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As it reads on the conscript order:

"Here ye - Here ye, know ye all scum-slugs and ner-do-wells that the under signed having been brought before his Majesty King Neptune ruler of the deep. And, the undersigned having twice crossed the International Dateline and in addition to having twice crossed the Equator is therefore inducted into the Ancient Order of Shellbacks, while under sail and having spent six years before the mast. Is officially assigned and ordained into the Ancient and Sacred Order of the Golden Dragons. And, is farther appointed on this date, the 23 day of the 8th month of the Year, 19 hundred and 63, and as the Official Scribe for the Order, I do set pen to this enscription and do pass and set forth in the name of his Majesty King Neptune, the title of Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Dragons. And do recognize him as an ancient mariner and member of the American Navy, and as an offical crew member of the last of the American wooden deck battleships. Has been, consigned therfore; as one of the last living members of the Ancient and Sacred Order of the Golden Dragons.

The Order of the Golden Dragons an ancient oriental maritime order, based upon ones experience before the mast. Most of the old order were pirates or scourges of the high seas. To be welcomed into the order one must have completed a certain order of events. Those being to have; sailed before the mast as a crew member of a wooden deck ship, sail at least three of the seven seas, cross the equator under sail, cross the International Dateline, and most important of all, sail the Souith China Seas.
I having sailed the; Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, North China Sea, Straits of Tiawan, South China Sea, and the Sea of Borneo, I was made a member of the order.

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