Our admiration for The Man manifests itself in many ways, and results in various by-products. One of the most obvious arenas in which we excel is that of the Arts. Barbarians all over the net are submitting drawings and paintings of Russell Crowe in what must be record numbers, artwork rendered in charcoal, watercolor, pencil, ink; Russell sites featuring fanfic and Smut -&- Smussell are reproducing (gasp!) at an alarming rate (smussellmania has hit the net and is widely enjoyed by many Barbarians)! And while no one expects to be considered for a Pulitzer Prize any time soon, it is a great opportunity for us to express ourselves...and there's no telling where such an exercise in creativity might take us in the future! [...by the way, don't get all excited, that is NOT Russell Crowe's body you see, although it looks pretty accurate (!), but a statue of Polyclete, Muse of Naples, topped by the wonderfully intense face of Officer Wendell 'Bud' White, member of L.A.'s finest!]

We've also raided the archives for some of the greatest poetry ever written. If you want to know what our feverish brains have done with such a windfall, click on the Muse on the right, or click here...


Found on these pages:

Odes to Russell Odes to The Horde
Songs of Russell Crowe Haiku & A Limerick or Two
Song Parodies A Pleasant Fiction: Smussell
Serenades to Russell          Crowe Nation Musings (poems unrelated to The Man)

poems are in alphabetical order by title

Odes to Russell
(original works)
A Forged Destiny
Babzee / Crowe's Perch
Chili / Outback / RCBM / Perch
Beauty in Repose
Ting / Crowe's Perch
Ting / Crowe's Perch
Ageangirl / Crowe's Perch
Icantsay / Crowe's Perch
Eyes Wide Open
Julius628 / Crowe's Perch
Final Irony
Sheeps / Crowe's Perch
Glass Walls
Heeler / Crowe's Perch
Idol Wild
Truthseeker / Outback
If She Loves Him
Heeler / Crowe's Perch
The Man With the Yo Yo
LuckyGold / Crowe's Perch
No Mystery
Kittkatt / Crowe's Perch
Henley / Crowe's Perch
One Day
ArianRfH / Crowe's Perch
Oscar Night Unwraped
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
The Perfect One
Athena / Outback
The Playing Board
SKGray / AfterDark
The Reality
Rirac / Crowe's Perch
Babzee / Crowe's Perch
Kittkatt / Crowe's Perch
The Terms and Conditions of Fan Love
Chili / Outback / Beautiful Minds / Perch
The Thief
Sheeps / Crowe's Perch
Touch Me
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
Tyranny of Distance
Kittkatt / Crowe's Perch
Babzee / Crowe's Perch
We Have Opened Our Hearts
Icantsay / Crowe's Perch
Welcome Home
Snoot / Crowe's Perch
Serenades to Russell
(songs that could have been inspired by Russell)
Il Barbiere di Siviglia
Athena / Outback
Three Weeks We Were Wed
Athena / Outback
Stormy Weather
Athena / Outback

Songs of Russell
(original works)
Game Theory
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
Keep Your Panties to Yourself
Chili / Outback / RCBM / Perch
One August Moon
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
On St. Francis' Day
Athena / Outback
No Smussell Blues
Howlin' Perv Quarry / AfterDark / Crowe's Perch
One More Tour
Sheeps / Crowe's Perch
Past the Overflow
Silvercrowe / Murphsplace / The Crowe's Perch
Howlin' Perv Quarry / AfterDark / Crowe's Perch

Song Parodies
(songs with a Russell spin on them...)

Ghost Writers
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
Inside Your Arm
Athena / Outback
The Pitiless Pigeon Parade
Russarappa / Crowe's Perch
Somebody Else's Russell
Ladydawg / Beautiful Minds
Welcome to the Peach Place
Secretariat7 / Crowe's Perch
You Treat Me Like Stubbs Sauce
Roon / Beautiful Minds
Crowe Haiku and
A Limerick or Two

(definitely original works)
A Limerick or Two
Katydid / Crowe's Perch
Babzee / Crowe's Perch
Shall We Do Haiku?
Babzee / Crowe's Perch
Shall We Do Haiku II?
India / Crowe's Perch
Shall We Do Haiku III?
anonymous poster / Crowe's Perch
Shall We Do Haiku IV?
LadyM / Crowe's Perch

Odes to The Horde
(original works)

Ode to Cabrio
Truthseeker / Outback
Why Do I Post?
Babzee / Crowe's Perch

more to come - stay tuned

back to the top


A Pleasant Fiction

(definitely original! - but password protected - you gotta be a Horde member!) 
[ ladies: think purple ]

Includes alphabetically by title:
Bud Again Donna-babe Beautiful Minds
Dinner for Two Chiquita Outback
Just a Day in the Office Chiquita Outback
Not a Stranger Donna-babe Beautiful Minds
Speeding Queen Donna-babe Beautiful Minds
The Trap Donna-babe Beautiful Minds
Trip to Oz Tamara Russell Something to Crowe About
True Confessions ChoChoSan Beautiful Minds
Victoria Tamara Russell Something to Crowe About

(enter password below)

SecretPass by Luna-Tic


Fans of The Man are a prolific bunch. For original poetry that is not Russell inspired (yes, there actually is such an animal!), click on the poetess!       ===>


back to the top

You Treat Me Like Stubb's Sauce

You treat me like Stubb's sauce,
Somethin' you shouldn't drip down your chin,
Instead of chewin' rib tips,
You should consider invitin' me in...
Gristle's not this fine,
This time the Prime stares you in the face,
This Prime's more like a tenderloin, to whet your
appetite, co-ver your plaaaaaaaaate...
Oh I'm delicious and I'm rare,
Undercooked, your spare(rib), yeaaaaah...
You treat me like Stubb's sauce,
Just uncork it,
You say I taste like Stubb's sauce,
Don't choke on it...
You treat me like Stubb's sauce... yeaaaaaaah...

Roon of the RSTCA CroweLegion
General, Beautiful Minds Message Board


Il Barbiere di Siviglia

Athena of the Outback Chat, to counter the gay rumors being spread on the internet about Our Man, His Most Testosterone Highness, submitted this aria from the Rossini opera "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" (English translation to the right):

La calunnia è un venticello Calumny is a light wind
Un'auretta assai gentile A very gentle air
Che insensibile, sottile,       Which insensibly, subtly,
Leggermente, dolcemente, Lightly, sweetly
Incomincia a susurrar. Starts to whisper.
Piano piano, terra terra Very slowly, very low
Sotto voce sibilando, Low-voice hissing,
Va scorrendo, va ronzando; It flows, it buzzes;
Nelle orecchie della gente Into people's ears
S'introduce destramente, It skilfully intrudes
E le teste ed i cervelli And heads and brains
Fa stordire e fa gonfiar. It dazes and inflates.

