Here’re the Clippings---- the order does not reflect the preference hehehe
Fave models – Tyra Banks, Deanna Yusoff, Paula Malai Ali ( Mamak Ali Pitchay hehe ), Claudia Schiffer (or the Sheafer kind – pens anyone? ), Daryl Boswell, Norman Hakim , Azlan ; Fave Flower – Tulips ( how’s zat everyone! ) ; Define love:- Love is a fairy tale
Sweet Words :- "Nothing in life is sweeter and more loving than dropping a bouquet of surprises to the one who lingers on your mind, and a simple note saying " I miss you ". And when you spend quiet moments together, you know that love is there too…..
Kindness may be described in many ways. It is the poetry of the heart, the music of the world. It is a golden chain that binds society together. It is a fountain of gladness. Kind hearts are more expensive than coronets ( whatever that means – is that a tiara of some kind?? Or a crown? ). Kind words produce their own beautiful image in man’s soul. Everyone knows the pleasure of receiving a kind look, a warm greeting, and a hand held out in time of need. Such gestures can be made at so little expense, yet they bring such immense rewards to the investors….. SAM, thanks for all your good deeds. I wont forget that. Love ya forever…."
(----- Arina----- thanks…those are gems! )
"Kakak Sam..Words cannot express how much I really appreciate your love and care and help.. I owe you a great deal. … Haha the so-called facial glow you always say I have …I still think you’re joking!….
But thanks for getting me back on my feet.. AKU SAYANG KAT HANG "
" Na nak ucapkan berbilion terima kasih atas jasa, nasihat dan persahabatan yang telah Kak Sam hadiahkan sepanjang perkenalan kita…tahukah kak sam yang kak sam banyak membantu Na membina keyakinan diri? Kak Sam merupakan orang yang sanggup berkorban demi kebaikan orang lain.. seorang kakak yang lahir dari ketulusan dan kemurnian hati… Good bye to you my trusted friend.. we’ve known each other since we’re nine or ten.. together we play hide and seek..learn of love and ABC…goodbye my friend it’s hard to die.. when all the birds are singing in the sky…."
(---- Na----- thanks a million errrrr billion…)
"Kak Sam..let me tell you something… the world smiles more, simply because you are in it…. Datang jua November ku ---- Lupa daku… seketika pada mu …. Leka diamuk keharuan… Satu musim tanpa kesan"
"Ask me how much you mean to me…and I wouldn’t even know where to start….—Sam, 2 seasons had passed, we’ve been through good and bad times..I cherish all the moments we shared together and hope God will get us back together again, and thank you for helping me pick up every shred and piece them back again"
" Am the batgirl… seen my movie lately? Have great friends, especially the heroin; Sameerah, the poison ivy. She is dangerous! Better watch out. Well, poison ivy! My last precious words for you..You have been a great partner, through thick and thin. Thank you very much and remember me as I remember you. And I will always remind myself of how thankful I am to have you as a FRIEND ! "
(---Aww Fiza..I’m crying la …. )
" Favourite recipe..ingredients: a cup of optimism / a jar of iman and taqwa / a jug of positive thinking.."
" Alamak – Jale Merbau, Kelate Darul Naing…
" Biar nampak selekeh..tapi pandai gile.. dari macho gile..tapi bangang"
" I met a blind man who taught me how to see "
"Hampir tiba saat perpisahan.. belum puas lagi saya menatap wajah kak sam dan sahabat-sahabat yang lain..tapi apakan daya..Akan saya hargai ikatan persahabatan kita.. and thank you for being such a wonderful sister "
" All my bags are packed..I’m ready to go…Sam, soon you are going to close the MRSM gates behind you for the last time. But I’m certain you’ll always look back and recall the 2 mottled years of your historyat MRSM PC. When you do so, I bet a whole swag of thoughts, memories and reminders of incidents you may have no wish to forget, should come flooding back ( laced with nostalgia ..sob..sob.. ). Well, I’m happy to have known you and be able to share your reminiscences of your life here and of Dinawari Homeroom / Class of ’98.
Let me end with some inspirational thoughts on EXCELLENCE ( .. well, what else is good enough for a PKP student eh?? )
" Excellence comes from striving , maintaining the highest standards, paying attention to little details and being willing to go the extra mile "
So, Sam, I hope you start a crusade in your life… to dare do and be your best in everything, in every way, in every situation.
Semoga Sam berjaya dengan cemerlang dunia dan akhirat, Insha Allah ! "
(----Miss Nick…. I’m weeping… I’ll miss your kind hands and thoughts… your smile.. your teacherly love.. I love you Miss Nick------- )
"Diharap December bukan detik akhir pertemuan kita.. mai lah ke penang.. Wan sediakan laksa Penang.."
" Susah nak cari oghe yang mace mu nie Sam… Baik, Caring, Bertanggung-jawab…"
" Terima kasih banyak kerana menjadi Nurse Peribadi kite… tolong cek kite sihat ke dok.. "
"Kalau kenduri kendara, jangan lupa jemput Ila..dan simpan ayam banyak-banyak….dan jangan terkejut kalau Kak Sam jumpa Ila, Ila dah jadi ayam!!! Hahaha "
(----hahaha---- Gelak Riuh!! )
" And thank you for helping me discover a part of myself coz you know how often I get lost.. thanks for being there… It means a lot "
" Uda rasa amat berHang Tuah kerana dapat mengenali Kak Sam yang sentiasa mempunyai kata-kata nasihat. Lastly, Uda harap ukhuwah yang terjalin tak terlerai di tengah jalan keretapi "
(--- Woit.... Kelakar Giler... Choo Choo Choo....--- )
" Terima kasih di atas urut-urut dikala terpeleot… dan pendek kata… mengenali kak sam adalah satu anugerah! "
" Terima kasih di atas segala pertolongan, nasihat.. dan macam-macam lagi lah yang sewaktu dengannya…banyak benda yang di celotehkan… jangan lupa semua itu NO!!! "
( ---Jannah, mmmmmmm I can imagine your face saying that, NO?!! hahaha ----- )
" My Dearest Sister. I want to be a child but then acting childish is not easy... Tali persaudaraan yang dibina ini diharap tidak hanya sebagai babak kehidupan, kemudian menjadi kenangan sahaja..."
(---Afis... Kak Sam sangat menyanjungi tali persaudaraan kita----)
" 5 Bersaudara & TBG'95 . Pertemuan menghadiahkan kasih sayang, penghubung yang tiada antaranya, yang ada hanya cinta kasih Ilahi. Teman! Melewati nostalgia yang menyapa cebis pengertian dan wangian pagi. "
(---Wow Cq Nor, nostalgic habis.... thanks for the friendship----)
" Ilmu ialah obor suci kehidupan yang dapat memberi kejayaan kepada setiap insan. "
(---Thanks K.Noni. I'll always remember that----)
" Jalan-jalan hujung minggu,
Hujung minggu naik perahu,
Kalu Kak Sam hendak tahu,
Surat Kak Sam sentiasa ditunggu "
(--- Mmmm... syahdu.... )