"How Did I Get Here?"
Archives of the Barbarian Horde

At this writing, the majority of Barbarians have been worshipping at the Temple of The Crowe for 18 months now. We're battle-scarred seasoned veterans of the message board wars, can swing a sword and type on a keyboard simultaneously, and have found some kind of medical solution for that drooling problem that keeps surfacing. We are toughened and vigilant. We are hardcore FANS!

The world of Crowe fandom moves at the speed of light. One controversy or pride-inducing event can hardly settle into our brains before the next one comes along. Hard to imagine a busier fan base, because Our Hero rarely sits still. Being both Oscar-winner and musician means that he's usually wrapping up one movie while preparing for the next concert tour. In between are the award season, fund-raisers, public appearances... we're exhausted and we're just watching from afar! But that means it never gets boring, there's never a lull, and because he's so widely sought after and so under the media microscope, there's always news about him, sometimes in equal quantities truthful, insightful, frivolous and fabricated. Hard to tell the difference. But that's another story.

In the meantime, we sit and watch and cheer him on, and as the events pass into Crowe history, they settle onto this page.

"Home On The Highway Baby"
Austin 2000

The first Gathering of the Horde: the Austin concerts of August 2000! This was the first time the vast majority of Crowe fans got a chance to see TOFOG live, and the first opportunity for most of us to meet each other! It was a glorious 3 weeks for all who were able to attend, and was great incentive for those who couldn't until 2001! And best of all, it was the birthplace of the Bastard Life or Clarity CD, and the Texas DVD!

Austin 2000: The First Gathering of the Horde

"The things I know "
Tests & Contests

As more and more new fans discovered the joys of Russell Crowedom, it became necessary to start poking fun at ourselves because we began to see patterns evolving. That's what the Barbarian Barometer Test was all about...losing weight? Addicted to fan sites? YOU TOO? And why? WHY this man, what is so special about him that thousands of women had become fascinated with him? We attempted to answer these and many more questions, including: "is this not why you are here?"

The "It" Contest: What Makes Russell Crowe Special?

The Barbarian Barometer Test: Are You a Member of the Horde?

"Pointless Conversation Changing Nothing"
The Grand Friendship

The past is past. Thank God. We made it. Once upon a time, the relationship between Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan threatened to destroy the fandom completely, there was so much fighting and dissatisfaction. But we're still here, the warring has subsided for the most part, with just a skirmish here or there breaking out because some tabloid or interviewer insisted on dredging it up yet again. There is peace in the Land of Crowe. It's all ancient history now, and may it remain so. RIP!

The Crowe Nation Divided: Russell & Meg

Rebel Forces: Bitch Ballands & Other Compositions

Topic titles taken from the TOFOG song "Things Have Got To Change"