One's life journey started taking shape before she even realises its importance. And mine did too. The wonderful formative years I spent in Bath, England; the battlefield of academic conquest for dad, and the seat of Roman civilisation for the rest; were indelible.

I was immersed in the love showered in abundance by Mom and Dad, and guided by the kind hands ( and hearts ) of Mrs Staples, Mr Barry, Mr Chappel, Mrs Simmons ( and Mr Bulard for Abang).

And they all add up in colouring the personality I am.

I still relish the joy of remembering the time when dad would take us to Victoria Park on Saturdays...and sometimes on Sundays too

( Dad whispered to me that he never misses the chance to visit the park where we had ice-creams, feed the ducks and play on the helter-skelter; whenever he returned to England on business trips. He will take some time off to travel to Bath to see his Supervisor; and then quietly slip into Victoria Park, even for an hour at night, before leaving by train to London..just to watch the empty park benches, our benches!! silhouetted in the moonlight over the lake where the silver swans and the greenback ducks drift in their sleep..perhaps reminiscing over the Nawi Family ).