Welcome to our Guestbook!

suzanne - 08/17/00 20:19:40
My Email:bluedolphins0818
What you liked: my fourth grade year
Suggestions for additions: you emailing me
Mrs. Pivo you probably won't look at this but if you do please email me.

James Wilkerson - 11/20/99 16:38:47
My URL:http://www.mrwilkerson.com
My Email:jwwiii@mrwilkerson.com
Very nice page. I live in Colorado now, but lived in BA, went to school in Coweta. I am a 7th grade teacher in Denver.

rose thomas - 10/04/99 21:19:10
My Email:wet in 163@aol.com
What you liked: everything

Judy Folster - 08/25/99 06:28:46
My Email:folsterj@vcss.k12.ca.us
What you liked: Everything
Suggestions for additions: This is fantastic!
This is such a wonderful site. I t was one of the sites I viewed that got me interested in creating my own. I was a novice and nieve. I learned so much here. Thanks

debbie sukenic - 07/23/99 01:17:37
My Email:sukenicd@lisd.net
I am interested in learning how you organized your trucking buddies. I'd like to start that in my class. Thanks

Brenda Weems - 06/17/99 13:55:14
My Email:cbweems@hotmail.com
What you liked: rules and travel buddies
Suggestions for additions: intregrated lesfson plans for second grade
THANKS FOR SHARING!!!!!! I'm a real novice computer teacher, but your site was share by our newly retired June Rogers. Thanks again!!!! Brenda Weems HC 74 Box 496 Graham, TX 76450 I live at Possum Kingdom Lake but teach in Breckenridge ISD.

Mark and Jo Ann Nelson - 04/25/99 03:56:26
My Email:nelm10@hotmail.com
What you liked: The whole site.
I was brought here while looking for other Trucker Buddies sites. My wife and I are Trucker Buddies to a school in Houston, TX and Little Falls NJ. We will be planting a web page geocities this week and will come back to give you our address. Thanks for h lping a new homepage come to life. Have a GREAT day.

Nicola Heuser - 04/08/99 23:05:08
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
What you liked: Everything!
Your site is absolutely fabulous. We are very honoured to be involved in this project with you. Stinker had a great time in Australia and the kids have really enjoyed having her. She also introduced a small western Queensland schoolof 11 students to Okl homa and further uses of the internet. Not bad for one small Beanie Baby! We can only hope that our site will look as good as yours some day. You have taught us heaps!!! Thank you!!! Your Buddy, Nicola.

Nikki - 03/22/99 07:25:11
what a nice web page.

Kristin - 03/05/99 00:44:05
My URL:/Athens/Olympus/2967
My Email:k_kristin@hotmail.com
What you liked: Your whole page!
Very nicely done! (I'm also a fourth grade teacher).

Mrs. Christensen - 02/19/99 01:18:10
My Email:christen@vegas.infi.net
What you liked: I LOVED knowing who is in your class!
Dear Boys and Girls, I am so glad to meet you! Your teacher has been a fairy godmother to me! She has taught me new things using my computer. Mrs. Pivo has also created a special way for me to sign some of my messages. It is really cool! I love your webpage. I hope you appreciate all the hard work she did so that you could have one! Here's a hug for each of you - (((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))) Work hard, Mrs. Christensen, Las Vegas,

Goose (AKA Craig Hunter) - 01/29/99 02:16:04
My URL:http://www.serve.com/hawks
My Email:huntcd@infinitytx.net
What you liked: The truck drivers project
Suggestions for additions: How can a person improve on perfect?!!!
Howdy all from Stinnett, Texas!! You're really lucky to have such a fun and inovative teacher! I bet that she lets you have Coke parties at least once a week!! Also, I bet that she never gives anybody any homework!! What a wonderful webpage she has created for you! You should reward her by playing the "quiet game" for at least an hour today!

Barbara White - 01/12/99 05:00:13
My Email:whiteco@webzone.net
What you liked: The My Class Page
Really nice sight! Well done class!

Becky - 01/02/99 00:07:39
My Email:Hobbsgang@alaweb.com
What you liked: Everything!
You did an excellent job on this! It was neat seeing the picture of your school... I think it would be additionally nice if you included pics of your classroom, and students, as well as yourself! I can tell you are an excellent caring teacher!

