of the world. A great page for info is Netty's royals page: it has alot of up-to-date royal news!! :-) your page has alot of potential.

07/04/99 10:53:16
My URL: Visit Me

Willem-Alexander , Victoria of Sweden, and Frederik of Denmark did (certainly) NOT attend the wedding of Edward and Sophie. (Willem-Alexander was in South-Korea that same day)

06/06/99 17:10:25
Name: Duchess My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Spanish
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Tommy (rugrats) Where are you from?: NY


06/05/99 16:58:56
Name: Rébecca My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince William Your favorite baseball team: None, I hate baseball, but Hockey rulez! Go Montréal! Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Paddington Brown
Where are you from?: Montréal The best Star Wars character: QUI-GON GINN ALL THE WAY!

Nice page that you have.. visit mine if you have the time! BTW, I would love, if you have no objection, to use some info of your site. If you want, I'll link you and give you full credit in our Credit section!!

06/05/99 16:58:42
Name: Rébecca My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince William Your favorite baseball team: None, I hate baseball, but Hockey rulez! Go Montréal! Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Paddington Brown
Where are you from?: Montréal The best Star Wars character: QUI-GON GINN ALL THE WAY!

Nice page that you have.. visit mine if you have the time! BTW, I would love, if you have no objection, to use some info of your site. If you want, I'll link you and give you full credit in our Credit section!!

06/05/99 16:58:32
Name: Rébecca My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince William Your favorite baseball team: None, I hate baseball, but Hockey rulez! Go Montréal! Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Paddington Brown
Where are you from?: Montréal The best Star Wars character: QUI-GON GINN ALL THE WAY!

Nice page that you have.. visit mine if you have the time! BTW, I would love, if you have no objection, to use some info of your site. If you want, I'll link you and give you full credit in our Credit section!!

06/04/99 01:39:54
Name: diana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: all of them Your favorite baseball team: Spokane Indians Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Tweety
Where are you from?: Spokane, WA The best Star Wars character: Hans Solo

Just want to let you know that this is a great site and thanks for doing all the hard work so we Royalphiles can get the scoop about our royals. Also thanks especially for including the other European royals, it is hard to get info on them. Diana

05/18/99 20:37:52
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: Prince Felipe Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Snoopy
Where are you from?: Virginia The best Star Wars character: Ewoks

Hi! Your page is great! I have been looking for some info about Spain's Royal family particularly Prince Felipe. Now, if I want updates, I will definitely come back!-Laura

05/06/99 20:26:29
Name: Clara Rodriguez My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite baseball team: Actually, I prefer soccer (Barcelona)
Where are you from?: Spain

Hi: I would like to add some information to your web pages. Infanta Cristina's full name is "Cristina Federica Victoria Antonia de la Santísima Trinidad de Todos los Santos". Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein gave birth her third child on 20th April (Georg Antonius Constantin Maria). Greetings!.

04/11/99 23:47:19
Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Spain and Greece
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Mickey Where are you from?: Canada


04/09/99 07:24:20
Name: Amanda W. My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: British Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Donald Duck
Where are you from?: Idaho The best Star Wars character: the little bears(I forgot what they are called).


04/06/99 03:53:16
Name: corey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Swedish Your favorite baseball team: none Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: sylvester the cat
Where are you from?: AUSTRALIA The best Star Wars character: han solo

nice page

03/24/99 08:06:48
Name: Karry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Grrece/Crown Prince Frederik Your favorite baseball team: Toronto Blue Jays Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Marvin the Martian
Where are you from?: Canada The best Star Wars character: Yoda!

nice page

03/15/99 00:07:22
Name: Mark A. My URL: Visit Me
Your favorite royalty: They're all so good Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Scrooge McDuck
Where are you from?: Michigan The best Star Wars character: Darth Vader

Interesting Page! Link to mine if you like. Let me know if you get a Monaco Page up. I'm working on one myself.

