"I'm the king of frequent flyers...but I don't get to spend enough time with the people I love, or in the place I love. I've been an actor for a long time and there's a certain level of the gypsy in the job."   --- Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe, our Man of the Hour, our hero, has recently proven that he is indeed superhuman. With promotional obligations, awards dinners and ceremonies, concert appearances and charity events all converging on him at once, did he try to wriggle out of any of them just to make life easier for himself? Noooo! He took them all on and defied the limits of a 24-hour day to fit it all into his busy schedule.

And just how did he do that? We knew you'd ask!
Russarappa of the Crowe's Perch has a singular way of describing just how taxing our Russell's schedule has been! So sit back, relax ('cause he can't), and marvel at the feets feats of Mr. Crowe!


Feb 12 - TOFOG appears live in Melbourne, Australia, at the Allen Border Medal ceremonies
Feb 15 - Russell attends the Proof of Life premiere in Rome, Italy
Feb 19 - Russell attends the Proof of Life premieres in Madrid, Spain
Feb 21 - Russell attends the Proof of Life premiere in London, Leicester Square
Feb 23 - Russell attends the Proof of Life premieres in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia
Feb 25 - Russell attends the BAFTA Award ceremony in London
Feb 26 - TOFOG performs live in Milan, Italy
Feb 26 - TOFOG performs live at the Sanremo Music Festival, Sanremo, Italy 

As you can see, The Crowe is not a easy man to track, but Russarappa managed to keep up with him long enough to see through The Man's eyes - and what a view!


Calm down and have a listen
To Russarappa reminiscin'
'Bout the trials of Russell Crowe
Who's never still, and on the go;
Rappa tells it with a beat
That has you bouncin' in your seat!
Grab a beer and your next of kin
And let the foot-tappin' rap begin:

Russell's busy February began in Melbourne, Australia, where TOFOG (30 Odd Foot of Grunts) performed live at the Allan Border Medal Presentation.

Long Ride Rap
(get the beat goin)

Russell is ridin' on a big jet plane
Just sittin' still is drivin' him insane
Valentine's Day but he's high in the air
But the Ben and Jerry press ain't in his hair

Good news - bad booze
Gotta take off those shoes
Good views - no clues
Tryin' in vain to get a snooze

Food is rubber, musta come from a can
Is it Vegemite or is it spam?
Need some rest but the eyes won't close
Picturin' the flight attendant with no clothes
He can barely talk when he tries to make a call
Got a wad of Nicorette - size of a golf ball

Good news - bad booze
Gotta take off those shoes
Good views - no clues
Tryin' in vain to get a snooze


Russell attended the Proof of Life premiere in Rome on Feb 15th. Rome was the first stop for Russell during this brutal two-week trans-continental trek, which took him back and forth between Europe and Australia twice.


The Tourist in Spain Rap

Pro-motion can be a chore
Hotel rooms can really bore
Ain't been to Madrid before
Just wantin' to explore

Yo! Go!!

Bout the shoppin I confess
Bought my mum a brand new dress
Won't be a surprise I guess
If she reads the foreign press

Hunh! Hunh!

Motor's goin putt putt
Vibrates your insides (and) but
In good cheer but it's clear
Transmission needs another gear

Vroom! Zoom!!

Russell appeared at the Proof of Life premiere on Feb 19th. During that event, there was a photo op outside in what looks like a garden; cleans up nice, don't he?

Where dey go? Rap

(Russell now he need his flannel,
since he cross da English Channel)

London's where the tabs were born
Russ could really get forlorn
So he go an gone out pissin
Richard Harris he been missin

Yo! Bro!

But before he leave his dungeon
Yeah, da hotel room in London
Can you see yo Russ McMuffin
Frantic goin through his stuff, then?

Those? Hose?

How could he go out on da street
Without his hose, he incomplete
But there they were, at last, replete
Beneath those da#n Egyptian sheets.

