Extra Credit

          Each student may work up one additional grade letter by doing approved extra credit, except for "A" and "B" students; hence, a student with a C+ average will not be able to move up a B.  To be an "A" or "B" student you need to do things like: turn your homework in on time, study for tests, behave and pay attention in class.

           I encourage you to pursue something you are interested in and learn something about it. For example, if you are interested in hunting, then you may want to draw you deer hunting area and identify travel routes, bedding areas and feeding areas. If you like shopping you may want to go to a mall and compare the number of stores geared toward women versus men. Also, you could observe and record the characteristics of the people who sit in the mall waiting for the other shoppers, sight in your gun at various ranges, build something, make some poetry about the material we are covering, take apart a broken small engine to see how it probably works, draw out some of the things we learned to demonstrate some type of learning, make a "useful" poster, write to your government representatives about an issue that concerns you (I will need to see a copy), etc. I would really like you to explain information no matter what you do. Many students have difficulty coming up with ideas, so if you come in and ask for help I will ask, "What are you interested in?" So please have some appropriate ideas.

           I generally grade on effort and quality. The more you do and the better the quality of the work, the more points you will receive toward your grade, and I do ask that all extra credit be turned in one week before the end of each quarter.

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