The Marriage of

Nettie - Joneta inghean Feradaig of the MacLost Clan - & Charles de Beaumont

Long ago in AS XXVII, in the Shire of Shittemwoode (which is the Royal Hunting Preserve of the Kingdom of An Tir) a young widow came to reside with her four younglings. Three promising young boys and one lovely & delicate daughter were accompanying their distraught mother on a journey to a New Life in these Current Middle Ages, when she met & befriended a Gentle Lord on a quest for his missing Father. They chanced to meet in the Highlands of Scotland, the last known whereabouts of the Lord De Beaumont. On his travels, Charles became known as The Errant Archer. [The reason for this is not quite clear at this time. We hope to make this known as soon as we find out.] To continue with our story, Charles met Nettie one day & they fast became friends. In due time, Charles & Nettie fell in love. Unbeknownst to them, Nettie's parents chanced to hear that a man had been seen consorting with their widowed daughter in a questionable manner. They took the matter to the Baron & Baronness of Lionsgate and requested help in the matter. Charles was arrested by a guard of no less than 10 fully armed men & brought before Their Excellencies of Lionsgate. Their Excellencies of Lionsgate were generous to Charles & gave leave to seek Nettie's hand in Solemn Marriage, an estate not to be taken lightly! To that end, we come to the Negotiations for the hand of Nettie. The House de Beaumont begins, with Charles in red, one of his co-negotiators, His Lordship Little Bear the mongol & Charles' younger brother Jason de Beaumont from the Alps in attendance in blue.

Stand with Charles and de Beaumonts

or stand with Nettie & Clan MacLost.

Negotiations over, the wedding procession ends at the Sacred Circle of Family & Friends at Autumn War, AS XXIX.

As the full moon rises and the sun sets opposite, Nettie & Charles prepare to enter the circle.

Now join with those in the circle as Nettie & Charles say their vows

With well over 100 family & friends joining hands to complete the Marriage Circle for their wedding, Charles & Nettie were quite touched. With the gifts & good wishes, they were well pleased & thankful. We are pleased, Good Gentles, that you also have been able to share a bit of our most Wonderous Day with us. Please come back & visit us soon, to meet the rest of Chateau de Beaumont. Changes & additions are being made [not quite!] daily. New links are being placed for information & reference. We humbly ask you to please take the time to comment in our Guestbook, perhaps with link suggestions. Safe Journeys to All, in All Ways!

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