Lech Brywczynski - 12/20/00 12:51:29
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/lechbrywczynski/poezja
My Email:svarog@spreemail.com
What you like best about my site: photos, ancient religious texts
I am a Pagan from Poland.
Visit my pagan website :
You will find there many interesting links.
Let Pallas Athena be with you,
Lech Brywczynski
domitorvs - 12/10/00 05:03:56
My Email:dchave@artic.edu
What you like best about my site: Clean, well organized.
What you like least about my site: Promotion of Hellenic Paganism not obvious.
heather - 12/08/00 00:38:47
My Email:neato1234@aol.com
What you like best about my site: it helped me on home work
What you like least about my site: the pics
William O. ACKROYD - 10/19/00 23:13:43
My Email:steflang@total.net
What you like best about my site: that it is there
What you like least about my site: unanswerable , I like all of it.
Let me introduce myself first , my name is William
and I am very much astonished that there is a web
site dedicated to Pallas Athena I have not viewed
it in its entire yet , but will do so presently .
I am a bardi of the Wiccan Church of Canada and
therefore wish you every joy and victory in your
task . On a personel note She is my Patroness
and you have given me great pleasure .
thank you
William O. Ack
danielle - 10/13/00 23:32:18
My Email:Roxy71800
Justin Cardella - 09/19/00 05:37:28
My Email:jcard22@hotmail.com
I too worship the beloved gray-eyed daughter of Zeus as well as Phoebus Apollo. It is good to know I am not alone.
Justin Cardella - 09/19/00 05:17:26
My Email:jcard22@hotmail.com
Mel - 05/31/00 15:28:57
My Email:teddy_bear41@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: The information and the statues of art
What you like least about my site: The music
I think that you should realy, realy change the music because it sucks(no offense). I think you need some more information about her like besides being the Goddess of wisedom.
molly - 05/25/00 01:28:11
My Email:seasy15@aol.com
What you like best about my site: i like athena
athena is cool!!!
Alyson - 04/23/00 21:25:02
My Email:kewlgrlz
What you like best about my site: Athena
What you like least about my site: no clue
I have been looking all over for Athena Pictures.
Malcolm - 04/20/00 22:13:56
My Email:s600benz@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: Dedication to Athena
What you like least about my site: More pics!
Love Athena, love the site. Definately a classic.
Copeland - 04/07/00 21:13:20
My Email:copeland@wt.net
What you like best about my site: its beauty and quality
Fond wishes to all those who love and serve the goddess Athena.The gods are always the gods and they exist forever.
chocolate freak - 03/28/00 02:05:54
My Email:------------------------------
What you like best about my site: the picture! iwas able to make a statue from it!
What you like least about my site: all the construction crap
I like this website because it doesn't haave a lot of extra crap like other websites! You are doing a great job!!! I learned a lot! =)
- 03/07/00 21:35:27
What you like best about my site: it helped me alot on my report!!! thanks!!
What you like least about my site: nothing
candy - 02/08/00 14:29:37
My URL:http://yahoo.com
What you like best about my site: athena
What you like least about my site: athena
It is nice.
JENNIFER - 01/25/00 01:59:16
What you like best about my site: INFO.
What you like least about my site: EVERYTHING UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
Julie - 01/24/00 03:27:21
My Email:jkkraft@inst.augie.edu
What you like best about my site: Athena!
What you like least about my site: The blinking text is impossible to read
Athena is my favorite goddess! You can't get much better than a goddess who warriors pray to when going into battle and who is also the patroness of wisdom. Wisdom and strength all in one. Horray for mythology!
Prodigious - 01/21/00 00:14:18
good site keep up the good work
Philene Vear - 01/12/00 04:41:36
My Email:pvear@hotmail.com
Please forgive my two previous attempts to get to this area of the guest book. I kept hitting the wrong button.
Now! Please feel free to email me back with any new information that you may come across. And please know that The Goddess is truly revered here in New York, as a few friends and I are a small group called "The Sisterhood of Crete" in honor of our beloved
Pallas Athena.
As you already know, If you truly look you will see her always by your side.
