James's Web Page

Welcome to James's Web Page

After many hours of thinking and plotting against the government conspiracy(j/k) I have finally figured out what I should do with this page... EVERYTHING THAT I LIKE(non-redwall related). yes, I am a lover of Redwall(a book series by Brian Jacques). Check out Redwall and Mossflower 73(my Redwall Club) Soemtime soon, and sign the guestbook!

In case you haven't guessed, I am a lover of all that is fantasy and medievil(well, almost...), especialy books such as J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and other great novels.

NA Marching Band(The Biggest Thing Going On In My Life)

This page is just starting to be redone, and it will be taking a lot of time before anything is really up and running. I'm going to work on what I can now, but it will be a LONG while

The Song Playing is "Sing Sing Sing" which our Jazz Band plays!