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The Kimbrough Advanced Orchestra had 24 memebers in the Mesquite All-City Orchestra. More than 50% of the KMS orchestra received this honor. The Kimbrough Intermediate Orchestra also welcomes 1 seventh grade student to the All-City Orchestra. Twenty-five out of fifty All-City chairs auditioned for by orchestra students from Mesquite were awarded to Kimbrough Orchestra students.

Matt Tingsanchali, Tasha Nguyen, Heather Southard, Veronica Carvijal, Nermine Rofael,
Mallory Kuykendall, Katy McCamey, Ellen Ranit, Jessica Hernandez,
Alycia Wheeler, Daniel Arvo, Evie Arrington, Amelia Mendoza


Rebecca Beutnagel, Kerry Bankhead, Nicole Tuttle, Justin Ross, Justin Kule


Michael Miller, Lili Ngo, Daryl Johnston, Paul Sigler


Natasha Hart, Charles Murry, Charlie Gonzales










Brian Eaton - Viola

Jenni Sage - Violin
Travis Elfers - Viola
Jeff Waldrop - Bass
Enrico Deleon Jr. - Bass

7th Grade Ensemble Recieves a Superior Rating with Honors

Baladad Quartet
Ana Baladab
Sean Lancaster
Wendy Wilson
Nathan Hervey


8th Grade Ensemble Recieves a Superior Rating with Honors

Ranit Quartet
Rebecca Beutnagel
Katie McCamey
Ellen Ranit
Sub: Mike Miller


Solo Results

7th Grade Superior Ratings (I)

Ana Baladad
James Degelia
Heather McCartey
Kelly Murphy
Whitney Nelson
Andrew Shutt

Brian Schweers
Wendy Wilson

Nathan Hervey
Dillon Lamb
Charles Miller

Charlie Gonzales


7th Grade Excellent Ratings (II)

Corey Gudmundson


8th Grade Superior Ratings (I)

Evie Arrington
Daniel Arvo
Veronica Carvajal
Andrew Goolsby
Amelia Mendoza
Tasha Nguyen
Ellen Ranit
Nermine Rofael
Heather Southard
Matthew Tingsanchali
Casey Woodard

Kerry Bankhead
Rebecca Beautnagel

Michael Miller
Brandon Stacey

Charlie Murray


8th Grade Excellent Ratings (II)

Paul Sigler


Ensemble Results

7th Grade Superior Ratings (I)

Gudmunson Quartet
Corey Gudmundson
Charles Miller
Brian Schweers
Josh Tindel

Fisher Quartet
James Degelia
Eric Fisher
Megan Rubio
Sub: Charles Miller


7th Grade Excellent Ratings (II)

Short Quartet
Mallorie Anderson
Corey Cothrum
Clyde Short
Andrew Shutt

McCartey Quartet
Dillon Lamb
Heather McCartey
Whitney Nelson
Ben Terry













8th Grade Superior Ratings (I)

Rofael Quartet
Nermine Rofael
Paul Sigler
Heather Southard
Sub: Rebecca Beutnagel

Hernandez Quartet
Jessica Hernandez
Amelia Mendoza
Brandon Stacey
Sub: Kerry Bankhead

Ngo-Nguyen Quartet
Rebecca Beutnagel
Lili Ngo
Tasha Nguyen
Alecia Wheeler

King Quartet
Kerry Bankhead
Veronica Carvajal
Andra Donzell
Corey King

Arrington Quartet
Evie Arrington
Mallorie Kuykandall
Charlie Murray
Sub: Kerry Bankhead


8th Grade Excellent Ratings (II)

Goolsby Quartet
Andrew Goolsby
Casey Woodard
Julie Wadle
Sub: Kerry Bankhead

Kule Quartet
Tasha Hart
Justin Kule
Kristen Reed
Christina Velazquez

Tingsanchali Quartet
Danial Arvo
Kerry Bankhead
Michael Miller
Matthew Tingsanchali


Intermediate (7th Grade) Orchestra - Sweepstakes Award- Overall Superior Rating

Concert I, I, II -- 1st Division Rating
Sight Reading I, I, II -- 1st Division Rating


Advanced (8th Grade) Orchestra - Superior Rating in Concert

Concert I, I, II = 1st Division Rating
Sight Reading II, II, II = 2nd Division Rating


Concert Orchestra -Excellent Rating Overall

Concert II, II, II = 2nd Division Rating
Sight Reading II, II, II = 2nd Division Rating


Honor Orchestra - Superior Rating in Sight Reading

Concert II, II, II = 2nd Division Rating
Sight Reading I, I, I = 1st Division Rating

Advanced (8th Grade) Orchestra - Excellent Rating and "Best in Class" Award

Concert II, II, II = 2nd Division Rating


Intermediate (7th Grade) Orchestra - Superior Rating in Concert

Concert I, I, II -- 1st Division Rating


Jeffrey Mai
Jenna Moore
Charilyne Rojas
Amanda Davies
Cheryl Abellanoza
Miranda Aldrete
Ola Okubanjo
Lindsay Green
Shelby Johnson
Jessica Kath
Aldrick DeSoisson
Alexander DeSoisson
Randi Ross
Josh Armstrong
Taylor Jones
Krista Wardell
Julie Gomez
Ryan Arvo
Heather Reid
Stephanie Cason
Katy Daniel
Lauren Spain
Khrystal Richmond
Kevein McDonald
Amber Williams
Maegan Green
Khristina Womack

Andrew Grondin
Adrienne Balsamo


Sara Tumulty
Rebecca Hollis
Jenna Bankhead
Ashley Paul
Lacy Tittle
Amanda Jones
Constance Cephus
Abby Morris
Kasha Reese
Kyle Hale
Daniel Molsbee
Christopher Murray
Amanda Fowler
Daniel Hodges
Taylor Cobbin

Britni Lamb
Michael O'Rear
Brian Everitt
Michael Olguin
Thomas Hensarling
Maegan Figueroa
Nicole Williams
Merrill Raju
Sarah Lankford
Mahagony Jones
Rachel Cooney
Mohamad Akel


Poteet Area 6th Grade Honor Orchestra - Superior Rating in Concert

Concert I, I, I = 1st Division Rating

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