03/04/99 23:21:05
Name: Cinderella My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Catherine of Aragon
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Bugs Bunny The best Star Wars character: Darth Vader

Nice site! Cinderella The World of Royalty /Athens/Aegean/7545/index.html

01/01/99 16:39:37
Name: Frank My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Queen Margrethe II of denmark Your favorite baseball team: Football fan Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Tweety bird
Where are you from?: Denmark/ST.Thomas The best Star Wars character: Luke

Nice page you have here I will look at it a another day.Good job,Thank you.

12/22/98 17:50:41
Name: espania My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Prince Felipe
Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Donald Duck Where are you from?: norway

nice page. keep going!!

12/21/98 14:57:08
Name: Netty Leistra My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Liechtenstein/Frederik of Denmark
Where are you from?: The Netherlands

Great page. I like it. Hope to hear from you from time to time. Netty

10/26/98 10:46:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

09/16/98 13:09:34
Name: Hazel (hameydoo) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: ??? Your favorite baseball team: Yuck!!! ask my son?? Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Eeyore
Where are you from?: North Dakota The best Star Wars character: Obi 1 kanobi

Hey Kelsey.. Threw me for a moment?? Hammertong is out huh?? What happened?? Different page, I have one at geocities to but have to figure it out first?? LOL Its tough to teach an old dog new tricks?? hehehe Nice though and thanks for signing my guestbook . *Hugs* Hazel

08/17/98 05:36:58
Name: Alejandra Spielhagen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: NO Kelsey! Bad! Your favorite baseball team: How about soccer???... Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: the Tick
Where are you from?: ummm, this is actually a long story... come to Alexa's Fireside Story Time to hear it The best Star Wars character: Jabba... somehow, I can identify with him so well....

Hee hee! Asian and Alexandra! What a coinkidink! Actually, you know, that's me. I mean, how many people do you figure are asian and named alexandra? Never mind, don't answer that. Ummm, Kelsey, you're page is extremely- uhhh- aesthetically pleasing. . uhhh, yeah, that's it, aesthetically pleasing. I suppose I would simply adore it... if I was into royalty.... But as it is, I'll just admire the pink waves in the background....

08/06/98 21:48:30
Name: Damon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Me, I am ruler Your favorite baseball team: The M&m's. Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Roger Ramjet! Why do you ask?
Where are you from?: Where else? Home. The best Star Wars character: Han Solo....yeah right....(that's for you, LB)

Hi!!! I have come which officially makes your page cool!

08/06/98 04:12:53
Name: jenn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: good try though Your favorite baseball team: ummmm... Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: road runner
Where are you from?: PLAIN The best Star Wars character: chewbacca

well, i'm sure if i liked royalty than this would be a cool page. it looks cool anyway. good job with that. yeah. good job.

08/03/98 18:08:34
Name: Fifi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: Jake's Mom Your favorite baseball team: Mariners Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: Donald Duck
Where are you from?: Peshastin The best Star Wars character: Obie 1 Kinobie

Hi! Look. I visited!

08/03/98 01:40:20
Name: fern noland My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: none Your favorite baseball team: mariners Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: pooh
Where are you from?: peshastin The best Star Wars character: i don't think so

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................................... very very ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................interesting. yeah interesting. ok bye bye now.

07/27/98 07:16:52
Name: Dana My Email: Email Me Your favorite royalty: Swedish royalty/Prince William
Your favorite baseball team: Seattle Mariners/Atlanta Braves Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: scooby doo Where are you from?: Peshastin, Wa
The best Star Wars character: Luke

Wow, this a nice page! Very interesting too!

07/27/98 02:28:47
Name: Maren Cagle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your favorite royalty: British Your favorite baseball team: Couldn't care less Name the first cartoon charatcter you can think of: I R Baboon
Where are you from?: A place far away, secluded from any life other than a friendly little wood elf The best Star Wars character: The fun little guys that play the cool music in the bar

Oh Kelsey. I think you have officially gone too far. I feel partly responsable for the making of this page. I should have made you do things with me like swimming and floating the river. I am truely sorry.

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