
Gwen Austin

Copyright 1999

Spring sprung wet that year so swamp pond was still alive in early summer. Visions of rafting with Huck Finn spurred our ambitious endeavor of creating our own raft strictly from scratch. We forged and gathered building materials. Young maple saplings fell to our ax. Wild grape vines became our twine. We yanked, cut, hauled, whittled and fiddled all one hot afternoon. We fitted lengths together, wrapped each to the other, stood back and admired our vessel. As the eldest, the only one with boots, I would go first onto our magnificent craft. We grunted and shoved until our contrivance floated free. Push-pole in hand, I felt so grand. I made a mighty leap, landing in a heap, square in the middle of our adventure raft. I stood, raised the pole and shouted 'Victory.' It was but a minute or two before our raft met destiny. It sunk down to the mud and stuck me in that oozing crud.