Dalla bocca fuori uscendo Coming out of the mouth
Lo schiamazzo va crescendo; The uproar rises;
Prende forza a poco a poco, Gains strength little by little,
Scorre già di loco in loco, Runs already from place to place,
Sembra il tuono, la tempesta Looks like thunder, like a storm
Che nel sen della foresta Which in the core of the forest
Va fischiando, brontolando Goes whistling, grumbling
E ti fa d'orror gelar. And freezing you with horror.


Alla fin trabocca e scoppia,

Finally, it overflows and blows up,
Si propaga, si raddoppia It spreads, it doubles
E produce un'esplosione And produces an explosion
Come un colpo di cannone, Like a cannon blow,
Un tremuoto, un temporale, A quake, a storm,
Un tumulto generale, A general riot,
Che fa l'aria rimbombar. That makes the air rumble.
E il meschino calunniato, And the poor backbitten guy,
Avvilito, calpestato, Downhearted, crushed,
Sotto il pubblico flagello Under people's whip
Per gran sorte va a crepar.
For his ill-fate, will die.

submitted by Athena of the Outback Chat Legion


Inside Your Arm

A turn of your tendon, you just had before,
you fixed it yourself, and now that it's torn
I can tell you the difference between uncautious and witty
I'd say 'How cool you are', but you kinda vexed me, and

Inside your arm
That's what I had to see
Inside your arm

But I never rushed in
To tease and to scold

It's not that you scare me as much as the fear
Your wound hurt so badly that you could move little
Your body so gorgeous and maybe you'd stumble and fall

Right on your arm

Now I could be giving, too much away
The way that I'm speaking could make you say 'Hey,
Not your fuckin' business, get out of my way'
But I say, I hope the next time you won't do the same

Remember the drilling, don't play hero again
As soon as you do it, you know you will pay
But I'm pretty sure that you'll do it the same

And inside your arm
That's what I'll have to see
Inside your arm

© Athena 2000 / the Outback Chat Legion

On St. Francis' Day

On St. Francis' day,
We hope and we pray
You'll swiftly recover,
Our much beloved lover

And get back to Oz,
We want that because
It's only in your farm
You will get no harm

To Austin we've come
And made it our home
For 3 or 4 days,
Tied up in your praise

And great was the show,
But how could we know
That days of great sorrow
Were coming next morrow?

Was that Proof Of Life,
Your trouble and strife?
Before Flora Plum,
What have you become?

We hope for the best
But can have no rest,
The question remains:
Did you lose your brains?

We still and do trust,
As loyal fans must,
That you will be happy
Though we think she's crappy.

© Athena 2000 / the Outback Chat Legion


Three Weeks We Were Wed

Here's a favorite song of one of Russell's most devoted and loyal fans, Athena from Milan. It's an Irish song, performed by an all-women Irish American band named Cherish The Ladies.

I'm as troubled a young man, my friends
As you ever did see
For I married a damsel
Her age it was scarce twenty-three
I'm sorry to tell you I married
This false-minded one
For she's left me alone and gone off
With another young man

Now the day we were wed
She said 'I went on a spree'
The neighbour next door she swore
Was better than me
They go out every night and stay dancing
The morning away
And the pair leave me there
To fare the best that I may

Well, three weeks we were wed
When this lassie I took her to town
Expenses I paid, on the way
I gave her a crown
I met an old friend and he pulled me
In for a drain
And while we were there, sure the pair
Ran off on the train

When I found she was gone, like a mad man
I rushed through the square
All crying out, 'ochone' *
And trying to tear out my hair
A neighbour named Ned
He stuck out his head of a door
'Has your wife gone away, will she never
Come back anymore?'

I've an acre a' land
A mighty fine pig, and a cow
A duck and a drake
And no one to take care of us now
I'll sell them all off, I declare
For I'm tired to my life
Says the ladies to Dan
'Go along, and look for your wife!'

*('love' in Gaelic?)

submitted by Athena of the Outback Chat Legion


Stormy Weather

Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky,
Stormy weather
Since my Man and I ain't together
keeps raining all the time

Life is bare, gloom and misery ev'rywhere,
Stormy weather
Just can't get my poor self together
I'm weary all the time
the time
So weary all the time

When he went away
the blues walked in and met me
If he stays away my rockin' chair will get me.
All I do is pray the Lord above to let me
Walk in the sun once more.

Can't go on, ev'rything I had is gone,
Stormy weather
Since my Man and I ain't together,
Keeps raining all the time

submitted by Athena of the Outback Chat Legion


Ode to Cabrio

You knew I wished I was Austin bound
but time and money could not be found
so I missed out on TOFOG and seeing THE MAN
My pain was obvious...
I was a desparate Fan!

You said expect something from the 'red white and blue'
but I was impatient...were you being True?
I waited and waited but nothing arrived
I thought you were playing games with my mind!

But today/this morning, on my doorstep I found
a message saying come get what was 'Cyprus' bound
so I went to the Post Office and what did I see?
A package addressed from Texas to ME!

With quivering hands I tore and broke the flap
to discover a TOFOG CD and Cap!
But more than this...to my surprise
I found myself staring into other 'chatters' eyes!

The photo's you sent me, along with the gifts
left me totally speechless so I had to write this!
And the Truth never lies...I think you get the gist!

eternally grateful

© The Truthseeker 2000 / the Outback Chat Legion


Idol Wild

I could write a poem about my favourite idol Russell Crowe
I could sing his praises and recite dialog
and things he likes like
'Clancy of the Overflow'!

I could say how much my life has changed
since that virgin gaze
at the Gladiator Billboard
down the road

I could say how I screamed and swayed too and fro
at the first words he spoke as he appeared on the screen
and how I said
"WOW, what a Bloke!"

I could talk about how he looked so lean and mean
yet captured my heart to it's extreme
that I couldn't sleep for days.
for thinking about.Him!

I could do all of this if I wanted to
...But I won't!
Just ask any woman you know
"Who's your favourite idol?"
she'll tell you..."Russell Crowe!"

