MiX Talks. . . Incessantly

Updated: 04/28/08

The Word O' the Day from Wordsmith

Welcome to MiX Place. I've not updated regularly in quite a while. I've been busy with teaching, blogging, learning Flash and updating my HTML knowledge to XML knowledge, and now have decided I want to dabble in Perl. The family are all much bigger now than they appear in most of the photos throughout the website. I'll be correcting that in the near future.

Some other sites I do:
Tempest Little Big Band My good friend, and co-worker's, band's website. I've been doing this site since it began, 4 years or so. They're usually looking for gigs in the Atlanta area, so check 'em out. My WebLog Blog of mine, a new-found technology for me. I'm messing with it and thoroughly enjoying it at this point. It really sparks the creative gene to write frequently, again!

Some sites I love:
Cruiser Customizing Mid-America Motorworks
Daniel Amos Lost Dogs
Peachwater, TX A friend through the Happy Husband. I've shared email with, but never met face2face. The Wordsmith
The Happy Husband Ol' college buddy. I've had two drop-everything-and-run road trips, one was with this feller. Your Program Files if you use a Window's PC

Thank you for coming, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you encounter any trouble along the way, have any new sites to suggest for inclusion into my lists, or just take issue with anything that I say, please email me!

Should you care to read my opinions, go to my opinions page.

Should you care to see my family, go to my family pages.

Should you be interested in what interests me, go to my interests page.

Should none of that interest you, then leave - there is nothing for you to see here!

Enjoy your visit!

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