Commonly Asked Question

I know that there are many misconceptions about what paganism is and or witchcraft.. So here is my definitions.. Remember as with any religion, no two people have the exact same definitions or beliefs.. May differ with what someone else have said..If you get confused remember that all pagan religions most basic belief is honor nature (life).. IF it dosnt feel like its right for you go with your heart, as long as it harms none.

Are pagans the same as witches:

Pagan is a common umbrella term for one that follows a prechristan earth center religion.. So a witch is a pagan, but not all pagan religions call their members' witches.. an example of this would be Druidism. Druids are pagans. but they are not witches..

Are you born a witch or can you become one later?:

No one is born being any religion. This hold for all pagan as well. so no you are not born a pagan or a witch.. You may have been born to a family who is pagan, like one is born to a family that is Christian. But you have to decide to study, believe and live the religion on your own. And any one can be a pagan if they think this is the path for them and dedicate themselves to the lifestyle.

How does learn about witchcraft or other pagan paths?:

Well my recommendation is to start by going to your local book store and under the new age section look for authors such as Cunningham, and Ravenwolf.. They are Wiccan authors and you may not end up deciding to follow the Wiccan path but this is a good place to start your journy..The best places to find these books are at stores like Barnes and Nobel or Walden. If you happen to live in a city or an open-minded town you can look in your yellow pages for new age, pagan, occult stores.. You can find them under bookstores usually.

Does being a witch give one powers?:

Well this is a yes and no question because power is many things.. Lets start of by saying no being a witch isn't going to let you turn your little brother into a frog or know what every one is thinking. This isn't real power in my honest opinion anyways, because serves no purpose but selfishness. The power that pagan religions give is empowerment. Meaning that you are responsible for your own actions. There is no devil that is tempting you to do harm. It also empowers you to have a close relationship with nature, your god and or goddess, and your self and that will ultimately bring you enlightenment on some level.

So why be a pagan or a witch

WEll why be any religion? Its called faith and a sense of it is right. Most pagan when they discover pagan paths as modern and living religion feel like they have finally come home.. I felt this way also. I always had a deep love for the goddess but I didn't think any person shared that with me till I learned about wicca.

Who or what do you worship and is it the devil, or evil in any way?

Most pagans honor a goddess and a god some honor many gods and goddess. Some also only choose to honor the goddess or even just the forces of nature. The point is you have to find what your definition of god and or goddess is. In the end they are all the same because any indefinable deity can't be limited to only one human definition of it, can it. Which means that even the Christian god Jesus is an aspect of the all god and Mary could be seen as the part of the All goddess. but they are not the only aspects.. If you are looking for formal names well the list is too long to even have here. I am a Celtic pagan and as such my gods and goddess aspects are over 300 in name.. I will say this my matron goddess is Briget the mother aspect of the three faced goddess, since I am a mother. MY patron god is Oghma because I hold enlightenment and learning close to top of my list on importance. Also note I use honor not worship. I do so because we don't see our gods and goddess as beings we need to grovel, fear, or less then. We se the god and goddess in us and all of nature, and honor them in all life.

Well as I said befor any question you Give to me i will answer and i have gotten a few.. As I have alwats been told if one has a question it can be sure that 10 others are just to scared to ask the same question so iam posting questions I get to the site no names will be given unless you request that I use them..

I would like to understand what paganism is. >But I can't really get a straight answer just from the net information.So can you help me understand it more?

Paganism.. well you can get about 100 defintions for this one word so if you dont mind a bit of dry facts ill startfrom the begining.. paganis from the latin pagnus. meaning country dweller. It has evolved to mean a religion that is non hebrew based (christan, muslim, hebrew) becuse when the romans became christan and started thier campins to convert europe.. The people who kept the pagan belifes and customs where the people who lived outside the city. It later when christan in the middle ages wanted to uniform all people to one relgion became to have a evil conations becuse they would scare others off from becoming the older religions by feeding the lies that we worship evil and thier devil.

Well Some familes kept the belifes and partices alive in families.. as well with the advent of modern archolgy we know that these early indu europen religions didnt worship satan. but honor a earth goddess ( seen in the venus statues) and a hunter god ( seen in cave painting thu eruope)..

Today pagan is an umbralla terms for any relgion that is prechristan based typically polythestic( but not always) and earth based. This would inculd religions such as drudism, wicca, strghan, norse pagansm. celtic shamanism and paganism, and hindu. But this does not inculde satanism. satanism at least IMHO falls under a hebrew based religion.. Thu some satanist dont belive in satan they do take much of thier identy from christan and hebrew based religions.

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