Pagan Sabbats

or Holy Days

These are wiccan sabbats. Most pagan religions observe religions on or around these days, since pagan religion and life is focused on nature and its cycle. I am using the wiccan as an example since it is the most popular where Iam from the US. as well as the first exposuer to a pagan religion many get since one can easily get books on the belief


winter solstice..

The day to celebrate renewal and rebirth.. Since in the days before electricity and modern comforts winter in Europe and N America was a time was the hardest to survive. Because of this on the solstice of winter we look ahead to what spring will bring.. A reawaken of life.

What common things are done on Yule. Fires are lit within cauldrons ( a cauldron was once a common cooking tool but it also symbolizes the goddess wombs.. So the fires represent the growing life, the God, that is born on yule evergreens are honored by decoration since they represent the continuing fertility. A practice that has now become a shared practice with the christians.

Symbols and Colors

The colors are green and red. A wheel symbol goes with this sabbat as well as evergreen, Yule logs, and potted trees.


Febuary 2

It is the festival of lights.. This sabbat is also know as Candlemass, because candles are lit as well as torches and fire to encourage the suns return. One may note that groundhog day the day in the US at least where we look at the animal the groundhog to reassure us that winter will be ending. This is also the day to mark the goddess recovery of the birth of the god. And to honor the young god who light and heat is awaking the earth

What common things are done on Imbolc:
As stated above candles or torches are lit. Ussually held in a circle, and are usually carried around the alter at some point. The symbol of the wheel is placed on altar. some plant seeds in pots in the circle as a symbol as the coming spring.

Symbols and Colors

The color are white and green, blue may also be used. The symbols are the evergreen again for its lasting color and vitality thu winter. And of course candle since it is candelmass.


spring equinox

Flowers are the word of this day, on the altar in the cauldron. This is the first officially day of spring and the renewal of the fertility. traditional activities for this sabbat is collecting wild flowers. wearing flowers.. Its is also important to take a walk out in nature be it a woods forest park or beach.. reconnection to outside after the long usually indoor months of winter is a great way to celebrate this day.

The colors and symbols
fires in the circle during the rite.. but not before. potted plants the colors are white.. Some foods that are good to have at your sabbat feast are those made of seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, ect. leafy greens vegetables are also an seasonal and easy food for this day.


May 1

The return of full blown fertility. This is the day that most pagan celebrate the union of the god and goddess. the most common symbol for this day is the may pole. the weaving of ribbions are used to repersent the god and goddes becoming one in union.also bonfire leeping is traditional and blowing horn sin celibration.
colors and symbols
the color is still white.freash flower everywhere is called for remember this is celebrated a lot like a wedding would be.. It is also a day many pagans decide to be handfasted. Handfasting is the pagan wedding ceromony. In the cauldron or alter freash flower should also be abundent. Foods you may want to searv on this day is dariy custarsd, ice cream. ect

Litha, or midsummer

Summer equinox

. God's day hmmmm.. maybe thats why fathers day in June.. just a thought.. It is also knows as all magick day since any form of spell should be donw.. It is gods day becuse the god is in his prime. this is a perfect time for purifaction rite while celibrating the sabbat., one should also have a sword or dagger plunged into the culdron.. symbolizing the god and goddess union of fertilty. remeber aldo herb drying is great on this day becuse it usually hot and sunny out in June.
Colors and symbols
the sword plunged into the cauldron.. mugwort and mirrors to captuer the sun is also a symbol of this day. the color is white.. Food to be served fresh fruits.


Augest 1

This is the day of the frist harvest. it is also the time to acknowldge that the god is growing old but to not fret the seed that he has planted into the goddess womb is growing and he will be reborn in the new year.. planting seed from the fruit you consum on this day feast is a great way to celibrate it.. Make sure you plant the sprots if they pop up to reafrim your connection with the god and goddess. Wheet weaving is the craft of this day.
colors and symbols
bread, to be eaten and the rest thrown into the fire. corn stalk and grains to be woven into god and goddess symbols. colors are red and orange.


September 21 fall equinox

The second harvest this is the completion of harvest on Lughnasadh. The god is preparing to leave his pysical body and begin his advanter to what lays outside the pysical body. then to rebrith. natuer is beinging her rest during the winter months and so is the goddess but even though the goddess is resting her womb is full of life waiting to be born. fruit is parsed to show proof of god and goddess love.
colors and symbols
pine cones, wheat, acrones. fall symbols. colors are red and brown.


Oct 4

This is the pagan new years.. It is not the happy celebration full of drinking and dancing that you may expct from the secular new year as we celibrate every december 31. It is a day to remeber all that have passed away and honor thier memories.This is the day the god leaves his pysical body to be returned to us on yule in the form of the child god the goddess is carrying.
color and symbols
setting a place at the tabel for loved ones that have passed on. scrying in smoke. colors are red and or black. foods are pomegranates, pumpkins and apples.

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