Cindy Engler - 12/27/98 04:38:28
My Email:estrbny123@aol.com
What you liked: Trucker Buddies
Hi Mrs. Pivo's 4th grade class!!!! I am Tracey's sister and Dales sister-in-law. I live in Colorado. Tracey told me about the Trucker Buddies program and I think it is really neat. I espcially thought it was great to see the pictures at the top of the web page of them and the "kids". I miss them a lot and reading your web page gives me an idea of what they are doing and where they are. Keep the updates going. Tracey and Dale told me to tell you all hello and that they will be writing soon. We had a great Christmas and snow to go along with it! Happy Holidays and have a great New Year! Thanks for sharing your web page, Cindy Engler

Gayla Lorenz - 11/19/98 21:27:44
My Email:glorenz@ba.k12.ok.us
What you liked: everything!
Janice, Why can't I find you on our school email list? I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation at the 4th grade meeting. You did a wonderful job! I was so impressed with your creativity and organization. Your web page was fantastic! Would you give me the web site for the Travel Buddies? Thanks! Gayla Lorenz, Wolf Creek

Kevin Holt - 11/06/98 16:43:53
My Email:kholt@email.com
What you liked: teacher links & the kids
I am Mrs. Holt's husband. I came to see your neat site. I am designing a web site for my school in Kansas. When I have it up and running I will send you the site to check out.

Whitney Gentry - 10/12/98 23:07:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~w_gentry/education.html
My Email:w_gentry@hotmail.com
What you liked: Nice site!
I enjoyed my stay!

Trent Hartnerss - 10/09/98 02:16:23
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
I like your web site.

Christian Coulson-Futcher - 10/09/98 02:14:41
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
I liked the whole thing

Michael Waddell - 10/09/98 02:12:07
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
I enjoyed the web site.

Katrina Pershouse - 10/09/98 02:02:25
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
What you liked: Class page
It was very nice.

Amanda Wesener - 10/09/98 01:57:57
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
What you liked: The little pitures
I liked the part about Stinker and Ringswiger.

Melanie Vidler - 10/09/98 01:53:20
My Email:nheuser@gil.com.au
What you liked: class page
I really liked how you set up your class page with your little pictures.

Jody Schumacher - 10/06/98 01:37:41
My Email:jschumacher@mail.lewiston.k12.id.us
What you liked: the music
I was impressed by the music and the number of people who have visited your site. It sounds like you are doing quite a few exciting things. I am trying to get ideas to help my own fourth grade classroom. If any of your students would like to write, our address is: Mrs. Schumacher's class Webster Elementary 1409 8th Street Lewiston, ID 83501

Sara Rogers - 10/04/98 02:05:51
What you liked: all of it
Suggestions for additions: Put a list of people who have taken Ringswinger home.
I think you have done a great job on our website.

Nic Land - 09/26/98 16:10:44

Janet Hill - 09/24/98 02:11:57
My URL:http://geocities.com/Athens/Academy/5146/
My Email:llihpw@prodigy.net
What you liked: everything was wonderful!!!
Janice, WONDERFUL SITE!!! I bookmarked it and will visit often!!! Your site if very professional looking!!! I wish mine did. LOL I will vist again soon. It is truly a great site. See ya soon, Janet

Rebecca - 09/22/98 01:55:57
What you liked: I liked the candy rules
Suggestions for additions: you need Ringswinger on the class picture
You've done a good job on the web page but keep adding on and maybe more people would visit it. SINCERLY REBECCA M. SPARKS

Terry - 09/22/98 00:50:35
My Email:tchapman@swbell.net
What you liked: Everything!!!
I'm impressed!!!

SUZANNE BOROUGHS - 09/12/98 17:08:37
What you liked: everything
Suggestions for additions: a picture of our class

Tommy Rogers - 09/12/98 03:24:09
My URL:http://www.eosc.cc.ok.us
My Email:tmrogers@eosc.cc.us
What you liked: Format & Information
Suggestions for additions: Rap Music

SUZANNE BOROUGHS - 09/12/98 01:30:54
What you liked: OUR CLASS
Suggestions for additions: a picture of yourself!
I just wanted to say we're so lucky to have Mrs.Pivo(I'm one of her student's)

Suzanne Boroughs - 09/11/98 23:59:05
My Email:bboroughs@prodigy.net
What you liked: My teacher
When we get the ringtailed possum put a picture of it right in the grey spot on the Travel Buddy page.

Sara Rogers - 09/09/98 03:01:45
What you liked: all of it
I printed all of the webpages.

Linda Brenden - 09/08/98 04:54:50
My Email:lbrenden@earthlink.net
What you liked: Rules, calendar
I enjoyed your page. You're off to a great start! I loved the graphics next to the students' and your names. Where did you get them? I'm anxious to check back to see what changes you've made.