© The Truthseeker 2000 / the Outback Chat Legion


The Perfect One

It's not suntan
That shows my Perfect One.
It's not big bucks,
For sure he's no 'deluxe'

Now I look inside myself and find
He already was in my mind
In that something my heart couldn't ban
In his being just a man

In the eyes mine dared not watch
In those thoughts I couldn't catch
In the honour I feel inside
For his untamable pride

In defects he couldn't hide
In his stubborn, grumpy side
In his irresistible mirth
In his soul, his scent of Earth

How I wish he'd be real...
Could he be a man I could deal?
I'd go to him, oh, I'd run:
Unperfect is my Perfect One.

© Athena 2001 / The Outback Chat Legion

The Man With the Yo-Yo

Who was that man with the yo-yo
The man across from the Four Seasons?
The aura was right
The stage was wrong.
I saw him whipping the toy
Up down
Up down
Watching the cars drive by.
My imagination says it's you
No one seeing you
Bothering you
A man on the stairs
With his yo-yo
In the heat and calm.

I wanted to twist back
To stare
But you don't need so many eyes on you

Your freedom from prying eyes is precious.
Lucky you, there claiming anonymity
In the heat, on the stairs.

Up down, up Down

I can only see the motion of the toy
Him, partly behind a column.
Snapping wrist.
Up down
Up down

Do I stay or do I go?
The choice causes nausea, tumult

A man and a yo-yo
Your life in your palm
And I decide.

© LuckyGold 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Russell is back home!
He needs work to do again --
prepare to evade.

He chases us here
He chases us til we faint
To see if we're well.

Make a film Russell!
We love you but you're daft!
Give us a break, mate!

Your attention pales
When you've a project going
Then, you're more winsome.

Feed us and leave us!
You and that bloody damn dog
Need something else to do!

Make sure we have food.
Make sure we have lots of food!
All we want is food!

No chasing! No brands!
No vaccinations! No tags!
No 'check out their health.'

Food! Huge gobs of food!
Talk to us, if you have to,
But then feed us more!

Take down the fences.
Let us go where we want to.
Cows will rule the world!!!!

© Babzee 2001 / The Crowe's Perch

The Reality

Rain, darkness, night
Funny how we choose to believe
what we believe and then later
listen for the truth
The most obvious truth missed entirely

It is true of you as well of me

I line up the cigarettes
White nicotine soldiers they stand
They give me pleasure, I say
I choose them
Even as they chop off minutes of my life
Precious Life

The need overtakes and I lie with them

I joke, yet the words hurt like bullets
I know to laugh, so I think

Always secretly afraid I will disappoint
My mistakes haunt me

Yet I smile and smoke
And ignore the truth, as do you

© Rirac 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Welcome Home

Welcome home, weary traveller,
Lay your head down.
I've been waiting, weary traveller,
I haven't been to town.

Though you were far, weary traveller,
I kept you close to my heart.
And though you rambled, weary traveller,
We were never really apart.

I knew your mind, weary traveller,
As well as I know my own.
You always come home to me, weary traveller,
To show me how you have grown.

But don't be gone too long, weary traveller,
As you are often inclined to do.
Because even though you are weary traveller,
I may someday want to travel too.

© Snoot, 2000 / Crowe's Perch


Past the Overflow

Let me ride past the West horizon
Past the Overflow
Where the birds are all of crimson
And the wild winds blow.

Let me leave the noise behind me,
All the glitter false and tired
I need to breath in freshness
Need to run a little wild.

All those women coming at me
All those men with money eyes
What they gonna do for me?
I want Australian skies.

I'm tired of talk and people
Tired of smiling, being smart
Want to keep my old mouth quiet
Let the sun warm up my heart.

Past the West horizon
Past the Overflow
Where Clancy went before me
Where the wild winds blow.

Where the wild winds blow.

©Silvercrowe 2001 / murphsplace.com / The Crowe's Perch


Touch Me

Sometimes the aching bends me

The need to touch someone
The need to be touched by someone
Without the flurry
Even if only a connection in cyberspace

Just a casual discourse
Without the pointing
Without the blinding lights
Would ease the lonliness a bit

But I am a Painted Bird
I hop from golden cage to golden cage
Through silver tubes
And read about what I didn't do

Always different now, always apart
They speak at that entity, their entity
But never talk with me

So I sit and ache, alone even in the crowd
Dreaming of the quiet touch
of a friend's hand on my arm
A simple word of greeting to a lonely man.

©Russarappa 2001 / The Crowe's Perch

"The Painted Bird" refers to Jerzy Kosinsky's The Painted Bird




We Opened Our Hearts

We have opened our hearts and minds to you
risking ridicule in our earnestness
leaving ourselves vulnerable
as we perch upon your benevolence

We are hopeful you will be kind to us
and realize our admiration for you
is a reflection of your worth
Our awe of your creativity has inspired us
to explore the depths within ourselves
to bring beauty to your life
as you have brought to ours
You are our muse, our Erato

You spoke of unrequited love,
the simplest kind to have
with this we are intimately familiar
Is it not easier to gaze covertly at someone
than to openly admire?
We were safe within our anonymity
if we had chosen to stay there

I once looked into the eyes of a man,
became locked in his gaze
if only for a brief moment across a crowd
I saw many things in him that night
Things such as forthrightness, strength, and beauty
He seemed unaffected by his celebrity
so uncommon to most in his position
I am aware I do not truly know him
but if I did, I am certain this would not change

©Icantsay 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Final Irony
For Russell

Sweet Caretaker,
Kind almost-Friend,
You hand down wishes
From the self-hewn throne
Where we lifted - and left - you.
From there you might stoke your
Belief that a ladder is still possible....

Hurt-forged Sage,
Down and out Beggar,
You settle into yet this role...
But this one may kill you,
May murder your soul, and
The price of bravery
In your Eternity is safety, this time.....

Cruel Dream-weaver,
Unabashed Sinner,
I know that you ache.
You know that you crave.
Funny how Love eludes you
Now the dream is built...
Those sturdy stairs to the throne...

Quiet Dream-prayer,
Child-hearted Man,
What if you're climbing
The throne to the stars
And the One Dream that would save you -
SHE, left down on the ground -
Became beyond your grasp

Forever lost to you,
The price of an eternity of dreams?

