Hi everybody ! It's ME.... Bobby Mac !!

Guess what; I have a new home!!! I even have a new name! My new mommy and daddy named me Titus. Daddy said that Titus Pullo was a very brave and loyal Roman soldier. So I guess I have some big paws to fill.

How is everyone at my old home? I hope all my brothers and sisters have new forever homes too. I miss them, but I have a blanket I sleep with that smells like them, so it's not so bad .

I love my new home! I have a backyard to play in and there's lots of things to discover! I even met another doggie!  It was a good thing daddy was holding me because he was a really BIG doggie! And the mail lady is really nice .


Mommy and daddy tell me I'm doing really well for such a young pup. So far I've only had 3 little accidents in the house. I go for walks 2 times a day and next time I KNOW I'll make it all the way to the end of the street . I'm even learning how to walk on a leash! And today I started learning how to sit .

I have LOTS of play time too! The coffee table is a fun place to play! 


And its a good place for a nap too .

This is one of my beds..... but I like playing with it more than sleeping in it..... hehe. 


The girls at mommy's work threw her a puppy shower. They gave her treats for me, toys and even some doggie shampoo so I'll have a nice, clean, shiny coat . 

Well... I guess that's all for now. I'm really happy here and I know that mommy and daddy love me a whole bunch. I promise to tell you more about my new life and how I'm doing, but right now I need a nap.... so do mommy and daddy I think ..... hehe .


Bye for now !!


Come see what I've been up to...