Shirl/NC - 09/06/98 22:11:33
My Email:rgodfrey@carolina.net
What you liked: Calendar and Rules
Suggestions for additions: Pictures!!!
JPivo, I didn't know about your page! Wonderful! I enjoyed my visit! Shirley

disney cathy - 09/06/98 22:06:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/1370
My Email:escher@clearnet.net
What you liked: I like the way the site is uncluttered . Very neat looking.
Hello from Nittany Lion Country in central Pennsylvania!, JPivo, Your site is so nice! Keep up the great work! Thank you for telling us about your site at teachers.net Have a happy day! Cathy/k/pa

Sylvia - 09/06/98 05:39:31
My URL:http://www.ineedtomakeone.com
My Email:sylviaxyz@yahoo.com
What you liked: I like that this is my friend's page!!
Suggestions for additions: Make one for me!! (LOL)
Actually I haven't look through it yet.. Just excited to know you started this!! Now I'm REALLY jealous!! But.. I don't have the time to devote to it!!

Paula Marouk - 08/30/98 10:34:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2885
My Email:kmarouk@earthlink.net
What you liked: My favorites were the "sweet rules" and the calendar.
Suggestions for additions: A picture of yourself, hehehehehe.
Very cheerful and informative. I love the part about the "specialized instructors" for art, music and PE...*wink. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!

Debby - 08/29/98 23:27:43
My Email:DFraz37504@aol.com
What you liked: calendar
I loved it all. Youv've done a great job! Can't wait to see what you will add next.

Valerie/NYr - 08/27/98 23:38:13
What you liked: A Super Web Page!!!
Suggestions for additions: A photo of your class and its very creative teacher!
I am sooooooooooo impressed...love your calendar gifs...looking forward to your school year... Don't forget to send a disposable camera with Stinky...AND please send greetings to Bunji from Ladybug,Stanley,and myself...

Mrs. Hutter - 08/26/98 21:41:16
My Email:jhutter@ba.k12.ok.us
What you liked: music & calendar
Suggestions for additions: a picture of your lovely school principal
Congratulations on the first Lynn Wood Web Page. It looks great! You are now representing our school to the world!

C Bennett - 08/24/98 22:09:37
My Email:cbennett@carol.net
What you liked: You've made a great start!

SARA ROGERS - 08/15/98 23:54:19
What you liked: The candy rules
Hi Mrs. Pivo, You are a really cool teacher. I'm glad I'm in your class. I look forward to a good year. SARA

Lindsey Deatherage - 08/12/98 19:38:41
What you liked: The candy rules
Suggestions for additions: I'm still thinking about them
I'm excited about school and I'm excited to meet other kids that I can become friends with. It was nice to meet you. Lindsey

Ann/LA - 08/05/98 18:31:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/8597/index.html
My Email:gatti@linknet.net
What you liked: I enjoyed everything; however, the clock and date are tooooo cool! :)
JPivo ~ I ran myself a copy of the "Rules". You did a super job! Where in the world did you find all those candy bar pictures???? LOL You have a real gift for coordinating your information with your graphics. I look forward to your additions in the future. Just me ~ Ann :)

Valerie S. - 08/05/98 17:32:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/cottage/2674
My Email:Valerie@Prodigy.net
What you liked: EVERYTHING!
JPivo...Your page is GREAT! I'll be back often to see your progress!

Mona - 08/05/98 14:43:11
My URL:http://vrml.k12.la.us/~monah/
My Email:monah@vrml.k12.la.us
What you liked: "The Rules!"
JPivo! Your page is great! I know you will add wonderful things that will keep me coming back!!

Bob Reap - 08/05/98 07:21:22
My URL:http://teachers.net
My Email:breap@teachers.net
Hi JPivo - glad to see you enter the world of HTML development. I'll check back and watch your progress - you're off to a great start already! :o)

Kathleen Carpenter - 08/05/98 02:45:50
My URL:http://teachers.net
What you liked: Everything-especially the music!
Suggestions for additions: a photo of you!
I hope I can be like you when I grow up ;-) Oh, the way you arranged your list of supplies is very pleasing to the eye! Thank you for inviting me!

Gumbo/K/La - 08/04/98 19:39:52
What you liked: EVERYTHING!
You have done SO much work here!!! Way to go, kiddo--it's looking GREAT! [I do like all that calorie-free candy, too!:-)]

Morgan McBratney - 08/04/98 13:39:04
My Email:gorman15@mailexcite.com
What you liked: Everything!!!
This should be a model webpage for all webpages!

Nina - 08/04/98 07:29:45
What you liked: Candy rules
Suggestions for additions: Keep up the good work!
Wow, what a great job on the candy rules. They are precious.

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