So you wanna be a judge?
Tell the organizer of the moment
(upon writing this, Red Monster) that you want to be a judge.
We would like at least six judges. Three primary judges, and three alternates,
in case the primary three can't or don't finish on time.
It is preferred, though not required, that you have reviewing experience
and that you have about the same feelings towards all members of X-Force.
You will be kept anonymous at least until the judging is over, and if you
want, you may be listed as "Judge #1" or something similar if you wish
to remain anonymous the whole way through.
You will be sent a form to use for judging each submission. This is a list
of questions to answer and a point breakdown for scoring. These questions
do not all have to be answered, and you may make up your own if you like,
they are merely a guideline.
The judges' scores for each story will be averaged together to get each
story's Official Score. Keeping that in mind, don't worry about giving
any particular author consistently high or low marks.
You must read and score every story submitted in the categories
assigned to you. Yes, we know you have a life, but no fair saying "Oh,
I'll just do these four stories because those are my favorites". Remember
the "20-chapter maximum" submission rule that prevents an author from sending
reams upon reams of shtuff for submission. If, partway through judging,
you find yourself hopelessly swamped with stories, we'll find you an alternate
to relieve the backflow. Also, even if you've already seen some of the
stories in your workload, you must read them all as if you've never seen
them before. No fair scoring a submission based on what you remember of
scrolling through it a month ago.
After you've read and scored all the submissions, send your work back to
the organizers in the form of answers to the questions on the form you
were sent. The moderator will write a review of each story based on all
the judges' responses.
Hey, come on! Red Monster makes it sound like studying for an Organic Chemistry
Final, but it could be fun! Say, your parents want you to do the dishes,
and you say "But folks, I'm a judge for the Prosh awards and I have to
go read a whole stack of X-Force stories! The X-Force fan fiction community
is depending on me!" So you go to your computer, check out the submission
page, and you spend the evening reading all these stories and then giving
each one the lowdown in areas such as dialogue, plot, value, details, characterization,
and action! Real life is overrated, X-Force fan fiction is bliss.
What the hell's a moderator supposed to be?
Thanks for asking, but we already have one, and we like her very much.
We'll tell you all what's involved if we ever lose her. (Red whimpers and
hides under the covers at the thought)
Make sure you've visited the Submission Rules and
Categories Page before you offer to judge or moderate. Nothing urgent,
just some stuff that's handy to know!
Once again, questions, suggestions and offers to judge or moderate go
Prosh sees you are prospective judge number
since August 4, 1998.
will buy your soul for the price of 15 megabytes of web space!
No animals were harmed in the making of this page. We
did, however, behead one sentient robot and we plan to exploit several
children. But only ugly ones.