©Sheeps 2001 / Crowe's Perch




You course through me like a fire
Cruelly, deeply, uninvited
I think I drowned in your eyes once
A lifetime ago.

Do not rouse me from oblivion
There is so little of me left
Your sweet smile is torment
To my weary, aching heart.

Your hands reach for me
Trembling, never really touching
Does my suffering please you, ease you?
You know this is not our time.

Do not ask me to dream again, my love
Once more I must wake to the cold, killing light
Torn from the burning embrace
Of your arms.

You are just a memory
Frozen in time
Of an endless dance in the moonlight
Long ago.

© Henley 2001 / Crowe's Perch



Drawn into a dilemma
One of my own making
Questioning the motives
Behind my well thought out decision

I had an idea, an inspiration
A lovely man
An aloof distant stranger
Never close enough to touch
With character lines
Drawn as lightly as the finest down

He was to inspire no feeling
Beyond the basest of a tinge of lust,
An admiring thought
It was a game, a distraction
Of an overworked mind

Alas, he drew me in
Refusing to conform to my ideal
He proceeded to show a quick wit,
A compassionate nature
An unwillingness to stay within my boundaries
Drawing his own lines darker
With each stroke of character

I allow no entry to my heart
It is a guarded, impenetrable wall
Safe within its barriers
as a prisoner encased in the thickest steel

-or so I thought-

I felt a strange tickle
against it's outer edge
A prod against the scars
of cynicism and fear

It was the man
His lines complete
Fully formed into an entity
A strong man with his own mind
That has me rattled with fear

I think of him almost constantly
Without him knowing what he has done
I can only expose my true feelings
through my writings
Drawing my lines
Forming a character of my own
A character I thought I had lost
He forced me to rediscover

That Bastard

© Icantsay 2001 / Crowe's Perch


A Limerick or Two

There was a young man from Coffs Harbour
Who betimes stood in need of a barber
When he would go out,
he was followed about
The ladies, they loved him with ardor.

This guy he was brilliant, and manly and wise
Adored for his smile and beautiful eyes
He was an actor you see,
who could sing to a "t"
But mostly he had fabulous thighs!

© Katydid 2001 / The Crowe's Perch
(with apologies to poets everywhere)


Shall We Do Haiku IV?

Spindrift in the wind
His sleek gravel voice murmurs
Ebony night dreams

What tapestry lies
Behind eyes blue, gray and green?
Lusting for life, he smiles

© LadyM 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Shall We Do Haiku II ?

Russell could be mine
in swirling ethers of time
out of mind, now mine.

Russell has been mine
in space known to me alone
beauty shine, he's shown.

Russell is now ours
multitudes contained, we are
in him, we are one.

© India 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Shall We Do Haiku?

Wheat ,chaff, truth, and lies....
His life is fodder for stench...
His art, beyond words

His integrity glows
like the sun in the summer
like green in springtime.

His maleness stuns me.
His tenderness melts my heart
His reality awes.

Blessed few can do
In a million words what he
does in a grimace.

He bares his own soul
Touches souls throughout the world
Makes us think new things.

Brings new things to love
New worlds seen through his green eyes
New laughs and new tears.

New friends and new thoughts
New places my heart can go
New dreams, new heroes.

© Babzee 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


The Thief

Help me over the fence!
He laughed as I held his
Arm to brace my balance...
But never offered his hand.

He skipped on rocks, over
The river running fast...
Stopped looking back to laugh
On the other side, to me.

Don't run!
Just wait!
You'll ache for my pardon...
Don't blink!
Just reach!
You'll yearn for my sigh....

He told me just the secrets
His friends already knew...
He never told me the things
That make you cringe and cry...

He sang love songs for ghosts
He'd forgot or never knew...
Comfortable with wisps and mists
Of women, not flesh and blood like me....

Don't run!
Just wait!
You'll ache for my singing...
Don't laugh!
Just reach!
You'll cry for my smile...

He laughed and rode a horse
Bigger and faster than my sorrel,
And teased me catch up
But didn't share his plan.

Afraid to be a fool for me
He never stopped to wait
And lived his life in wind aflame
And made a fool of me.

Don't lie!
Don't cheat!
You'll never hear my dreaming...
Don't cry -
Not now!
You never heard my heart.

© Sheeps 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


One Day

how many
new beginnings do I have in me?
how many
times can I hear your voice
and feel as if it's stroking over me for the first time?

one day
my body will grow weary of the blow to my stomach
you deliver just by being
one day
the tide of your yearning and your ache will overwhelm me
and batter me against the clawing rocks of 'should' and 'can't' and 'mustn't'
one day
I will stop reveling in this dance
whose steps I have known for all eternity
then one day
reality's resentment will steal in
and just with it's shadow will take away the glow
you bathe me in
one day
I will fall asleep
and the fairies will take back my changeling love
in its place will be safe and sensible
and all those hissing shoulds
one day
I'll grow up, wake up, see the world for what it is
and one day
I will wish for the chance to give up all those days
for one day
of this

© ArianRfH 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Shall We Do Haiku III?

Merciless drowning
Encountering shattering
Pieces of depth, art

Surrounding deeply
Entering unbidden to
Forgotten places

How at effect one
feels - at the astonishing
Attack of a heart

© unknown / anonymous poster / The Crowe's Perch


One More Tour

Through hanging clouds and starry space
I boldly went my way...
To meet with smile the gathering throng
And cheer the surging fray.
To meet with smile the gathering throng
And cheer the surging fray.

From reaching hands and curving lips
The greetings freely flowed
And I passed amongst them trembling soft
And thinking of the road...
And I passed amongst them trembling soft
Still thinking of the road...

There, young and old, and dreaming hard
Each wants from me, some prize.
Nor looks beyond this towering myth
To see burning in my eyes.
No one looks beyond the towering myth
To see what's behind my eyes.

Then up again, into the sky
The silver bird does wing...
She will take me to another crowd,
And the same song I will sing.
I'll give all to yet another crowd,
Who'll demand the song I sing......

But oft at night when all alone
I dream of distant shore....
Where songs I'll sing and friends I'll hold,
And lack for truth no more...
Where friends are true,
And hope is new,
And I'll lack for love no more....

© Sheeps 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Why Do I Post?

Like a busy beehive in space
We ceaselessly seek out
Information and images,
For our 'queen' is an illusive king.

His beauty draws us
His humanity holds us
His imperfections tease us.

