
Gwen Austin

Copyright 1998

We are sorrow-filled, yet we would not have willed continued suffering-pain. And lo, good memories are our gain. After the ache and horror of a friend ascending from this life, we eagerly await the morrow of good memories. We dare not ask ‘why?’ a friend must die. It is the fate we all await. So we count our blessing of good memories of the friend who’s just ‘round the bend. When we water dahlias and roses, we remember. When we see his whimisical gift-- a stuffed angel bear-- we remember. When we gaze across the bay where he, too, gazed one day, we remember. When we write, e-mail or phone other friends, we remember. Each Fourth of July we’ll remember our final visit together. When a friend dies, we remember.

Sunset picture and rippling lake courtesy of David Griffiths.
The button below will take you to his page.

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