Welcome, Welcome, Welcome....

What do you get when you take the entire life of one extremely abnormal teenager and put the whole darn thing up on the web......
weeeeeell.... I guess we're going to find out.

Enter at your OWN RISK!!!

Ok..now that we've got the introductory oddness out of the way. hi! my name is Laura, or Luna, Or Lunachic, Lunatic, or Looney Bird...depending on who you ask...I've done the best i could to break this page up into easy to use sections. Pretty much my entire life is going to wind up here sooner or later in every lurid read at your own risk detail. Love...Dreams..hopes..SEX!!! (yes..that's right..sex) passions and dislikes..right down to all the stupid stuff that happens in my classes..feel free to send me e-mail or feedback sometime on ideas or criticisms for the site...have fun with the menu on the left...gods i love frames...and Sign My Guestbook!! please...with sugar on top? MEEP!

oh ya...you can View My Guestbook too...