We seek always for insight
To solve the ever-changing and eternally universal
Puzzle that he shows us.

Our words, our thoughts, our laughter
Hang in space,
Exposing us.
We hope to be seen with gentle eyes
And not by the cold joyless light
Of those who have only fear to embrace.

We comfort and communicate
Cajole, and extol,
And learn to see ourselves.
Our fingers caressing the keys
That open this ephemeral world.

Like our sisters throughout the ages,
We sit in circles and laugh and comfort,
And encourage and lust and gossip and bond,
Creating once again the strength
That mothers the world.

We come here seeking him,
We stay here, having found 'us'
A sisterhood in space
Our thoughts are our faces.
Our words are our clothing.
Our hearts are like magnets
That attract and repel.

© Babzee 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Oscar Night Unwraped

We walk
Paraded like circus ponies
tacked up with spangles
Part of the spectacle
colours, shapes, images only
Others can play characters to the end
Tonight I can play only myself
So many factors beyond my control
vapours, unknowable, incomprehensible
They float
While I sit still for an eternity
Wanting, screaming, blustery inside
Guts twisting, tension familiar now
Wary for so many reasons
Knowing it will not be
Damning myself for hoping, yet finding it impossible
not to
Wanting desperately not to want it desperately
The recognition - validation - opportunity, but the truth
Distilled to its essence
A gypsy lad with lights in his eyes
finally found a game he could play
And wants - just once - to be picked first by
his mates

©Russarappa 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Tyranny of Distance

Hold my hand
Hold my heart
Play the game
Play the part
Relationships stop and start
Tyranny of distance

Catch a cab
Catch a flight
Through the air
Through the night
Shades of gray ‘tween wrong and right
Tyranny of distance

Too many tears
Too few smiles
Fame corrupts
Fame beguiles
Sacrifice love across the miles
Tyranny of distance

©Kittkatt 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


The Pitiless Pigeon Parade

Sung to the tune of "Rawhide" by Walter Pigeon, with his sidekick Clay on acoustic guitar

Cooin' cooin' cooin',
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep those humans movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just scatter, dodge, and dam# them
Soon we'll be flying high and wide
That "Nash" is calculatin'
The "Howard" one's just waitin'
Thinkin' that soon they'll go inside

Watch 'em scoot, they're a hoot
They are mute, they can't shoot
"Why you brute, watch your boot"

Make 'em sneeze, watch 'em freeze
As we tease, in the breeze
On your knees, if you please
Or we'll keep you -

Keep 'em strollin' strollin' strollin'
Though their toes are frozen
With their cameras rollin'
Through cold and wind and weather
Hey you there - "Bite my feathers!"
We're keepin' your frigid butts
"You think we're just pigeons
Adjust your views a smidgen
F*ck those cages, to our whims you'll now abide"


©Russarappa 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Ghost Writers

Sung to the tune of "Ghost Riders in the Sky"

This Aussie bloke went walkin' out one dark and windy day
I needed time to rest now, for I'd had a role to play
When all at once a mighty herd of photogs there I saw
A pointin' through the crowded streets -
On me a bead did draw.

Can't get away,
Can't be alone
Ghost writers are nearby

Their flashes were on fire, my solitude did steal
Their words - lies sharp and biting
Yes, their sting I'm sure to feel
A bolt of fear went through me as the questions they did fly
For I saw the journos comin' hard
They ignored my mournful cry

Please go away
Leave me alone
Ghost writers are nearby

As the writers swarmed upon me
I heard one call my name
"You have to fit our image, Russ,
Yes, we'll make you play our game
You must parrot bu!!$hite to us
Or we'll just make up some lies"
Well, if they think that they can make me-
They're in for a surprise

Please go away
Leave me alone
Ghost writers attract flies

Their faces gaunt, their eyes are cruel,
They hurl their lies and threats
They try hard to destroy me
But they ain't done it yet
Cause they'll have to write forever
For not everyone will buy
Their papers spewin' lies,
As they write on hear me cry

Please go away,
Leave me alone
Ghost writers I despise.

©Russarappa 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


A Forged Destiny

Everybody knows how Russ should be.
Everyone thinks "he should listen to me!"
Everone has a lotta advice
On how Russ oughtta be 'making nice'....

'Say the right thing. Play the game.'
Now that you're hot, gotta hide the flame.
The flame that got you where you are.
The white-hot core that makes you a star.

But if you bow to every need,
Say the 'right' words, do the 'right' deed,
How you gonna keep feeding your fire?
If you have it all, what can you desire?

Desire is what got you here.
But strong desire leads to strong fear.
"What if he wants the things that are mine??
He MUST be forced to toe the line!!"

"He must acknowledge our control.
He must be forced to play the role
That pays him well but won't satisfy.
It's OUR whims he must gratify."

"He must fit himself to our mould.
He must behave the way he's told.
He must become like all the rest,
Never put his mind to any test."

Namby pamby white bread boys.
Happy with their spendy toys.
Insulated from anything real.
Forgetting how it feels to feel.

To all the muses that make men create --
Please protect Russy from this fate!
Keep him genuine. Bless his veracity.
Keep him true. Bless his tenacity.

Keep him hungry. Bless his travels.
Keep him earthy. Bless his revels.
Keep him outside. Don't let him in
To where dreams die and monotony begins.

©Babzee 2001 / The Crowe's Perch



Suspended -
Between Longing and Belonging.
Twisting in the gentle zephyrs
Of Time and endless Space.

Longing to belong --
To the tribe,
To The One.
Longing to revel in
The surge of welcome
To a place where one belongs.

But longing also
To belong only
To oneself.
To one's dream.
To be true only
To that inner voice
That constantly seeks for ...
"More Fully"

Too tight a love
Can trap a spirit.
Lack of love
Can drain a heart.
How does one discover
How to join
And when to part?

© Babzee 2001 / The Crowe's Perch


Beauty in Repose - a Study in Quiet Masculinity

Looking up from your book with a distracted smile
I forget to breathe just for a little while
You invite me to crawl over and snuggle behind
And read over your shoulder - you really don’t mind

Are you a teddy bear man or sex on a stick
What wouldn’t I give to know what makes you tick
Wit quick and irreverent and a heart that’s pure
Intelligent – passionate and at times insecure

Whispering small sounds of protest - you turn the pages too fast
Can’t you read any faster, gently teasing, you ask
I tenderly nibble the soft flesh behind your ear
We giggle together - you mockingly leer

Should one day we meet, actually stand toe-to-toe
With a butterflied belly, to the floor my eyes will go
I’ll gather some courage (while my brain’s shooting blanks)
And say - for the music, the movies and the fantasy – thanks.

