
The first recorded evidence of Celts, were the Pretani [which was later changed to Cruithin]. The term Picts seems to have came from the Roman. Who observed that they were the original occupants of Ulster. And, domunated the area up to the nineth century. The ancestary of the eleven tribes of the northern Pictish nation are shrouded in mystery. One of these tribes, we know to be the Kaledonioi or the Clan Donnachaidhs, the "Children of Duncan." The first records of this people occured in the year 84AD, in the battle with the Romans at Mons Graupius. At that time the Kaledonioi occupied that part of Scotland known as the Atholl in Perthshire.

In 843AD, Kenneth MacAlpine united the Scots and the Picts, and is considered to be the founder of Scotland.

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