Chronology of Indian History
Indian History can be categorized as follows:
- Indus Ages (up to 1500 BC) characterized by the brilliant
Semito-Dravidian Indus Valley Civilization.
- Brahmanic Ages (1500 BC - 1000 AD) These comprised the
- Vedic Dark Ages 1500 BC - 500 BC
- Puranic Ages 500 BC - 100 AD
- Hindustani Califate of Delhi (1000 AD - 1857 AD)
Also known as the Islamic period.
- Post-Delhi Era (1857 -> )
This includes the Post-Colonial Epoch (1947 -> ).
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The basic section ends here. The advanced section follows below.
Detailed analysis of the features given above are presented with
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Chronology of Indian History
- 1. Indus Ages (4000 BC - 1500 BC)
- 2. Brahmanic Ages (1500 BC - 1000 AD)
- 2.1 Vedic Dark Ages (1500 BC - 500 BC)
- Barbarian Rigvedic Aryan Invasion (1500 BC - 1200 BC)
- Destruction of Semito-Dravidian Indus Civilization
- Genocide of Sudra Blacks
- Sanskritization and Spoilation
- Apartheid Caste System Introduced
- Later Vedic Aryan Invasions (1200 BC - 1000 BC)
- Mahabharatan Wars of Genocide (1000 BC - 700 BC)
- Ramaite Aryan Invasion of the Dravidian South
(700 BC - 500 BC)
- Destruction of Dravidian Civilization
- Aryanization and Commencement of Apartheid, or
Caste in South India
- 2.2 Puranic Ages or the High Brahmanic
Ages (500 BC - 1000 AD)
- 2.1 Age of Heterodoxy
- 2.1.1 Rise of the Nation-States and Heterodoxies, or
Janapadas (Nations) and Arhats (Heretics)
- 2.1.2 Scytho-Hellenistic Kingdoms
- 2.2 Vedic Revival - The Neo-Vedic Orthodox Aryan Vaishnava
Vedic Restoration
- Destruction of Scytho-Hellenistic Kingdoms
- Extermination of the Scythians
- Enslavement and Suppression to Low Castes
- Oppresion of Heterodox Relgions
- Aryanization or Sanskritization and Spoilation
- Wars of Religion
- 3. Hindustani Califate of Delhi (1000 AD -
1857 )
- 4. Post Delhi Era (1857 -> )
- 4.1 Barbarian Invasions
- 4.2 European Colonialism and Partition
- Portugues Viceroyalty
- British Kingdom
- Princely States
- 4.3 Post-Colonial Epoch (1947 -> )
- Indian Republic - Merger of 500 states.
- Indo-Pak Wars
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