© Ting 2001 / The Crowe's Perch

(photo courtesy of Gruntland Films - www.gruntland.com)


Somebody Else's Russell

Sung to the tune of "Somebody Else's Princess"

Purple suit, bare-back rides
You're lookin' so good;
check out those thighs!
Take me away and lock me up!
He feeds the need, keeps me wet, keeps me pumped.


I'm jumpin' out of my skin,
wanna see him at his show.
Don't care where, or when
I want more of Russell Crowe!
Good lord

Out at the movies, or watching TV,
in bed dreaming of his sexy body.
Crazy, crazy, shiver and shake
really hope my vibrator don't break!


Love Hando, baby.
Max, Bud, Cort too.
Don't think I'll ever
get enough of you!


© Ladydawg 2001 / Russell Crowe's Beautiful Minds


Welcome to the Peach Place
sung to the tune of Hotel California

On the internet highway
Saw his hands in his hair
Looked at a piccie of those soulful eyes
Someone frued it there
There he was on my puter
I smiled with delight
My lids grew heavy and my eyeballs burned
Thought I could stop for the night

But there he was in his glory
I heard the Perchettes sigh
And I was thinking to myself
Lord this is heaven, just let me die
Then he lit up a candle
And he showed us the way
I found the voices on the internet
I thought I heard them say


Welcome to the peach place now, good on ya
Such a lovely place
(such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
(such a lovely face)
Plenty of room for your thoughts, it will grow on ya
Any time of day
Yes, you're here to stay

My mind is definitely twisted
I've got a link to Gruntland
Now I can hear those pretty pretty boys
And talk to my friends
How we danced at the concerts
Sweet summer sweat
I'll always remember
No I won't forget
How I watched them make music
And I sang all the lines
He said, "this is for the pure of heart"
Sent shivers down my spine
And still those voices are calling from far far away
Wake me up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say


Dissecting his feelings
We probe his every vice
And it's true
We are all prisoners here
Of our own device
And in these peachy chambers
We gather for the feast
We stab him with our steely eyes
When he needs it the least
Last thing a reminder
We can all find the door
We can recover our privacy & be just who we were before
But not him, not the Russ man
He can't get a reprieve
We can log out any time we want
But he can never leave

Welcome to the peach place and good on ya.
Such a lovely place
(such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
(such a lovely face)
Plenty of room for your thoughts, it will grow on ya
Any time of day
Yes you're here to stay......

© Secretariat7 / The Crowe's Perch


No Mystery

Ephemeral as a dawn mist
What measures will preserve you
So the walls built do not a prison make.
An illusion shattered as,
Solitude becomes isolation.
Fair friend, all is revealed,
No place for mystery in this world.

© Kittkatt 2001 / Crowe's Perch



The echo of a thousand voices
still rumbles through your mind
The nights, the lights, the music
They live on in your dreamtime

So you took your real ambition
out for a month-long airing
Your pure heart and your brave soul
laid bare for the wide world's sharing

Gaze up at those stars
Hear night’s serenity
May all your days be full of grace
And always trouble-free

Are they even listening
Do you think they hear
You granted them some magic nights
Didn’t let them see your fear

Don’t steal this perfect moment
And turn it into a test
Some days you’re like a Texas twister
Some days you just need rest

Gaze up at those stars
(Stay outta them bars)
Find some serenity

May all your days be full of grace
And always trouble-free
Always trouble-free

© Howlin' Perv Quarry 2001 / AfterDark / Crowe's Perch


No Smussell Blues

Now let me tell you people
What a time I had last night
A storm blew threw and lightnin’ struck
Oh, man, what an awful fright!

Well, let me tell you ladies
Cause I know you understands
The lights went out, my computer crashed
And fucked up my best-laid plans

Now I got them no smussell blues, oh baby
No smussell blues on my mind
Oh, what can I do, I need Hando, too
And a good Bud helps me unwind.

Now some people try to tell me "
" Hey, girlfriend, you need a life!"
But I say they're fools, I don't need all their rules
Not when I can be John Biebe's wife.

Well, some women love a preacher man
Some require a storm in their port
Some of 'em want it hard, hot and quick
In that case I'd recommend Cort.

But I got them no smussell blues, yeah baby
That's how this whole song began
What can I say, Jeff will always be gay
Dammit, too, 'cause he's one fine man.

Now how 'bout that K&R dude
Terry Thorne loved some other man's wife
If one night with him, in a jacuzzi we'd swim
I guarantee there would be proof of life

Well, Maximus Decimus Meridius,
If I dishonor you, please forgive
True son of Rome, how I'd welcome YOU home
Such good times we'd have if you had lived!

So I got these no smussell blues, Lord help me
This ain't no walk in the park
All that I need is a one-handed read
Yeah, I'm cryin' for my After Dark

And so to ease my troubled mind
Walkin' shoes headed me straight for a bar
Now I'm not sayin' that I drank too much
But Colin drove me home in his car

Well, you know I woke up this mornin'
And I hope this don't sound too crass
I think I dreamed about Hando
But how'd I get this tattoo on MY ass?

So I got them lowdown no smussell blues now, baby
It's a sad sure tale of woe
This bein' a fan of a mighty good man
Makes a sane woman crazy for Crowe

