A Cosmological Overview of the Ancient Celtic Culture

Much of what follows is the result of my research to prepare a paper and curriculum vita, at the request of our School District. In order to establish a curriculum for education which was based on verified research. As a result I prepared and presented the paper entitled; "The Diffusion of the Indo-European Linquistic Groups."

The diffusion, evolution, and cultural development of the tribal ethnic groups that were to become known as the Celtic. They are thought to be an amalgamation of a number of ethnic groups who spoke similar languages and by mutual agreement became one. Their cultural impact encompass one of the longest periods of a single cultural influence. Evidence indicates that they were a very fierce and aggressive nomadic peoples from out of the Stepps of Russia.

Most accepted authoritative information, show their appearance at about the 9th century BC. I however disagree, I believe they began their move out of the Stepps much earlier, about the 24th century BC. I do agree that by the 9th century BC. they occupied Gaul, the Iberian Pennisula, and all of the other areas of central Europe, including as far north as the Britannic Islands. And as late as the 6th century BC. they were still sacking villages in Italy, France, and as far south as Turkey.

Documented evidence of early paleo-lithic occupation of the Iberian Pennisula, for example; carryed very distinic Celtic cultural influence, among the Sand Loopers and Magdaline.

An associate, recently returned from southern France, where an on going project into the paleo-lithic occupation of the area show very distinct Celtic influence. With over laying Cro-magnon material.

I have yet to learn what may have driven them out of the Stepps. Perhaps it was as simple as, they were in search of plunder and adventure. They traveled with all their goods, families and any domesticated stock. Evaluation of archaeological evidence indicates a progressive and consistent spread of a single minded cultural diffusion. They, pillaged, plundered, and sacked village after village as they spread across Europe and Asia - Minor; as far south as Turkey, leaving in their wake only archaeological evidence of their cultural impact on the landscape.

Note of interest: The Turks believe their entire culture came from the East; perhaps from the Western Hemisphere!!!

Their aggression and ferocity was such that even the Roman Legions feared them.