Probably the best way to discuss this is to describe the elements essential for a group to qualify as a cult and examine the B地ai Noach faith for those elements.
First a common, but non-essential element:
A cult is usually a religious group.
By most commonly accepted definitions, B地ai Noach is a religious group in that its teachings assist mankind in relating to God. B地ai Noach has this element in common with many of the world痴 religions, including the big three: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. But not all cults are religious and not all religious groups are cults. So qualifying as a religious group does not point to B地ai Noach as a cult.
Now the essential elements:
A cult follows a single charismatic living leader.
Here the similarity falls apart. For the most part, B地ai Noach are individuals who, like Abraham, sought out God through the power to reason. Few were raised by their parents to be Noahides. A significant number were Christians who, through the study of New Testament scripture, came to understand that the teachings of Christianity are totally unsupported by its "proof texts" in the Jewish scriptures.
No person is given absolute power. A position as a B地ai Noach leader is not filled by election, inheritance, appointment, or manipulation of followers.
The B地ai Noach movement is driven by gentiles who ask questions about God and demand answers that have the intellectual integrity to withstand close and objective examination. Therefore, no B地ai Noach leader, whether Jew or gentile, has teachings left unchallenged. The scrutiny of the B地ai Noach community is like a refiner痴 fire. If a leader痴 teachings fail to reveal gold in the heat, the community will look elsewhere for leadership.
Furthermore, B地ai Noach are spread throughout the world and don稚 have a universally accepted single leader. There are leaders (emphasis on the plural) whose decisions are widely accepted by the B地ai Noach community. Again, emphasis on "accepted" as there are no decisions forced upon either the community or individuals.
A cult leader controls and manipulates followers through oppressive practices.
There are many ways cult leaders "discipline" followers to keep them under control, including physical force. But the most common methods are threats of excommunication, loss of eternal life, or eternal torment in Hell fire. For example, disobey the Pope, get excommunicated. Fail to confess Jesus as your savior, be damned to burn in Hell fire eternally.
These threats have no meaning for B地ai Noach. No B地ai Noach leader has the power to enforce discipline among followers through physical force. And we know that only rebellion against God can separate us from the Almighty. So it痴 impossible for the B地ai Noach community to be manipulated through the oppressive practices of a leader.
A cult promotes teachings and practices that are considered new and nonconforming by the surrounding culture.
The teachings of B地ai Noach are as old as time. They were first given to Adam and Eve, then to Noach, to teach to their children. They were repeated to Moses and the Israelites at Sinai. They are the universal laws that most civil laws and religions are founded on. Even the United States Congress has recognized the Noahide laws (teachings) as the bedrock of civilization. That makes the Noahide teaching neither "new" nor "nonconforming" to the surrounding cultures where Noahides live.
Neither does B地ai Noach teach practices that are "new" or "nonconforming." In fact, there are no standardized practices in the B地ai Noach community. Some Noahides observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, some do not. A few keep kitchens so kosher that the strictest Jewish observer of Kashrut (Jewish dietary law) will feel at home. Many observe few dietary restrictions other than refraining from eating meat with the life in it.
We have no standard ceremonies of any kind. Recently, however, there has been some discussion about developing life cycle ceremonies to keep from having to "reinvent the wheel" every time we have a wedding, funeral, etc.
A cult isolates its self from people and cultures outside the cult.
Cults protect themselves through isolation. Their leadership, teachings, and practices cannot be challenged if the outside world does not cause the cult membership to question them. So they cut themselves off from family, friends, co-workers, and government agencies.
The B地ai Noach community is a community in the same sense as the "academic community" is a community. We freely exchange ideas and resources, but do not limit these exchanges to B地ai Noach. We do not hide from the world or isolate ourselves in any sense. Noahides are your neighbors, family members, co-works, elected officials, community volunteers, doctors, teachers, ........ We believe in being actively involved in improving the geographical communities in which we live.
While we don稚 try to convert others to our faith, we discuss it openly when others are interested. We do not need to isolate or hide ourselves or our teachings to maintain our participation in the covenant that God made with Noah and with us, his descendants.
The only thing B地ai Noach has in common with cults is that B地ai Noach is a religious group. But that is not an essential element of cults because some cults are not religious.
B地ai Noach cannot be a cult because:
1. Noahides do not follow a single universally accepted charismatic leader (dead, alive, resurrected, or ascended).
2. B地ai Noach leaders do not control or manipulate Noahides.
3. B地ai Noach teachings and practices are not "new" and "nonconforming" to the surrounding culture.
4. Rather than isolate themselves, Noahides participate in the surrounding community