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CELTIC Traders, Diversified
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Celtic Traders is a diversified trading company that specialises in traditional items such as; Essential Oils (Aromatheraphy - Homopathic Alternative methods);
Crystals Arkansas crystals;
Pewter Figurines (Wizards, Warriors, and Dragons); Misc. Items(Unique Items)
Edged Weaponry of the; Celtic (Irish and Scot), iron age, dark age, and Renaissance (Norman Invasion) periods. Traders will also at times be carring misc. items of quality. Custom made items that are made or designed locally. We are proud to offer a line of leather accessories for your edged weapons. These accessories are custom made by our own craftsman. They may be ordered at this time. Examples of our work will be posted shortly.
The trading company is listed as a member-seller of By clicking on the Ebay logo below will take you to the Ebay Homepage where many of our items are listed or will be list for auction.
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