SEASON OF SOUND by Gwen Austin Copyright Sept. 1999 In suspense of winter-waiting, sounds are not abating, for sounds abound in fall. More 'cawish' seems crow's call, as I listen in vain for robin's refrain. Squirrel-nipped cones clatter from bough to branch to roof and ground. Chickadees and nuthatches lend their 'dee-dee-dee' and 'ank-ank-ank' to fall's musical strain. An iridescent dragonfly hums by as yellowjackets buzz to food and shelter. A rogue breeze sparks a sneeze at dander and dust. A thirsty red-cheeked flicker's 'chee-chee-chee' preceeds its birdbath sip. Coyotes 'kie-yie' at harvest-moon-lit sky. An owl calls 'Who?' not 'Why?' Too-soon-gone leaves whisper, chitter, drift whimsically to ground, triggering more sound as against still-clinging companions they bump and bound on their journey to duff. Far-off faint, then overhead, veed geese honk- a most symbolic sound of all-- the outbound sound of fall.