Look at me NOW!!!
Hi everybody! It's me again. I thought I would let everyone know what I've been up to.
Things are going really great here! Everyone in the neighbourhood knows me now and they're always happy to see me. It's fun for me too because sometimes I get extra treats! The mail lady always has milkbones for me and whenever I see Sam, my BIG dog friend, I get to play with him. And I have THREE puppy-sitters that just love me! They're all girls and they always tell me how handsome I am. :)
Oh! And I've grown a little bit since you seen me the last time. Here's a picture of me when Mommy and Daddy first met me.
See how tiny I was?
Well take a look at me now!!
I'm 12 weeks old in this picture and I weigh 22lbs. Mommy says I better enjoy being held like that while I can. I wonder what she means....
I like that I'm getting bigger. I can climb all the stairs now. I can even go DOWN them now too!
I think I've come a long way from this.
I had my first professional training session just the other day and he said that I was an "awesome puppy." He said that I'm smart, healthy, strong, and that I have a really nice personality! He was a nice man. And he even wants to come visit me again. I can hardly wait!
This is me napping in
Daddy's room. It's nice and cool in there.
Sometimes Daddy will put my kennel in his room and I get to sleep in there alllll night! Mommy and Daddy really like it when I sleep all night.
And this is me when I'm woken up from a nap.
Don't ya hate it when a perfectly good nap is interrupted?
Well.... I guess that's all for now. I'll let you know when I have my next big adventure. I think it's swimming. I wonder what that is.....
Okay... bye-bye for now everyone!