My name is Fan Chi Chiu. I was graduated in Kwun Tong Maryknoll College(KTMC)
in 1995. Now I am a Year 3 BBA (Accounting) student in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST). 

Name            : Fan Chi Chiu, Tony
Other Name   : Ah Chiu, Chiu Chiu, Fat Chiu...
Date of Birth  : 1976-8-23
Education      :
Primary School : Bethel No.3 Primary School 
                   (which was in Sau Mau Ping. But, due to redevelopment,
                   the school was closed in 1995)
Secondary School: Kwun 
Tong Maryknoll College (KTMC)
University      : The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)





If you want to know more about my School life, clickhere!
Favor color     : light green and bright blue
Hobby           : Reading, Surfing the Internet, watching TV, sleeping,
Favor Singers : Beyond, Jackey Cheung, Hacken Lee and Leo Ku
Favor restaurant: MacDonald

How to contact me?  
Email to      
Also u can add me into your ICQlist:4238191