latest exclusive story from Bambi Farstucker !
Friday, 2/09/01
From the office
of the Sydney Co-Dependent
Your faithful correspondent,
Bambi Farstucker ( 1-800 BAMBI TALKS ICQ# 6969696969)
just received this secret email, smuggled out of the SC-D's offices
by a mystery source, Deep Neck... A Bambi Farstucker exclusive!!
office of the Sydney Co-Dependent is in chaos today. Simon Degree III,
the senior vice-president and executive editor in chief of SC-D denies
ever having said that the S C-D would be a Crowe-Free Zone for a week.
"I was maliciously misquoted out of context and never said that," he
declared in an editorial. "Why the flying f*ck would I say a stupid
thing like that when all tabloid hell is going to be breaking loose
in Sydney any day now?" Degree demanded of his minions. "That crap musta
come from one of my former Personal Assistants," he declared, 'all of
whom have been fired and replaced by younger and more easily-impressed
bim..I mean, women."
Degree called an unprecedented
full staff meeting this morning, calling in every employee of the SC-D
and screaming at them that if they did not "Find Russell Crowe and get
him in bed with Nicole Kidman TODAY!" they were all [to be] fired tomorrow.
Several of the Asian cleaning
women giggled loudly at Degree's livid face and sputtering spittle until
their supervisor yanked them all out of the room.
Degree ranted for almost 15 minutes
about how many photos he would need and how many pages they would devote
to the "Kidman and Crowe Runaway Romance" until Louis Lane, daily editor,
stood up and declared, "Boss, there ain't no romance!"
Lane was fired on the spot, but
quickly rehired by Owner-in-chief, Simon Degree II, who had been visiting
the offices in order to find out why severance pay for personal assistants
had been so high.
"Sonny, shuttup! You look like
Mount Saint Vesuvihelens!" croaked the elder Degree. Turning to face
Lane, he demanded querulously, "What's going on here?"
"Well, sir," Lane began, "it
seems that Nicole Kidman .."
"That tall redhead from that
Batman movie???" asked Degree II.
"Yes, sir, that one," answered
Lane. "Well, she is married to Tom Cruise …"
"That fly boy with the toothy
grin in Top Gun? Same one who tied up traffic here in Sydney making
some spy movie last year?" inquired Degree II.
"The very same," affirmed Lane.
"But they just announced they were separating. Then right away, Tom
filed for divorce, so everyone thinks something really REALLY 'horrifyingly
illicit' must have happened to cause this sudden split, specially cause
we just ran a whole 4-page romantic pictorial in our Sunday edition
about how they repeated their wedding vows at Christmas."
"So why's my boy yacking about
some crow?" asked Degree II.
"Well, sir, he seems to think
that Russell Crowe may have been involved somehow …"
Crowe?" asked a perplexed Degree II. "What movies has he been in?"
"The Insider"
"The Sum of Us"
"LA Confidential"
"Romper Stomper"
Voices from all around the room
called out titles of Russell Crowe movies.
"Wait just a gold-darned minute
here!" demanded Degree II. "I've seen all those movies. You telling
me that that same boy was in all those movies? He must have been one
of the background guys or something …"
"No, sir," Lane informed him,
"he was actually the star of all of them, pretty much."
Degree glared at Lane suspiciously.
"That skinhead Hitler boy from Romper Stomper was the Gladiator? That
fat scientist nerd from The Insider was the same guy as Jack Thompson's
poncy son in The Sum of Us?"
"Yes, sir, he was." Lane told
Degree II scratched his head
in wonder. "And now you say he stole that @#%$-eating grinner's woman?"
"Not actually, sir," Lane tried
to explain. "You see, Crowe is a close friend of both Tom Cruise and
Nicole Kidman, so your son thought maybe he may have been 'too close'
to one or the other of them, if you know what I mean …"
Degree II swatted at Lane with
a wrinkly liver-spotted hand, "You don't have to tell ME what you mean,
laddie! I've been in the tabloid business for 50 years! I can smell
a rat when I see one!"
Lane said, "Well, actually, sir,
there doesn't seem to be any rat to smell. Crowe hasn't been seen with
either of them since before Christmas, except for that Golden Globes
knees-up in Los Angeleees, and no one then saw anything happen between
any of the three of them, so it's kind of difficult to point a finger
at Crowe, if you know what I mean."
Degree II glared at Lane. "Boy,
let me tell you a thing or two about this business. It ain't journalism.
You ain't gonna be required to prove anything…all you gotta do is say
what you want! Do we have any pictures of Crowe with that redhead woman?"
"No, sir, not any recent ones,
anyway," Lane told him.
"Who gives a swinging f*ck if
they're recent? And with the way that Crowe boy changes his looks, we
can use any old picture of that redhead with any man in the world and
claim it's Crowe! Use some sense here!! Think of the money he's saving
Lane looked dubious. "So you
want us to try to find a story connecting them," he asked Degree II.
Degree II roared, "Screw finding
a story! Show some initiative! Make something up!! What do you think
I hire writers for? And why else do we pay all those geeks in the Photo
Manipulation Department??" Turning back to his son, he hollered, "Sonny!
Take your hands outta that girl's shirt before I have to pay more money
on out-of-court settlements than you're worth! And go fix me a Vegemite
sandwich, I'm feeling all frisky all of a sudden! This reminds me of
the good old days, when we didn't even have to leave the office to write
eye-witness accounts!"
Bambi Farstucker