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Because of the power of the Internet to reach millions of people worldwide in a very short time, myths spread much more quickly than ever before. And so it has come to be that myths are spreading about the B’nai Noach Movement. People who don’t understand it are making assumptions and passing them along on the Internet as truth.
Some of these people are leaders in their own faith who have only heard about B’nai Noach from others or learned just enough from legitimate sources to take things out of context. Through their lack of knowledge, they unintentionally create more myths and believe them. Then they all too often begin to believe that the B'nai Noach movement is a threat to their faith and followers. So they teach their followers the myths in the hopes of keeping them away from the B'nai Noach faith. A little learning is, indeed, a dangerous thing.
B’nai Noach is the oldest faith on the face of the earth. But it has never been an organized religion. It was the faith of Adam, Able, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham.....to name just a few. It didn’t even have a name before the great flood. Then God made a covenant with Noah that was binding on Noah and all his descendents. Thus, the name B’nai (Hebrew for children or descendents) Noach (Hebrew for Noah).
Through the millennia, the B’nai Noach faith began to get lost among the world’s religions. Being organized, the other religions got more advertising. Even though the name "B’nai Noach" became all but lost, there have always been Noahides (adherents to the B’nai Noach faith). They believe(d) in a single god—the Creator of the Universe—with whom they can personally relate without a mediator and to whom they are personally and directly responsible. And they live(d) by a moral code that constitutes the seven laws of the covenant—even though few have had formal teaching to do so—because they believe(d) that this code of seven laws came from God.
Now, through various media, B’nai Noach support groups, and the Internet, Noahides are discovering the name of their faith and the origins of the moral code they live by. And an international B'nai Noach community is forming. With this, B’nai Noach is becoming more known to the world at large. And so the inevitable myths have begun to spread about this little known religion.
This website is dedicated to dispelling those myths.
Though the myths are numbered, the numbers are only for the use of counting how many are discussed here. They are not numbered in order of importance or order of first appearance. They are just numbered in order to count them.
Myth #1: B'nai Noach is a Cult
More discussions of myths will be added soon, so don't stay away too long!
Please add your comments to my guestbook or write to me directly. View my guestbook. © 1997-2000Nancy January
Links to other sites on the Web
Excellent introduction to the B'nai Noach faith
Root and Branch Association has lots of information and a directory of organizations, resources, and books for B'nai No'ach.
B'nai Noach Torah Society--discussion lists, searchable archives, links to many instructional resources
Chavarath B'nai Noah of Fort Worth, Texas--support center with many links
Essays on B'nai Noach issues
The Noahide Shoppe
B'nai Noach: A Resource Guide
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