Loved Ones Lost
So many people have lost loved ones,
never to be reunited.
Is there someone out there you would
like to find?
My page is dedicated to helping bring
people back together.
If you send information on the person
you wish to find, I will
post it to my page. If you have a
picture, send it also.
Perhaps someone will see it that knows
the person, and will
get back to me.
Contacting me with the information is
Just click on the button below and send
it to my email.
I will try to have the information and
any picture you wish
for me to use posted within 48 hours.
After that, I will save your email
address in a
data base, along with the information
on the person you
are looking for, and if that person is
found by someone
who views my page, I will contact you.
I'm doing this as a free service, and I
will not search for
the person for you. I also take no
responsibility for
anything that takes place after the
person is found.
I simply want to do what I can to help
bring people
back together.
Good Luck.

For information
on people being searched
for, please
click on the button below.

The link
button below will lead to a part of my page listing
sites to assist you in your search.

If you
like my page, or have any suggestions to make it better,
let me know by signing my guest book.

button below links to web pages done by friends and family.


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