more to come. Stop back in a bit. Adding on whenever possible...
is our Beloved Mr. Crowe. He likes to talk. We love to hear him talk.
There are so many interviews, sound bites and photographs of said beloved
Mr. Crowe that the weight of them could crash a server permanently.
here, thanks to my fellow intrepid and ceaselessly diligent webmistresses,
are some of my favorite gems of the Beloved Crowe. Links to the complete
articles are included, whenever possible.
calm down and have a listen.
Crowe speaks on...
The Photograph Kills
"I'm a great burner
of any pedestal anyone tries to put me on."
CROWE GETS CONFIDENTIAL - Australian TV Week Magazine [Date
Unknown: Circa 1990's - thanks to Russell,
Something to Crowe About]
"In fact, most
of the time I think it's really unhealthy to meet the people that you
put on a pedestal because nobody can ever live up to your imagination."
CROWE'S FEAT - The Sun Herald - Christine Sams [November
4, 2001 - thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe ]
Art of Filmmaking
Actor as Storyteller
for A Beautiful Mind
Crowe had to do thorough research to become the schizophrenic mathematical
genius, but didn't venture into any psychiatric wards. "It's one
thing to learn about the disease and it's another to put yourself in
a position of arrogance and go into a hospital and say, 'I am an actor,
and I am here to examine you, just poke and prod you,'" Crowe said.
"There are literally miles and miles of tape available in case studies
and psychologists and psychiatrists interviews. So, that's basically
what I did and I read a lot about the disease."
INTO THE 'MIND' OF RUSSELL CROWE - The Daily Texan, Austin TX [December
12, 2001 - thanks to Poly of The
Dreamworks - Gladiator MB]

John Forbes Nash on Film
Since there was no video or audio of Nash when he was younger, Crowe
in collaboration with director Ron Howard, had to extrapolate what Nash
would have been as a young man from a few meetings they had with the
real-life Nash, who is now 73. "I took what I saw as mannerisms as an
old man, and we put them into Nash the younger man. But, there was a
number of them, and Ron always had a choice of which string of them
to go with," Crowe said. "At the age he is now he's not a template for
who he was as a young man because he's divided with 35 years of medication
and hospitalization. So, we had to take the broad facts of his life
and get into deduction and intuition at this point."
INTO THE 'MIND' OF RUSSELL CROWE - The Daily Texan, Austin TX [December
12, 2001 - thanks to Poly of The
Dreamworks - Gladiator MB]
Bastard Life? Or Clarity?
"The protagonists in most of my songs,
where they allude to me, these are not nice guys. These are guys who are completely
flawed, and that's just me being honest.."
- CROWE'S FEAT - The Sun Herald - Christine Sams [November
4, 2001 - thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe ]
" 'My mum actually asked
me, '–cause when my first couple of records came out, they came out as
"Russ Le Roq," and she said, "You know, darling, everybody's really concerned
about, about that, and why are you, you know, hiding your real name? Aren't
you proud of it?" And I said [giggles], 'Have you HEARD the records?'
THE TONIGHT SHOW - JAY LENO [August 16, 2001 - thanks
to Maximum
Russell Crowe]
"Russ Le Roq was already a persona,"
Crowe says, "I was doing something that was related to the job. Does part
of me always lean into that? Do I take on, from a chameleon perspective,
the colours that are around me? Yeah, I do - but in performance, not in
my own life."
CROWE'S FEAT - The Sun Herald - Christine Sams [November
4, 2001 - thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe]
"I sing a lot when I'm riding
motorbikes, which is kind of strange, because you can't hear much,"
he says, with a cheeky grin. "I do find myself doing some great performances
under a helmet." *
CROWE'S FEAT - The Sun Herald - Christine Sams [November
4, 2001 - thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe]
he wears the helmet. Psst, Russell... from a fan who loves you...WEAR
(in answer to the question,
what's more fun - movie star or rock star?)
"I don't really think
of it in those terms, you know? Um, I get a, a real buzz out of doing
the band stuff. I mean, you know, film stuff is great. It's a cerebral
venture. You construct the performance in your lounge room. You go out
and do your job. Then a year, year and a half later you see the effect
of that, you know, the series of emotional points that you may have
planned. And whether you've taken the audience with them or not. Rock
and roll is right there. Right then. You know."
THE TONIGHT SHOW - JAY LENO [August 16, 2001 -
thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe]
"God Defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia."
"Gladiator star Russell Crowe has
applied to become an Australian citizen. The actor has wanted to
become an Aussie for more than a decade, but has only just found out he doesn't
have to give up his New Zealand citizenship to do so. He said:
'I've discovered you can have one and the other. It is
great news - I will absolutely accept dual citizenship... I feel Australian
and I am perceived as an Australian, but I'm not going to deny my heritage,
my New Zealand relatives, or the fact that part of my family is Maori. That
would be completely disrespectful.' "
SOMETHING TO CROWE ABOUT - The Daily Record - [date unknown
- thanks to Maximum
Russell Crowe] update of 10/29/01]