Mesh! meet Flesh!

On Feb 21, Russell appeared at the Proof of Life premiere in London's Leicester Square

...as for the rap...and the references to the Russ McMuffin and, uh...hose: no explanation will make sense, so suffice it to say that you just had to be there!


On da Road Rap

Powers dat be say over dinner
"Behave - you might be a winner"
Did give da tabs some S*it to shoot
But dey invent it if I'm mute

Parasites. Troglodytes.

In London, watched my P's and Q's
But chugged a lot of VBs too
View dat photo? Think I tickled?
Dat grin means I'm f*ckin pickled

London Fog. Lotsa grog.

Den on to Melbourne - Sydney too
What time it is I got no clue
Then - Rock and Roll - yeah I be singin
Pavarotti's ears be ringin

Pitch? Glitch.

P.S.Since dis ain no photo session
Now I get to ask a question
Dem Spanish luvs in da hotel-
Dey gone an told you how I SMELL?

But do adore dat little cow
I got someone to sleep with now.

Insane. Ride da plane.

A number of lovely Spanish Ladies of the Spanish Hordes were lucky enough to catch up with Russell in Madrid, where they spent 20 minutes talking to him, and gave him a gift of a stuffed cow. Hola, ladies, let us know when your feet are touching ground again!

I Ain't No Duelin' Tenor Rap

Now dat Russell be a restin'
Soon dose vocal chords be testin'
Jus mates and music - have a ball
If on his ass Russell don fall

Band. Stand.

Russell's nerves dey make him pause
Reckon he will get applause?
Ain't no opera he be bringin
Dem Italians know their singin

Claps? Perhaps.
(No lightin' cigarettes)

Questions bout de Muffin Posse?
They there case de Russ get saucy
"What dey do to earn their tucker
Is keep me off dose muther#u*kers"

Press. No less.

Russell attended both the Sydney and Melbourne premieres of Proof of Life on Feb 24th. Also, on Feb 26 - 27, TOFOG will appear live in Milan for a benefit concert for the India earthquake victims, then at the Sanremo Music Festival, respectively [photo from the premiere in Rome, Feb 15].

Too D#mn Tired Rap

Exhaustion won - couldn't choose
Minder watch me while I snooze
When really tired I get in trouble
Wooky eye make me see double
Stead of seein 80 writers
See hundred sixty of dem blighters

So tired. Brain mired.


Consolation Rap

Another room, another town
Acquaintances, not mates, abound
Sometimes at night
When it is quiet
Darkness swirls - doubts at play
And mates are oh so far away

So far away.

But I ain one fo stayin down
Tonight I didn't get no crown
They like the dancin - not the fights
Would I have won if I'd worn tights?
But I be glad de kid done won
Things mean so much when you be young

Sincere. Cheer.


The BAFTA Awards, Feb 25, 2001
Gladiator picked up 5 more awards, but Russell lost the Best Actor category to his new friend, the young up-and-comer from the UK, Jamie Bell ('Billy Elliot'). [BAFTA: British Academy of Film and Television Arts]

WHO is Russarappa, you ask? In her own words:

(start the band's rhythm - a bit like Nowhere)

Gonna come out of the closet, gonna have some fun
Gonna have at it, if I fall on my bum
Easy to see where my name comes from
Wanna get the rhythm, wanna be a chum

I'm bad - I'm mean
I'm a russamutharappin machine
Yeah, I'm slick, gotta sheen
I'm a russamutharappin machine

Need a picture of me for your own mind's eye
I'm so ugly - make your doggie cry
I'm a blue eyed darlin with store bought teeth
Got wrinkles in places that oughta have beef

I'm bad - I'm mean
I'm a russamutharappin machine

I know what he looks like so no need to fru
Just get into my music start tappin your shoe

I'm bad - I'm mean
I'm a russamutharappin machine

Yeah, I'm slick, I gotta sheen
I'm a russamutharappin machine

