This is where you can find the latest information about the 2005-06 Poteet Area Orchestras!

KMS Intermediate Orchestra Personnel

Clay, Teren
Babu, Roshan
Dickens-Reeves, Lauren
Harris, Sydney
Hudgins, Eric
Jackson, Breanica
Jones, Forrest
Joslin, Marlaina
Keils, Chelsy
Lawhon, Justin
Mank, Mitchell
MeJia, Jose
Nguyen, Yen Van
Ramirez, Leslie
Smith, Emily
Welch, Afton
Wolf, William


Adkins, Meagan
Alvarez, Mireya
Barrera, Alek
Hernandez, Arely
Murdock, Amy

Becerra, Matthew
Bryan, Chris
Bustamante, Joey
Pritchard, Austin
Robardge, Nick
Walker, Trace

Broussard, Sean
Da Cruz, Felipe
Ibey, Cody
Vasquez, Willy

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KMS Advanced Orchestra Personnel
Rachael Anderson
Stevie Brown
Sol Han
Ben Nguyen
Michael Whited
Roshni Amin
Danielle Hardman
Melinda Marek
Kellie Morris
Shiney Samuel
Christine Varghese
Ron Wrigley

Benjamin Felts
Samantha Kimble
Maureen Mathenge
Rebecca McGee
Clarissa Trevino
Maranda Weatherall

Miranda Radford
Kati Ramirez
Alec Spinhirne

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Poteet High School Jr. Varsity Orchestra Personnel

Violin I
Vicky Blalock
Cindy Ngo
Patrick Lozano
Tamis Walker
Cameron Kramer
Cayln Jones
Zach Holley
David Rucker
Zachary Stallbohm
Margo Roffino
Allan Gonzalez

Violin II
Johnna Pickard
Dylan Foster
Lynsey McAlister-Smith
Tyler Beetle
Jennifer Roderick
Heather Reid
Samantha Van Roy
Salina Rivera
Henan Rider
Nicole McEntyre
Ronny Gilliland
Jimbo Land
Phillip Moss

Clay Taylor
Iris Torres
Tina Smith
Natalie Ramirez
Randy Romero

Adair Claycomb
Marshal Markle
Michael Olguin
Nessa Philip
Rommel Ranit
Aaron Moreno
Alexis Olguin
Sean O'Rear
Russell Allen

Chris Novy
Jack Piland
Clint Parmenter

Andria Whitley

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Poteet High School Varsity Orchestra Personnel

Violin I
Charilyne Rojas
Katy Daniel
Geoffrey Grafing
Chris Reeves
Kimberly Melo
Yoon Kang
Minh Ma

Violin II
Jonathan Shotts
Jordan Dixon
Justin Partain
Sheryl Mathew
Evan Stout
Molly Jaggers
Brandon Darr



Alyssa Torres
Efrain Sanchez
Kasha Reese
Sarah Burt
Kristina Carter
Katrina Gomez
Christina Babu

Clayton Barsoum
Connor O'Dell
Kyle Bartlett
Jessica Velasquez
Du Sung
Michael O'Rear
Bryon Carey
Tony Gonzalez

Andrew Cagle
Aaron Spinhirne
Logan Mitchell

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MISD All-City Orchestra Members


 Kimbrough Middle School Participants

- Violin -
Roshni Amin
Rachael Anderson
Stevie Brown
Sol Han
Christy Jacob
Melinda Marek
Kellie Morris
Ben Nguyen
Christine Varghese
Michael Whited

- Viola -
Benjamin Felts
Samantha Kimble
Rebecca McGee
Clarissa Trevino

- Bass -
Sean Broussard
Felipe Da Cruz
Cody Ibey
Willy Vasquez

Poteet High School Participants

-Violin -
Katy Daniel
Jordan Dixon
Geoffrey Grafing
Molly Jaggers
Yoon Kang
Chris Reeves
Sheryl Mathew
Kimberly Melo
Justin Partain
Charilyne Rojas
Tamis Walker

-Viola -
Christina Babu
Kristina Carter
Kasha Reese
Efrain Sanchez
Alyssa Torres

- Cello -
Clayton Barsoum
Kyle Bartlett
Connor O'Dell

-Bass -
Andrew Cagle
Logan Mitchell


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Region III Orchestra Members


 Kimbrough Middle School Participants

- Violin -
Sol Han
Benjamin Nguyen

Poteet High School Participants

- Violin -
Geoffrey Grafing
Yoon Kang

- Cello -
Connor O'Dell

- Bass -
Logan Mitchell



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U.I.L. Contest

Middle School Results

Seventh Grade - I, I, I (Stage) - I, I, I (Sight-Reading) - SWEEPSTAKES

Eighth Grade - I, I, I (Stage) - I, I, II (Sight-Reading) - SWEEPSTAKES

High School Results

Varsity - I, I, I (Stage) - I, I, I (Sight-Reading) - SWEEPSTAKES

Jr. Varsity - I, I, I (Stage) - I, I, I (Sight-Reading) - SWEEPSTAKES

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Other Contest

Middle School Results

Seventh Grade Results - Sandy Lake Festival
I, I, I - Superior Stage Performance

Eighth Grade Results - Murchison Competition
I, I, I - Superior Stage Performance - 3rd place overall


High School Results - Meyerson Competition

Varsity - I, I, I
Superior Stage performance
Best in Class Award
Overall Best Orchestra Award

Jr. Varsity - I, I, I
Superior Stage performance
Best in Class Award

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Congratulations to all students, parents, private teachers, and directors.