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Electricity Notes
(If you are down loading these
off of the Internet you
should look up the symbols and the schematics for series and parallel
Know the symbol for wires not connected.
Know the symbol for a light bulb.
Know the symbol for a resister.
Know the symbol for a 10-volt DC battery.
Know the symbol for an open switch (off).
Know the symbol for a closed switch (on).
Know the symbol for a fuse.
A fuse is a safety device that |
stops the flow of electrons. It is always placed in series so the electrons have to go through it. Never buy a "bigger" fuse than what you need. |
A circuit breaker is like a fuse except |
that it acts like a switch and can be reused after being tripped. |
Another name for current is |
is amperage; there are two kinds of current (AC and DC). |
1.)Direct Current (DC) flows |
in one direction from negative to positive. Electrons flow. |
2.) Alternating Current (AC) flows |
back and forth between positive and negative. Electrons flow. |
Another name for resistance is |
ohms. |
A resister is anything that |
opposes current flow. Light bulbs, radios, TV, etc. are examples. |
A rheostat is a device that varies the |
resistance - like the pencil lead lab that change the brightness of the light bulb. |
A potentiometer is a device that varies |
the voltage - like the lab that had three batteries that change the brightness of the five light bulbs. |
Conductors are things that |
conduct the flow of electron. Gold, silver, and copper are your better ones; gold is the best. |
Insulators are things that |
do not conduct current flow. Plastic, wood, and rubber are common examples of them. |
A series circuit has |
one path for CURRENT flow. If one thing is open, then everything will go off. Example = a string of cheap Christmas lights may all go out if just one bulb is not working. |
A parallel circuit has |
two or more paths for CURRENT flow. If one path is open, the electrons will just use another path. Example = if your house has one light go out, most of your house will still have power. |
Magnets and Motors
A magnet has a north pole and south pole that point toward the Earth's magnetic north pole or magnetic south pole of the earth, not toward the "true" north or south pole.
A magnet is surrounded by |
a magnetic field. |
Like poles (ex. = north and north) |
of different magnets repel each other. |
Opposite poles (ex. = north and south) |
of different magnets attract each other. |
An electromagnet can |
drop the magnetic field, unlike a permanent magnet, and can be made very strong. |
Electrons are arranged |
into lines of magnetic. They are aligned into straight rows, not in random. |
Motors get spinning by |
attracting and repelling magnetic fields. |
An electroscope |
detects magnetic fields. It has foil leaves that repel each other when charged. |