If you are late, you will miss call.

ing & ing paper are not necessary.

You shouldn't tell about your friends.

Be a and keep your glue closed tightly.

Work hard and report card day will be a great .

When you have a of an idea, please raise your hand.

Be a student and do your work.

Don't be stay on task.

It is kind to be a when a friend is in need.

Do your work in class where you won't have of homework.

Do your best work and high!

Behavior is rewarded with lots of fun.

Treat everyone with respect and not like .

Make sure your "i's" and "j's" have .

Homework not turned in will earn a if not completed.

We all make mistakes and aren't kind.

No blading on the school grounds.

Be and keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

The consequence for broken rules will be time out on .

All rules should be followed .