© Howlin' Perv Quarry 2001 / AfterDark / Crowe's Perch


The Terms and Conditions of Fan Love

He tempts us with his hips and such
But we must only look, not touch
Desire stoked 'til we succumb
But still our love he does but shun
Yes, from the stage it is an act
And leaves integrity intact
But from the pit where hormones surge
Reality and dreams can't merge
What to do with lust unleashed?
It cannot at command decrease
A tiger with its tail in hand
Cannot but turn and bite the man
It is a riddle he's yet to solve
Of blame he cannot be absolved
For he chooses to whip up the mob
And make between the legs to throb
Yet backs into a corner, peeved
That his sweet gyrations were received
By lusting hearts that cannot touch
The body that they want so much…
There is no answer, he cannot eat
His cake, then display it as a treat
Hearts and bodies cannot be told
To meekly obey and fit a mold
He stokes the fire of women's love
And burns himself in flames thereof
Advice? He hasn't asked it of us yet
But if he did, this is what he'd get:
Light the match and watch it grow
And in love's shadow your skin may glow
Hot and slick, but not too close
No need for skin to be exposed
Lap it up and enjoy the heat
For lust and youth are fast and fleet
Before you know it, love is gone
It rarely lasts until the dawn
This is the moment, this is the peak
A millisecond, sweet and unique
For him to relish what he has
And bask in the love of all his fans
Too soon will the hourglass upturn
And what once caused the thighs to burn
Will only make a hollow sound
In what is left of that great crowd
That fought to see the whetted lips
The churning of the those sweaty hips
The hot sweet surge from band to fan
Both created and rejected by the man…
Embrace it, love it, hold it dear
Or, if you must, let not them hear
How little you regard their love
And how from it you do coldly shove
Play the game and let them lust
Or they will perceive it as disgust
For they DO know the value of
The man other than the body loved
Of brains and heart and passion deep
And talent that makes all eyes weep
How can he think they see it not?
It's not his heart that calls the shots
But a voice inside this head that says:
"They cannot know me, can't see what is…
For I am me, not what's in their heads
That's not me, there in their silly threads -
It's some vision that they cannot link
To what I am, and what I think
Try as they might, they cannot breach
The gap and put me in their reach."
Therein lies the widening gulf
Between his loving fans and Himself
For love is the word upon which they stumble
And into the gap they all do tumble
Love on his terms or not at all
Love on our terms, the fans do call
A bridge must be built between the camps
Or the love will die - out goes the lamp
Neither man nor fan wants this demise
For there is a bond, surprise surprise!
Both sides must sheath that bodkin bare
Or it will be the end of this affair
Disgruntled fans, frazzled man
Cannot, in this state, cross the span
That separates the weary lovers
It'll be the end, slam shut the cover
On a fairytale, a plot so pure
That neither side has found a cure
Final words, and then I'm gone:
Let the love grow on it's own
Stop trying to make it something else
It has a place upon the shelf
Women, love him for what he is
And he must love them, for they are his
Face it, embrace it, souls enthralled
For love is love, and that is all.

© Chili 2001 / Outback / Beautiful Minds / Perch


Glass Walls

Your own creation
by design
offering protection
with absolute clarity
you see the world
prying eyes
offer no comfort
there's no escape
reaching out
you want to touch
access denied
everything within reach
but that which is most desired

© Heeler 2001 / Crowe's Perch



That's not a fence.
Those are really bars
Aren't they
Separating you from us
You're right there
And yet
Somewhere else.
On the other side
Peering down
Head bowed
Studiously obliging the eager
Who cling to the wire
You quietly scribble
Not seeing the silent ones
Watching you with heavy heart
Head down
Signing what is asked
Duty calls.

Bars protect
Cold madness can't touch
Standing back
Take off your glasses
What was it like
Over here
When was the breakup
Will you win
What did you mean when you said…
Flash pop

Around they go
Pens and cameras
Demands and questions
Does anyone ever ask
Through the bars
How are you feeling today
Is life okay for you
Are you happy…
What can we do for you?
Not through the bars they can't
Like the door to a house
They are necessary
They keep us out
To keep you in
Your skin.

© Chili 2001 / Outback Chat / Russell Crowe's Beautiful Minds / Crowe's Perch


If She Loves Him

No matter what, the time or place
If he has on a different face
and has to go far away
She'd go because that is the way
The man she loves has got to live
she's only got her love to give.
He'll never know her, he cannot trust
that those who claim to love him just
Want to know the man inside
But for now, he needs to hide
Behind the fame
a crying shame
Those who only want to take
In their actions they will make
a wounded soul who cannot find
Another beautiful heart and mind
Maybe one day he'll see he's not prey
and in his heart love will come to stay.

© Heeler 2001 / Crowe's Perch



A discerning bride with arms flung wide
-------- She's there

With laughing eyes and a confident smile
-------- She cares

When intrusive lights flash and her man's harassed
-------- She glares

Inside cozy hidden dens in far away places
--------She shares

It's an uncertain future, but for a life together
--------She dares

To love a troubled bloke, today~tomorrow~forever
--------She's there.

© Ting 2001 / Crowe's Perch


Game Theory

Seems I got game
And I am game
But don't play the game
So I am the game

When it comes to my art, baby, I got game
I am driven by the searing of a white hot flame
Tried to probe and explore some dark important places
Humanity and helplessness have disenchanting faces.

I won't ask for mercy, you see I am game.
Doggedly intent, I'll go anyplace you aim.
No details unexamined, every minute truth explored
I'll match your stride, won't be denied
You might get nailed - not bored.

I refuse to play the game, so maybe it plays me
A noncooperative one for sure, but one played over tea.
I chose the life, no whinging from bizarre insane existance
But it isn't a requirement that I offer no resistance.

I've dug my dens around the world, safe from the one-eyed hounds
Back doors of bars I've found ajar, to watch the game with rounds
No bride to be to ride with me or hide with me today
Love is not a game to play - not when you are the prey..

© Russarappa 2001 / Crowe's Perch



Angles, left and right
To live the dream
Not what it seems
More gray than black or white
Friend or foe
Hard to know
Try to be polite
Camera lens
Pens in hands
Poised to take a bite
Required to sit
chomp at the bit
As nature calls for fight or flight
Riding high
Feeling low
No true love in sight
Ups and down
And all arounds
Alone again tonight

© Kittkatt 2001 / Crowe's Perch


The *Playing* Board
A response to Game Theory

Sometimes you are the *rook*, more often times the pawn.
The King, the Queen~more players' faces upon your brow are drawn.
But this time, monotony rules, thinking deep is such a pisser.
so let them deal with an attitude like the genius Bobby Fisher

Verbal pugilistic encounters tempt the gameman with a groan.
The end score is still known way before the first punch thrown.
But float like a butterfly? Hell, no, Sting like a bee.
Even better than the master, the great ruffian Ali. (ahem)

Bored Walk or Park Place, the finest properties to rent.
In this game of Monopoly, the landlord gets to vent!
The deals are struck... the bottomline, money.
But equally paid out in vinegar and honey!

52 in a deck, ya gotta play with a full one.
Though, agreed, Solitaire isn't always much fun.
Royal Flush, Ace high nuthin, biploar emotions are felt
but you play with the 5 in your hand, no matter how they are dealt.

