From this section of my website, you can choose to read my favourite poems by both male and female poets or poetry that I have written. Each poem is accompanied (where applicable) by an informative paragraph concerning the poem style, interesting poetic devices, background, etc. If you have any questions or comments about my website, you can e-mail me at: Thank-you!
Inspirational Poetry | Poems written by other people concerning numerous topics. |
Expressions of Life | Poems I have written over time concerning assorted subjects. |
The background and basic button designs belong to Jaguarwoman. As seen in the below image link to her page. Please, do not copy, link, or save the background (and icons) since they are copyrighted and watermarked as the property of Jaguarwoman. You may only use them with permission from her. Thank-you for your assistance! The text has been added by me to the header buttons using Paint Shop Pro 5 (except for the "Home" and "E-mail" buttons). I also have to thank my parents, my English & Classics professors at Saint Mary's University and "so long ago" at Dartmouth High School, the Athens Community Leaders of Geocities, Rence, and my friends for their kindness, encouragement, support, inspiration, and website assistance. My free website space and e-mail address provided by: Geocities and My Own Email.