SAMEERAH'S PAGE: 5 DINAWARI , MRSM PC 98...USM Matriculation, Kulim, Mech Eng. USM, Tronoh... and now @Trans Krian.

1999...Bye-bye love, Bye-bye happiness, Hello Loneliness...I think I'm gonna cry...
There goes my school... my memories... my all...
Somebody Help me.... anybody.....?...sigh...

Year 2000 : Well... welcome the new Millenium.... I have just completed my Matriculation Program under Universiti sains Malaysia at Kolej MARA Kulim, Kedah. Phewh....... what a hot seat! Within 8 months everything sailed through... err... through the walls. Honestly speaking, that was a pressure cooker, a torture chamber of a sort( worse than the counterpart in Madame Tussaud, at Baker Street,London ... you know! the one next to the Planetarium).
Again, the experience was worth it. The friends I made... Maya, Pipah, Uda, Ummi, Wani , Baya, Zarien,Noreen and myriads more. Ohhh what a lovely feeling gathering these bunch of great friends. Some happen to be my mom's and dad's friends' children. How's that. Our world seems to be getting smaller and smaller: talk about k-economy! ( psst... that's the new pet subject for our Prime Minister )
Teachers...emmm nearly all are rated 5 stars (except some ehemmm you know who you are i suppose.. jangan mare ye che gu ) .. En Chew, Cikgu Zahir, Miss Marzita, Cikgu Rosnani, Teacher Amy, Cikgu Haslimi, Cikgu Zura, and Cikgu Rashidi... emmmm all are resplendent stars to add to the collection.

" Selamat Datang / Welcome / Ahlan Wasahlan / Vanekam "
- It is fate that makes brothers BUT it is hearts that make friends
- So never injure a friend, even in jest

Sameerah Mohd Nawi
Quarters TATI
Jalan Panchor,
Teluk Kalong
24000 Kemaman

HELLO, please browse through my page. The Bath story is a reminiscence.. and then there is the whole bunch of MRSM lively characters; teachers not excepted....
Bear with the pictures though.

Thank you for making it here.
And thanks MOM and thanks DAD.
.... thank you for being there when I needed you most..

CONTENTS: and it is growing.. groan


Pictures(from upper-left, clockwise): 1. Mom & kiddies when Salihah won 3rd placing in fancy dress competition 2.Family ( all on-board ) 3. Salihah, I and Huda 4. Me at 14 in my classroom at Maahad Muhammadi 5. The glorious coconut tree & I hehe 6. Cousin Nora & I

Hi Nora... remember the picture? Muar, Raya 98... and girl dont you look gorgeous!!!!... your smile is so inocuous you know... IOWA lasses!!! eat your hearts out. ( Cousin Nora , on my right, is now studying in Iowa )

Just finished my major exams...the SPM. Waiting for the results and I'm gonna take up organ lessons, driving lessons, do cross stitches

(and finally put in my last stitch in 2002!! )

.. and a plethora of exciting activities.


My life begins with Happy Smile... Sweet like, Candy to a child.. Stay here , and Love me just a while... Let sadness see what happy does,
Let happy be what sadness was.. Till Now...
It sure rhymes!!! thanks Michael ( that's Jackson to you ).. but my life is a far cry from his. Sure it began with a smile, but unlike MJ's, mine shines all the way through.. Alhamdulillah
And so does his............... Ammar that is!!!!
Ammar is my sweet younger brother... and sweet he will not take as a compliment these days.... WONDER Why UH???...*smile*


One's life journey started taking shape before she even realises its importance. And mine did too. The wonderful formative years I spent in Bath, England; the battlefield of academic conquest for dad, and the seat of Roman civilisation for the rest; were indelible. Follow the Bath story for an indulgence of a "romantic" kind. There're pictures too... from the Pultney Bridge Fountain to the Classroom.

And I will try to persuade dad to scan more pictures of the beautiful, dreamy Bath. ...... I still remember the time when dad would take us to Victoria Park... where we had ice-creams,.. feed the ducks and play on the helter-skelter.. the park benches by the lake where the silver swans and the greenback ducks, the mullards reign regal.

Hi BECKY ..... and Hi AMY, EMILY, CAROLINE, ALEXIS... If you are anywhere in the world ; happen to see this pic.. and still remember the Bird-Park outing..then please leave me a message..and I'll endeavour to get in touch.
Just in case everybody forgets, i'm third from the right, with my" My Little Pony "bag. Cant believe I was brand conscious as early as that!

I am equally indebted to Ustaz Megat Amin ( who happens to be dad's personal friend too ), and all the ustazs and ustazahs in SRI Al-Amin, Kuala Lumpur, and Maahad Muhammadi Lil Banat, Kota Baru who gave me a balanced dimension in life.
Now that I am in MRSM Pengkalan Chepa, I would like to pay a tribute to them and give them a standing ovation - I, Sameerah- the crowd, the audience; and you, my mentors- the stars!.


MRSM - Pengkalan Chepa - Tkt 5 Dinawari

The friends I have made, treasured, pestered, hollered(at/by), and most of all....loved. It is life's greatest pleasure for one to love and be loved in return. I love you all... and ehem...
What???? no returns?!!!! I know you lot!

So brace yourself and read all about the MRSM PC 98 lot!!!! New pics around the school ground.. posing sakan... and those from the Graduation Ceremony are there too. ...

The advent of the school holidays 1998.. the inevitable...
...I now look back at the wonder years... and wonder if it ever was worth it...
Now.. going through the wonderful autograph duly signed.. I can catch glimpses of beautiful characters I once had the golden opportunity of getting acquainted with...I know for certain....that time spent was worth every second
When Ayu simply said that " Remember the three L's - laugh, love, live---- luv ya kak sam... " I honestly wished that she would not add the 4th L ....... lied!!!! hahahahaha...I luv ya Ayu.
Then Miss Nique's jetting away around the world... " All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.. I'm standing here outside your door..I hate to wake you up to say good bye..." boo hoo hooo, sob sob.. i am shedding the not-crocodile tears Missy... I sure will miss you... and I already am!!!!!! prettttttt.... and that was me, blowing my nose.
Go.. get inside ... and read the clippings .. from the autograph..


When life was leisurely, so there was pleasure. We had a great getaway...yes...the whole family.

And who says that local tourism is dead?!!!

We had such an enjoyable time; the memory of which could last us a lifetime.



errr.... thanks

And that counts you as the visitor number: since 1st July 1998
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And please do visit my Sister Huda's page: There she is...HUDA NAWI

And dont forget to visit my youngest Sister Salihah's page: She's smiling in anticipation (psstt..she won a third placing in a Fancy Dress do come:...SALIHAH NAWI

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Please come back soon and visit me. And please dont forget to sign my guestbook. Thanks for your visit.

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