Copyright (c) 2000 Kynegeiros Euphorionos. All Rights Reserved.
In Greek mythology Athena was the protectress of heroes; she stands faithfully at the side of those she has chosen to support, leading them, aiding them, not making it easy but spurring them onwards to what is difficult, even impossible, the Good (t'agathon). She is the goddess who steered the chariot of Diomedes, infusing strength in him to wound Ares himself, the God of War. She is the goddess who never forsook Odysseus' plight and delivered him safely to Ithaca and to his final retribution. Her divine favor was bestowed on this, the "man of many ways", the archetypical intelligent man that is worthy of the support of such a great Goddess.
I do not believe that Athena exists as a separate entity in the same way that human beings exist. Even if she did exist, I will follow Epicurus' doctrine that she, like all immortals, does not interfere in human affairs. Can this contradiction stand? the protectress par excellence not touching the lives of mortals? I believe that it can, provided that one does not look to her for assistance, but aims to transform oneself to be her Hero.
Athena is a symbol. She has the form of a young inviolate virgin: strong, smart and restless. Her stance is tall and proud, towering over both gods and men. She has the terrible eyes of an owl, luminous, horrible for the weak-hearted. She exists inasmuch as the human mind acknowledges her presence and uses her influence to shape itself into the man (or woman) that she would like us to be. She is a force, sprung fully-armed from the creative consciousness of a young vibrant people at the height of their power and inventiveness. This vital force has been handed down to us in the form of beautiful art, architecture and literature and through the living traditions of the Hellenic people. Athena molds us into real men and women, alive, independent, predative, non-compromising, excellent human beings. This is the essence of polytheism: a God is an aspect of the human psyche, not its totality. Eash God has his own children, the ones who seek ecstasy will follow the way of Dionysus, the ones who seek meaning will side up with Apollo.
This page is for the children of Athena. For the ones that want to become her children. The ones who will grab the spear of the agôn and head into the battle of life, calm, confident in their ability to apply the power of reason to the problems that they will face. Some of her children will doubtlessly acknowledge her as what she truly is: the symbol of their own creed, the icon that encompasses in a single image the flower of Hellas, the best of what is human. May I be one of them! May I be worthy of the Goddess!
This page is a wasp; its sting bears the poison of Pallas, the histories and traditions of a great goddess. Her poison is not suitable for all; to many it means death - others are untouched by it. In a few the poison will be absorbed, it will transform them as they embrace it; they will become hard and beautiful. Few will have the stomach not to compromise and be worthy of Athena. The way has been set, the procession is rising up the slope of the Acropolis towards the Goddess and her Temple. I hope that those of us who are worthy will meet up there, at the side of Pallas Athena, Our Goddess.
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