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Survey Making 

1.    Find an idea that you want to study. Examples of this may be: What are some of the more popular TV        shows among 8th graders? What are the 8th graders favorite sports? What color fishing lure catches the most perch while ice fishing? Etc.

2.    Form a simple hypothesis of what you think the results will be before you do the research and then show it  to me for approval.     An example of this is: I hypothesize that fishing is the most popular sport in 8th grade. 

3.    Set up survey sheets for my approval.  I will run copies if you want.

4.    Take survey.  Try to have a “fair sample."  Example: Do not take a survey about Ford Trucks at a Ford Dealership. Do not interrupt class to take a survey unless you have permission. 

5.    You can stop anytime now and turn it in. If you want more points - then do more.  You could do the following: Write a conclusion using data and observations to support your conclusion. (Example:35% of the people surveyed choose football as their favorite sport, closely followed by figure skating which had 30%... My hypothesis was wrong because .... Maybe compare the results to someone else’s results.

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