KLASS 1994

It's been 5 years since most of our year left Alice Smith, that cheery place, built next to the largest Chinese cemetery in Malaysia. Once we left the school upgraded itself building an entirely new school, nice to know what we helped to fund.


This is to let you know what people are up to, and how to get in touch with them. Send me anything interesting about yourselves and I'll put it up.  Stuff can be sent to: bliss@flashmail.com 

Arlina Ariffin : Just got AABB for her A-levels and is on her way to Imperial, London, to study engineering. Before that, she was at Cheltenham Ladies College.  She has a lovely homepage at www.geocities.com/collegepark/grounds/1290.  She is e-mailable at leans97@hotmail.com.

Farah Bostock is in Australia, in university studying French and (???).  E-mail her at bedake10@hotmail.com

Kim Chan: E-mail : transitorystate@hotmail.com 

Anika Getubig is in the Philippines. E-mail : Getubig@oronet.com.oh or Ge980523@balut.admu.edu.ph or seventeen_lah@hotmail.com

Tamana Karnani is at university in America. E-mail : tamanak@hotmail.com

Jamie Khoo is going to York to get a degree in English after having spent several years at United World College, Singapore. E-mail : Babybumchum@yahoo.com

Zaki Muslim : E-mail : Jacknife90@hotmail.com

Yassif Mustafa : E-mail : desasin@hotmail.com or akuma51@hotmail.com

Paul Ng : E-mail : heatherbank@hotmail.com

Reuben Samuel : E-mail : muchoz@hotmail.com or rsamuel@student.ccgs.wa.edu.au

Kevin Shah : E-mail : kedshah@pc.jaring.my

Joanna Sia : E-mail : amberetta@hotmail.com

Daniel Speed : E-mail: daniel@the-nexus.co.uk

Arlene Tuang : E-mail : arls_@hotmail.com

Karen Yu :  E-mail :  yuk@tartarus.uwa.edu.au


Tell me if I've got anything wrong!