© SKGray 2001 / Crowe's Perch



The goal never is forgotten.
It drives motion -- forward, always forward.

The power is always there.
Sometimes hidden, sometimes blatant.
Power to move mountains, to carve continents.
Power to sweep along all that stands before it.
Power that is awesome in its gentleness, and in its determination.

A force of nature.
Primal, and not to be trifled with.
Men seek to harness or to divert or to pollute.
When they should seek more to respect.
To admire, to tap into, to follow.

Relentless, it flows to its destiny.
Does the sea beckon the river,
Or does the river seduce the sea?

© Babzee 2001 / Crowe's Perch


...on watching Russell Crowe from the nosebleed seats at the Jay Leno Tonight show

I don't want to be a cloud anymore
Rooster crows and then you know
Again you must circle the globe
I'm carried along in the wind's pursuit
Just a breeze deflected from your coat
Causes me to change my course
To bask in a filtered ray or two
Like yesterday I'll follow suit
At times I'm silent, others clapping thunder
You sometimes glance up to see what cloud you're under
Shadows fall and then you're gone
The next days energies focused on
For now I'm heavy, dark and overflowing
When I weep I weep in knowing
Winter's here and I long for light
Dry my tears, run with the wind
And streak bright white against blue-green sky

© Ageangirl 2001 / Crowe's Perch


Eyes Wide Open

I do believe they're together
Yes its true
Will it last forvever?
I haven't a clue

I'd ask for comfort
To ease this pain
My little dream
However inane

What hurts you most
Is those who would
Say I told you so
As though they should

My eyes are wide open
and yes I believe
Happiness to both
But please "let me grieve!"

I come here to share
Russ gets my vote
I don't like the opinions
Shoved down my throat

A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Man
Tolerance for all
A Simple Plan

Consider these words
On this Valentines Day
We are all fans
In a different way

My Eyes are Wide Open
And yes I can see
Que sera,sera
What will be,will be....

© Julius628 2002 / Crowe's Perch



Keep Your Panties to Yourself

I write my songs about my life
My endless search for a wife
Wendy, Barry, sails and snakes
And of love - DAMN, that's the breaks

But what do they really want to see?
What do they really want from me?
Naked arms and naked chest
They throw their bras and bare their breasts!

Keep your panties to yourseeeeelf
Keep them folded on your sheeeelf
Don't need them wrapped around my faaace
Keep your see-through frilly laaaace

It really bugs me to the core
Seeing all those panties on the floor
And I run screaming for the door
When I read "hip size 54"

Do they listen when I sing?
"Take off your shirt!" is what they fling
All I want is some respect
And not on crotchware to reflect


Here they come, they're stripping down
Pantyliners flying 'round
I can't wear 'em, don't they know
The crotch is too tight for this bro

Keep your panties to yourseeeeelf
Keep them folded on your sheeeelf
Don't need them wrapped around my faaace
Keep your see-through frilly laaaace
Oh keep your panties to yourseeeeelf
Please keep them folded on your sheeeelf

© Chili 2002 / Outback Chat / Russell Crowe's Beautiful Minds / Crowe's Perch


One August Moon

Fresh from the shine of arts' bright labours
No time to reflect
As seen in love's elusive light
A miserable failure abject
Reality - fantasy - double exposed
In my poignantly prism filled mind
My heart left to board in a shadowy room
I craved some more space to unwind

The band was tight
The lights were bright
The beads of sweat were glistening
I needed for someone to hear my heart
I needed to know you were listening
I needed to know you were listening

The moment was magic
The music was real
But I silently had to admit
I was caught trying on two sweet secret dreams
That never before had quite fit
New friends mingled
Spirits danced
Fantasies twirled and entwined
And some of them were mine, my friends
And some of it all was mine


One day or night in the dark of that moon
I lay wide awake and I wondered
If maybe my courage might fail to last
Had I made a remarkable blunder
What exquisite torture
Staring wide at those dreams
That my quivering hands couldn't touch
In the end courage held but my voice gave out
I still privately whisper them much
I still quietly whisper them much

The band was tight
The lights were bright
The beads of sweat were glistening
I needed for someone to hear my heart
I needed to know you were listening
I needed to know you were listening

© Russarappa 2002 / Crowe's Perch


Footnote: from Jerzy Kosinsky's The Painted Bird:

"...(Lekh) would stare solemnly at the birds in the cages, mumbling something to himself. Finally, after prolonged scrutiny, he would choose the strongest bird, tie it to his wrist, and prepare stinking paints of different colors which he mixed together from the most varied components. When the colors satisfied him, Lekh would turn the bird over and paint its wings, head, and breast in rainbow hues until it became more dappled and vivid than a bouquet of wildflowers.Then we would go into the thick of the forest. There Lekh took out the painted bird and ordered me to hold it in my hand and squeeze it lightly. The bird would begin to twitter and attract a flock of the same species which would fly nervously over our heads. Our prisoner, hearing them, strained toward them, warbling more loudly , its little heart, locked in its freshly painted breast, beating violently.

When a sufficient number of birds gathered above our heads, Lekh would give me a sign to release the prisoner. It would soar, happy and free, a spot of rainbow against the backdrop of clouds, and then plunge into the waiting brown flock. For an instant the birds were confounded. The painted bird circled from one end of the flock to the other, vainly trying to convince its kin that it was one of them. But, dazzled by its brilliant colors, they flew around it unconvinced. The painted bird would be forced farther and farther away as it zealously tried to enter the ranks of the flock. We saw soon afterwards how one bird after another would peel off in a fierce attack. Shortly the many hued shape lost its place inthe sky and dropped to the ground. These incidents happened often. When we finally found the painted birds they were usually dead."

And another:

"One day he trapped a large raven, whose wings he painted red, the breast green and the tail blue. When a flock of ravens appeared over our hut, Lekh freed the painted bird. As soon as it joined the flock a desperate battle began. The changeling was attacked from all sides. Black, red, green, blue feathers began to drop at our feet. The ravens ran amuck in the skies, and suddenly the painted raven plummeted to the fresh plowed soil. It was still alive, opening its beak and vainly trying to move its wings. Its eyes had been pecked out, and fresh blood streamed over its painted feathers. It made yet another attempt to flutter up from the sticky earth, but its strength was gone." --- Jerzy Kosinsky from "The Painted Bird"

Thank you Secretariat7 of the Crowe's Perch
