by Gwen Austin

Copyright 1999

The venerable pump-house still stands, silent testimony to long-gone, well-use days. Wood grain whorls, in bas relief, detail white pine plank door and fingerprints-of-time weathered walls. Yawning, glassless windows frame delicate cobwebs and welcome curious currents. An almost rust-devoured horseshoe still clings on bent nail under bird nest sheltering eaves. "For good luck," the builder said. The sturdy roof still repels rain, snow and fall leaves, even tho' one corner sags under brawny boughs. Seeking cracks and crannies, spring trickles tickle the slab foundation. The dark, dank interior whispers with scurrying feet. Under the heavy trap door looms the well, Its mossy sides seep and weep. Flashlight's beam winks back from water far below. Clear cold water awaits the call from the pump. Silently awaits the call that will never come-- for the pump was stolen by a dirty-rat scum.

Hinsdale, NH

Background and photo by Gwen Austin

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