Philene Vear - 01/12/00 04:36:04
My Email:pvear@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: The very fact that you have made this website.
Philene Vear - 01/12/00 04:34:58
My Email:pvear@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: The very fact that you have such an informative sight on The Goddess O the coming /Golden Age! I thank you for this delight.
What you like least about my site: I wish you were able to have music playing on each page.
oliver - 12/26/99 15:54:30
My Email:odarvin@usa.net
What you like best about my site: informative
What you like least about my site: still under construction
Megan - 12/14/99 19:59:37
My Email:mapt224@cs.com
What you like best about my site: nuthin really
What you like least about my site: nuthin really
i think that it is a good page but i need a lot more information!!!!! the only reason that i visited it was to get notes for my project! i am not all in to this ancient crap!
Deimophoros - 12/13/99 18:09:50
My URL:/Athens/Atrium/6119
Very nice site on our Mighty Goddess. It is pitty though that you do not recommend any books written BY HELLENES on the ethnic (NOT ancient) hellenic Religion. They do exist, they are daring and they are more valid than those of just Philhellenes. Please
earn about them and show them in your beautiful site. Blessings. Deimophoros (Pagan Agitator)
katrena azarias - 12/11/99 17:15:44
My Email:originalbravefan@aol.com
tin allen - 12/03/99 16:44:19
My Email:rlt@alloymail.com
What you like best about my site: the pics
What you like least about my site: nothing
i like athena.shes cool!!
Paul Mims - 12/02/99 01:08:53
What you like best about my site: Lots of pictures
What you like least about my site: Not enough basic information
Kit Sol - 12/02/99 00:52:47
My Email:thelionessgypsy@yahoo.com
What you like best about my site: the pics of Athena and that there is a site like this
What you like least about my site: you need a little more in the myths section
cool girl - 11/22/99 15:19:53
KurtCGoddess - 11/20/99 21:00:22
My Email:??????
What you like best about my site: It helped me with homework
What you like least about my site: nottin.....it was kewl!
Erin - 11/15/99 17:45:46
My Email:Athena1914@aol.com
Lida - 11/11/99 22:03:52
My URL:http://sites.netscape.com/trekkid
My Email:trekkid@netscape.net
What you like best about my site: The pix
What you like least about my site: the music
Ricky Rocks. . .nevermind. . .um, i like ur site, it really helped w/ my project!
Sarah - 11/05/99 01:17:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3916/
My Email:aqua@tisd.net
What you like best about my site: It has lots of Information and Pictures^_^
What you like least about my site: ...least? ..nothing:)
I'm in 9th grade, and we did projects of the Gods and Goddesses. I got Athena for the project^_^; I Have always liked Greek Mythology, and I love to draw anime style, so it was easy to do! We are also going to begin reading the Odyssey and it's cool, sinc
Athena is my favorite Greek Goddess. And just to tell you, since I love drawing I drew some Greek Mythology pics (They are in anime style though) anyways, nice site!:)
amada hugnkiss - 10/29/99 20:17:18
What you like best about my site: --------------------
What you like least about my site: the things under construction
Pop 'n' Fresh - 10/06/99 21:07:58
My Email:pop-n-fresh@mailcity.com
What you like best about my site: The pictures
What you like least about my site: I'm not a negative person
This site really helped me out!! Thanks!!!
- 10/02/99 20:48:52
My Email:dawgz7@juno.com
What you like best about my site: pictures
What you like least about my site: more info
I love Athena too! I think she is the greatest Goddess of all. You really helped me with my project on her. Hope to see more in the future!
- 10/02/99 20:45:03
kate - 10/01/99 19:19:46
My Email:watsonsd1
What you like best about my site: How Many Features are On it
What you like least about my site: i cant think of anything
thank you so much for doing this web site!! im doing a project on athena and you helped me so much!!! thanks again!
Kelly - 10/01/99 14:32:23
My Email:uni41star@aol.com
What you like best about my site: everything
I never thought I would find an Athena page on the web- but lo, and behold- I have!! She too has always been my favorite, where Greek mythology is concerned:)
Athena G - 09/30/99 04:05:22
My Email:f35driver@aol.com
What you like best about my site: Everything!
