freedom. wonder. touch. creativity. joy. extravagance. relationship. savor.
generosity. sunrise. exploration. clay. grandparents. prayer. plant life. skill. color. dirt. revelry. laughter. my webpage (jenny f.) rise. purity. hunger. christmas. slice. crazed. soar. trust. lines.
garage sale. water. marco polo. frail. pique.

Hey, I am glad you made it to this webpage!
All right, this page is really needing an overhaul. I'm trying to rework things. Mainly, this is just a place to share the many pictures I have that involve many of YOU who might be seeing this page. Anyway, this is going to be a big mess for awhile while I just compile links and photos, and I'll organize them later. Okay? Ok :)


Newer photos! Fiiiinally - These are mostly me and my girlfriends having fun.

Wheaton 2003 - Yes, last year of college.

Mi Familia

President's Day Weekend 2003

My Semester in Washington, DC

My Dad, brother, and I growing up

Visiting Family in MA in December 2002

New York in the Fall 2002

Thanksgiving in Virginia

Four South at Wheaton, sophomore year

Interests, Passions, Piqued Curiosity, Kingdom Come

Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)

Compassion International - My favorite compassion ministry.

Bread for the World - I had a great experience interning here.

World Relief - Used to work here!

AG Charities - Where I work

WorldServe - Where I also work now. lol

CHAW - Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, where Liz and I take pottery classes.



La Musica

Calling Out Your Name - A tribute to the music and message of Rich Mullins.

Live - Friends of Live (official webpage)

Grassroots Music - Where I usually order music from, great prices! They used to have an awesome shipping special. Unfortunately, this too, has passed :)

Dog Named David - Yeah, they definitely aren't together anymore, but great music.

A Literate Lover of Literature Practicing Literacy - Books I've read, am reading, and want to read.

Uhh, nothing here at the moment.

Politics & Recent Happenings

John Edwards for President 2004 - I'm an Edwards supporter! Check out his webpage. I think you might be too :)

Washington Post

National Public Radio (NPR)

“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life – the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
Hubert Humphrey

Email me at

Minnesota winter, photos taken December 2003.