I've always been interested in Greek Mythology for very obvious reasons. Thanks for a fun and informative site. Keep up the good work!
robin - 09/28/99 23:53:09
My Email:soxgirl5@yahoo.com
What you like best about my site: its interesting
What you like least about my site: more pix
bran - 09/27/99 19:33:21
My Email:vbran@aol.com
What you like best about my site: pictures
What you like least about my site: nothing
great job
hope to see more
Tania - 09/17/99 00:33:56
My URL:http://fly.to/wishingwell
My Email:saraya@lakeozarks.net
What you like best about my site: Lots of information, very good work.
What you like least about my site: Text is hard to see in places, that's all...
Very good site, I am a student, writing a paper for my College Composition class, & had trouble finding information on Athena from other websites, but this one had about all I was looking for! I chose Athena because to me she was perhaps the most noble Ol
mpian, while many of the other Gods had less desirable traits than she. Your views are very interesting as well, as far as the Gods go, I must say, for the most part, I share them. Thanks for making such a lovely site, & may the Goddess bless & keep you.
Jennifer Regn - 09/13/99 01:52:36
My Email:regn2@tcnj.edu
What you like best about my site: I liked how you included various books on Greek mythology
What you like least about my site: n/a
I have a new little cousin named Athena. I really liked your site b/c I was able to get a little background on her namesake. Thank you again for having such a great site.
Decius Iunius Palladius - 08/04/99 05:37:48
My URL:http://homepages.together.net/~bcatfd/page2.html
My Email:bcatfd@together.net
What you like best about my site: Your obvious devotion to Pallas Athena
What you like least about my site: Liked everythuing except No temple
I think you should have a virtual temple for people to leave offerings and prayers. The guest book is not really appropriate for that (IMHO).
Thee Supreme Council Of The Gentile Hellenes (Hellenes Ethnikoi) - 08/02/99 17:28:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/gentiles
What you like best about my site: The subject, of course..
What you like least about my site: (...)
XAIPE friend and child of the Goddess. Congretulations for your work in Her honour and glory. The green Light of Universal Wisdom may always shine on you.
Ravenheart - 07/20/99 17:55:44
My Email:ravenheart@aol.com
What you like best about my site: The Goddess
What you like least about my site: naught
Michael - 05/15/99 07:31:05
My Email:MSGMcCabe@aol.com
What you like best about my site: It is there!
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
It is so wonderful to find others who share my beliefs. Although Athena is not my protectoress, she has always had a special place in my heart. May she bless you and keep you close to her Heart always! Any fellow Hellenes in the US, please write, heck
nyone who shares the love write
Kresphontes - 05/02/99 07:29:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/3470
My Email:diipetes@eexi.gr
What you like best about my site: The DEDICATION to Goddess Athens
What you like least about my site: ....
This is a really GREAT work on Goddess Athena. I thank you very much for your participation in the collective "athlos" of the restoration of The Honour To The Immortals in the middle of these dark modern times. I wish you health and strength. Keep up this
GREAT work.
Camillus Severus Antoninus - 04/30/99 16:16:22
My Email:ac1917@aol.com
What you like best about my site: Everything
What you like least about my site: Nothing
A beautiful and reverent site. In its own way, it brings closer the day when the songs of the old Gods will be sung again.
May the Goddess bless you and bring you peace, prosperity, and love.
lyndsey02 - 03/28/99 16:30:39
My URL:/Athens/Ithaca/1644/index.html
My Email:madeline89@webtv.net
What you like best about my site: everything
What you like least about my site: all the under construction stuff
i'm in 9th grade and we are currently studying the odessey, so it's really freaky to come into your website. i actually know what an epithet and a homeric simile is! that's really great! i'm bookmarking your site. it's ally great!
lyndsey02 - 03/28/99 16:23:58
My URL:http://geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/1644/index.html
My Email:madeline89@webtv.net
What you like best about my site: everything
What you like least about my site: all the under construction stuff
i'm in 9th grade and we are currently studying the odessey, so it's really freaky to come into your website. i actually know what an epithet and a homeric simile is! that's really great! i'm bookmarking your site. it's ally great!
Aurora - 01/27/99 00:02:53
What you like best about my site: So much info in 1 place
What you like least about my site: Is there supposed to be something I don't like?
I also worship Athena (along with Apollo) and love what you have done with the site. I have found it useful and refreshing. An EX-boyfriend once said in anger that I am "just like Athena and will never be capable of loving a man." I am very proud that he
sees me as a likeness of Athena and totally disagree with the second part.
DIMITRIS - 12/27/98 21:30:15
My Email:papacon@netor.gr
What you like best about my site: Everything
I really enjoyed your site and congratulations
for your work.
Janet Hilbert - 11/15/98 17:02:54
My URL:http://www.execpc.com/~hilbert/
My Email:hilbert@execpc.com
What you like best about my site: Athena!!!!
What you like least about my site: Under construction... but what's new? :)
Hey... great site! I am re-doing my web site and I intend to link to this. Hope that's okay!
Sabrina - 11/05/98 00:32:37
My Email:scrappysux@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: It is so informative. I love it!
What you like least about my site: ??????
I love this page. I'm glad that there are others as in love with Athena as I am. She is my favorite goddess, and an excellent woman! Thanks : )
Athene19 - 11/04/98 13:49:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/8657
My Email:ceb1@ukc.ac.uk
This is a cool site - I love it! Hope you don't mind me linking your site to mine. It's not as thematically based on Athena as yours but I do like to mention her occasionally. I think she one hell of a strong woman and very dominant for someone in her pos
tion in a male world. May she rule!
Athene19 :)
10/26/98 10:42:17
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just surfing. Thanks.
Andrea G - 10/12/98 00:03:03
My Email:fancy19237@aol.com
What you like best about my site: it helped me with my mythology project.
Thanks for having a page where I could come and find out about my mythology character, Pallas Athena, for AP English without it I couldn't have finished without it. love Andrea
Athena (honestly!) - 09/19/98 22:12:22
My Email:garyfalo@aol.com
What you like best about my site: Lovely pictures,
What you like least about my site: N/A
More to come
WENDY MCNEILL - 09/10/98 19:21:36
What you like best about my site: VERY COLORFUL
What you like least about my site: YOU'RE ON VACATION!!
jen - 09/03/98 21:16:58
love the site!
She's my fave Greek god too.
Mike aka Poseidon - 08/30/98 19:49:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Poseidon64
My Email:poseidon64@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: I love all Greek Mythology and it is impossible to pick one topic of it.
What you like least about my site: Read above statement.
I really enjoyed your site, please visit my page and see what you think. I will not be updating my page until later in September but when I do I would love to put your link on my page and you do the same. Also, please join my mailing list (the link to it
is also on my page), we could really use your expertise on Athene. Also, please email me at . I would really like to talk to you.
Briony - 08/27/98 21:56:52
My Email:brionyodee@mailexcite.com
What you like best about my site: all that I saw!
I stumbled onto your site during a search for something else, but as an admirer of Athena I had to look! Very, very nice! Please ask for her blessings for me! Briony
Mary Beth Clemons - 07/24/98 15:52:39
My Email:pallasathene@altavista.net
What you like best about my site: resources
This page is a wonderful way for others to appreciate MINERVA. It is also a great way to pay homage to the goddess. Thank you!
Andrej - 07/15/98 04:52:27
My URL:none for now
My Email:RedStarBgd@aol.com
What you like best about my site: pictures
Nice page I hope you continue the good work. Alot of greetings from your felow SERBIANS!!!
Brigid - 07/14/98 20:51:27
My Email:athenas_nike@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: Athena
What you like least about my site: Nothing
Great site. I love it!
Michalis - 07/10/98 22:03:19
What you like best about my site: The gif's are very good!
Na sai kala kai h Athina mazi sou
Kynegeiros - 07/08/98 12:48:25
My Email:kynegeiros@hotmail.com
What you like best about my site: Everything, I built it!
What you like least about my site: Suggestions, anyone?
May this be the best it can be